Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NGyotoNamespace for the Gyoto library
 NAstrobjAccess to astronomical objects
 NPythonClasses that wrap Python classes as Gyoto Astrobj implementations
 CBlobBlob of plasma following a Star orbit, emitting synchrotron, with Gaussian time-evolving density and temperature
 CComplexComplex astronomical object
 CDirectionalDiskGeometrically thin disk read from FITS file
 CDisk3DGeometrically thick disk read from FITS file
 CDynamicalDiskGeometrically thin disk read from a set of FITS files
 CDynamicalDisk3DGeometrically thick optically thin disk read from a set of FITS files
 CDynamicalDiskBolometricGeometrically thin disk read from a set of FITS files
 CFixedStarFixed (i.e. non-moving) star (or spherical blob)
 CGenericBase class for astronomical object
 CInflateStarAn Astrobj::Star with growing size
 CJetSimple jet model with thermal or kappa-distribution synchrotron emission from Pandya et al. (2016)
 CNeutronStarNeutron star defined by its surface ; no emission
 CNeutronStarAnalyticEmissionNeutron star emitting at its surface an analytic emission, typically blackbody
 CNeutronStarModelAtmosphereNeutron star emitting at its surface an emission provided by a FITS table
 CPageThorneDiskGeometrically thin disk in Kerr metric
 CPatternDiskGeometrically thin disk read from FITS file
 CPatternDiskBBGeometrically thin disk read from FITS file with black body spectrum
 CPolishDoughnutA toroidal accretion structure
 CPropertiesObservable properties of an Astronomical object
 CStandardAstronomical objects defined bya a potential/distance
 CStarMass-less, spherical object following a timelike geodesic
 CStarTraceLike a Star that would be on all points of its orbit at all time
 CThickDiskA thick accretion disk described by its opening angle between the BH spin axis and the disk surface, and its inner radius
 CThinDiskGeometrically thin disks and rings
 CThinDiskPLGeometrically thin disk with black-body emission
 CTorusOptically thin or thick torus in circular rotation
 CUniformSphereOptically thick or thin, spherical objects
 CXillverReflectionThe illumination table specifies how the thin disk is illuminated while the reflection table deduces from that the reflected spectrum as computed by Javier Garcia's XILLVER code
 NFunctorClasses with an operator() method
 CDouble_constDoubleArrayA functor like double (func) (double const data[])
 CDouble_Double_constA functor like double (func) (double) const
 NHookListeners attach to Tellers
 CListenerI might listen to a Teller
 CTellerListen to me and I'll warn you when I change
 NMetricAccess to metrics
 CGenericBase class for metrics
 CHaywardMetric of a regular rotating black hole or naked worm-hole
 CKerrBLMetric around a Kerr black-hole in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates
 CKerrKSMetric around a Kerr black-hole in Kerr-Schild coordinates Warning: this metric is seldom used and may be buggy
 CMinkowskiThe Minkowski flat-space metric
 CPythonMetric coded in Python
 CRotStar3_1Numerical metric around a rotating star in 3+1 formalism
 NPythonHelpers for the classes deriving from Gyoto::Python::Base
 CBaseBase class for classes in the Python plug-in
 NRegisterGyoto registers
 CEntryEntry in a register (or a full register)
 NSpectrometerAccess to spectrometers
 CComplexComplex spectrometer object
 CGenericBase class for spectrometers
 CUniformUniformly spaced spectrometers
 NSpectrumSpectrum of a simple object (e.g. a Gyoto::Astrobj::Star)
 CBlackBodyBlack Body
 CGenericSpectrum emitted by an Astrobj
 CKappaDistributionSynchrotronKappa-distribution synchrotron spectrum from Pandya et al. (2016)
 CPowerLawSynchrotronPowerlaw synchrotron spectrum
 CPythonLoader for Python classes implementing the Spectrum interface
 CThermalBremsstrahlungThermal brems spectrum
 CThermalSynchrotronThermal synchrotron spectrum
 NUnitsUnits-related classes and functions
 CErrorClass for thowing exceptions
 CFactoryXML input/output
 CFactoryMessengerFactory / SmartPointee::Subcontractor_t interface
 CGridData2DClass for reading data stored in a 2D grid
 CObjectObject with properties
 CPhotonA null geodesic transporting light
 CRefinedRefine last step of integration in a Photon
 CPropertyProperty that can be set and got using standard methods
 Cgetter_tUnion holding an accessor to get any type
 Cgetter_unit_tUnion holding an accessor to get double or vector<double> with unit
 Csetter_tUnion holding an accessor to set any type
 Csetter_unit_tUnion holding an accessor to set double or vector<double> with unit
 CSceneryRay-tracing scene
 CScreenThe camera with which the Astrobj is observed
 CAngles1D specifier for an arbitrary angle coordinate set
 CBucketClass containing arbitrary 2D-points
 CCoord1dSetSet of 1-d coordinates: indices or angles
 CCoord2dSetClass to specify a set of points on the Screen
 CEmptyA dummy, empty 2D set
 CGridClass containing 2D-points organized in a grid
 CIndices1D specifier for an arbitrary pixel coordinate set
 CRange1D coordinated specifier for a range
 CRepeatAngle1D specifier for an angle that is repeated
 CSmartPointeeCan be pointed to by a SmartPointer
 CSmartPointerPointers performing reference counting
 CValueContainer for the value of a Property
 CWIPBase class for work in progress
 CWorldlineTimelike or null geodesics