
Source code for heat.engine.resources.template_resource

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from requests import exceptions

from heat.common import exception
from heat.common import grouputils
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common import template_format
from heat.common import urlfetch
from heat.engine import attributes
from heat.engine import environment
from heat.engine import properties
from heat.engine.resources import stack_resource
from heat.engine import template
from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

REMOTE_SCHEMES = ('http', 'https')
LOCAL_SCHEMES = ('file',)

STACK_ID_OUTPUT = 'OS::stack_id'

[docs]def generate_class_from_template(name, data, param_defaults): tmpl = template.Template(template_format.parse(data)) props, attrs = TemplateResource.get_schemas(tmpl, param_defaults) cls = type(name, (TemplateResource,), {'properties_schema': props, 'attributes_schema': attrs, '__doc__': tmpl.t.get(tmpl.DESCRIPTION)}) return cls
[docs]class TemplateResource(stack_resource.StackResource): """A resource implemented by a nested stack. This implementation passes resource properties as parameters to the nested stack. Outputs of the nested stack are exposed as attributes of this resource. """ def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack): self._parsed_nested = None self.stack = stack self.validation_exception = None tri = self._get_resource_info(json_snippet) self.properties_schema = {} self.attributes_schema = {} # run Resource.__init__() so we can call self.nested() super(TemplateResource, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack) self.resource_info = tri if self.validation_exception is None: self._generate_schema() self.reparse() def _get_resource_info(self, rsrc_defn): try: tri = self.stack.env.get_resource_info( rsrc_defn.resource_type, resource_name=rsrc_defn.name, registry_type=environment.TemplateResourceInfo) except exception.EntityNotFound: self.validation_exception = ValueError(_( 'Only Templates with an extension of .yaml or ' '.template are supported')) else: self._template_name = tri.template_name self.resource_type = tri.name self.resource_path = tri.path if tri.user_resource: self.allowed_schemes = REMOTE_SCHEMES else: self.allowed_schemes = REMOTE_SCHEMES + LOCAL_SCHEMES return tri
[docs] @staticmethod def get_template_file(template_name, allowed_schemes): try: return urlfetch.get(template_name, allowed_schemes=allowed_schemes) except (IOError, exceptions.RequestException) as r_exc: args = {'name': template_name, 'exc': str(r_exc)} msg = _('Could not fetch remote template ' '"%(name)s": %(exc)s') % args raise exception.NotFound(msg_fmt=msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_schemas(tmpl, param_defaults): return ((properties.Properties.schema_from_params( tmpl.param_schemata(param_defaults))), (attributes.Attributes.schema_from_outputs( tmpl[tmpl.OUTPUTS])))
def _generate_schema(self): self._parsed_nested = None try: tmpl = template.Template(self.child_template()) except (exception.NotFound, ValueError) as download_error: self.validation_exception = download_error tmpl = template.Template( {"HeatTemplateFormatVersion": "2012-12-12"}) # re-generate the properties and attributes from the template. self.properties_schema, self.attributes_schema = self.get_schemas( tmpl, self.stack.env.param_defaults) self.attributes_schema.update(self.base_attributes_schema) self.attributes.set_schema(self.attributes_schema)
[docs] def child_params(self): """Override method of child_params for the resource. :return: parameter values for our nested stack based on our properties """ params = {} for pname, pval in iter(self.properties.props.items()): if not pval.implemented(): continue try: val = self.properties.get_user_value(pname) except ValueError: if self.action == self.INIT: prop = self.properties.props[pname] val = prop.get_value(None) else: raise if val is not None: # take a list and create a CommaDelimitedList if pval.type() == properties.Schema.LIST: if len(val) == 0: params[pname] = '' elif isinstance(val[0], dict): flattened = [] for (count, item) in enumerate(val): for (ik, iv) in iter(item.items()): mem_str = '.member.%d.%s=%s' % (count, ik, iv) flattened.append(mem_str) params[pname] = ','.join(flattened) else: # When None is returned from get_attr, creating a # delimited list with it fails during validation. # we should sanitize the None values to empty strings. # FIXME(rabi) this needs a permanent solution # to sanitize attributes and outputs in the future. params[pname] = ','.join( (x if x is not None else '') for x in val) else: # for MAP, the JSON param takes either a collection or # string, so just pass it on and let the param validate # as appropriate params[pname] = val return params
[docs] def child_template(self): if not self._parsed_nested: self._parsed_nested = template_format.parse(self.template_data(), self.template_url) return self._parsed_nested
[docs] def regenerate_info_schema(self, definition): self._get_resource_info(definition) self._generate_schema()
@property def template_url(self): return self._template_name
[docs] def template_data(self): # we want to have the latest possible template. # 1. look in files # 2. try download # 3. look in the db reported_excp = None t_data = self.stack.t.files.get(self.template_url) stored_t_data = t_data if t_data is None: LOG.debug('TemplateResource data file "%s" not found in files.', self.template_url) if not t_data and self.template_url.endswith((".yaml", ".template")): try: t_data = self.get_template_file(self.template_url, self.allowed_schemes) except exception.NotFound as err: if self.action == self.UPDATE: raise reported_excp = err if t_data is None: nested_identifier = self.nested_identifier() if nested_identifier is not None: nested_t = self.rpc_client().get_template(self.context, nested_identifier) t_data = jsonutils.dumps(nested_t) if t_data is not None: if t_data != stored_t_data: self.stack.t.files[self.template_url] = t_data self.stack.t.env.register_class(self.resource_type, self.template_url, path=self.resource_path) return t_data if reported_excp is None: reported_excp = ValueError(_('Unknown error retrieving %s') % self.template_url) raise reported_excp
def _validate_against_facade(self, facade_cls): facade_schemata = properties.schemata(facade_cls.properties_schema) for n, fs in facade_schemata.items(): if fs.required and n not in self.properties_schema: msg = (_("Required property %(n)s for facade %(type)s " "missing in provider") % {'n': n, 'type': self.type()}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) ps = self.properties_schema.get(n) if (n in self.properties_schema and (fs.allowed_param_prop_type() != ps.type)): # Type mismatch msg = (_("Property %(n)s type mismatch between facade %(type)s" " (%(fs_type)s) and provider (%(ps_type)s)") % { 'n': n, 'type': self.type(), 'fs_type': fs.type, 'ps_type': ps.type}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) for n, ps in self.properties_schema.items(): if ps.required and n not in facade_schemata: # Required property for template not present in facade msg = (_("Provider requires property %(n)s " "unknown in facade %(type)s") % { 'n': n, 'type': self.type()}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) facade_attrs = facade_cls.attributes_schema.copy() facade_attrs.update(facade_cls.base_attributes_schema) for attr in facade_attrs: if attr not in self.attributes_schema: msg = (_("Attribute %(attr)s for facade %(type)s " "missing in provider") % { 'attr': attr, 'type': self.type()}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
[docs] def validate(self): # Calls validate_template() result = super(TemplateResource, self).validate() try: self.template_data() except ValueError as ex: msg = _("Failed to retrieve template data: %s") % ex raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) # If we're using an existing resource type as a facade for this # template, check for compatibility between the interfaces. try: fri = self.stack.env.get_resource_info( self.type(), resource_name=self.name, ignore=self.resource_info) except exception.EntityNotFound: pass else: facade_cls = fri.get_class(files=self.stack.t.files) self._validate_against_facade(facade_cls) return result
[docs] def validate_template(self): if self.validation_exception is not None: msg = str(self.validation_exception) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) return super(TemplateResource, self).validate_template()
[docs] def handle_adopt(self, resource_data=None): return self.create_with_template(self.child_template(), self.child_params(), adopt_data=resource_data)
[docs] def handle_create(self): return self.create_with_template(self.child_template(), self.child_params())
[docs] def metadata_update(self, new_metadata=None): """Refresh the metadata if new_metadata is None.""" if new_metadata is None: self.metadata_set(self.t.metadata())
[docs] def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff): self.properties = json_snippet.properties(self.properties_schema, self.context) return self.update_with_template(self.child_template(), self.child_params())
[docs] def get_reference_id(self): if self.resource_id is None: return str(self.name) if STACK_ID_OUTPUT in self.attributes.cached_attrs: return self.attributes.cached_attrs[STACK_ID_OUTPUT] stack_identity = self.nested_identifier() reference_id = stack_identity.arn() try: if self._outputs is not None: reference_id = self.get_output(STACK_ID_OUTPUT) elif STACK_ID_OUTPUT in self.attributes: output = self.rpc_client().show_output(self.context, dict(stack_identity), STACK_ID_OUTPUT) if rpc_api.OUTPUT_ERROR in output: raise exception.TemplateOutputError( resource=self.name, attribute=STACK_ID_OUTPUT, message=output[rpc_api.OUTPUT_ERROR]) reference_id = output[rpc_api.OUTPUT_VALUE] except exception.TemplateOutputError as err: LOG.info('%s', err) except exception.NotFound: pass self.attributes.set_cached_attr(STACK_ID_OUTPUT, reference_id) return reference_id
[docs] def get_attribute(self, key, *path): if self.resource_id is None: return None # first look for explicit resource.x.y if key.startswith('resource.'): return grouputils.get_nested_attrs(self, key, False, *path) # then look for normal outputs try: return attributes.select_from_attribute(self.get_output(key), path) except exception.NotFound: raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=self.name, key=key)
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