include Directory Reference


file  Gyoto.h [code]
 All of Gyoto.
file  GyotoAstrobj.h [code]
 Astronomical objects (light emitters)
file  GyotoBlackBodySpectrum.h [code]
 I_nu(nu, T) = cst_*2*h*nu^3/c^2/(exp(h*nu/k*T)-1.);.
file  GyotoBlob.h [code]
 Blob of plasma following a Star orbit, emitting synchrotron, with Gaussian time-evolving density and temperature.
file  GyotoChernSimons.h [code]
 Chern-Simons 1st order perturbation to KerrBL metric.
file  GyotoComplexAstrobj.h [code]
 Combine astronomical objects.
file  GyotoComplexSpectrometer.h [code]
 Combine spectrometer objects.
file  GyotoConfig.h [code]
 Compile-time configuration.
file  GyotoConverters.h [code]
 GYOTO converters.
file  GyotoDeformedTorus.h [code]
 Slender torus subject to simple time-periodic deformations.
file  GyotoDefs.h [code]
 Gyoto ubiquitous macros and typedefs.
file  GyotoDirectionalDisk.h [code]
 Geometrically thin disk read from FITS file.
file  GyotoDisk3D.h [code]
 A geometrically thick, optically thin disk.
file  GyotoDynamicalDisk.h [code]
 A geometrically thin, optically thick disk, evolving dynamically.
file  GyotoDynamicalDisk3D.h [code]
 A geometrically thick, optically thin disk, evolving dynamically, with black body emission.
file  GyotoDynamicalDiskBolometric.h [code]
 A geometrically thin, optically thick disk, evolving dynamically.
file  GyotoEquatorialHotSpot.h [code]
 Equatorial hot spot.
file  GyotoError.h [code]
 Error handling.
file  GyotoFactory.h [code]
file  GyotoFactoryMessenger.h [code]
 Factory / SmartPointee::Subcontractor_t interface.
file  GyotoFixedStar.h [code]
 Fixed (i.e. non-moving) star.
file  GyotoFlaredDiskSynchrotron.h [code]
 A disk defined from a 2D grid in the equatorial plane and extrapolated in the vertical direction with H/r<<1.
file  GyotoFunctors.h [code]
 Classes with an operator() method.
file  GyotoGridData2D.h [code]
 Base class for reading 2D gridded data.
file  GyotoHayward.h [code]
 Metric of a regular rotating black hole or naked worm-hole.
file  GyotoHooks.h [code]
 Tellers tell Listeners when they mutate.
file  GyotoInflateStar.h [code]
 Mass-less, spherical object following a timelike geodesic.
file  GyotoJet.h [code]
 Simple jet model with thermal or kappa-distribution synchrotron emission from Pandya et al. (2016)
file  GyotoKappaDistributionSynchrotronSpectrum.h [code]
 Powerlaw synchrotron spectrum.
file  GyotoKerrBL.h [code]
 KerrBL metric.
file  GyotoKerrKS.h [code]
 KerrKS metric.
file  GyotoMetric.h [code]
 Base class for metric description.
file  GyotoMinkowski.h [code]
 The Minkowski flat-space metric.
file  GyotoNeutronStar.h [code]
 Neutron star defined by its surface ; no emission.
file  GyotoNeutronStarAnalyticEmission.h [code]
 Neutron star emitting at its surface an analytic emission, typically blackbody.
file  GyotoNeutronStarModelAtmosphere.h [code]
 Neutron star emitting at its surface an analytic emission, typically blackbody.
file  GyotoNumericalMetricLorene.h [code]
 Base class for 3+1 numerical metrics computed by LORENE.
file  GyotoObject.h [code]
 Introspectable objects.
file  GyotoOscilTorus.h [code]
 Slender torus subject to realistic Blaes 2006 oscillation modes.
file  GyotoPageThorneDisk.h [code]
 A geometrically thin, optically thick disk.
file  GyotoPatternDisk.h [code]
 A geometrically thin, optically thick disk.
file  GyotoPatternDiskBB.h [code]
 A PatternDisk object with possibility to compute a black body spectrum when PatternDiskBB::emission_ does not yield directly Iν but temperature.
file  GyotoPhoton.h [code]
 A single light ray.
file  GyotoPolishDoughnut.h [code]
 A magnetized toroidal accretion structure.
file  GyotoPowerLawSpectrum.h [code]
 A power law spectrum : I_nu=constant_*nu^exponent_.
file  GyotoPowerLawSynchrotronSpectrum.h [code]
 Powerlaw synchrotron spectrum.
file  GyotoProperty.h [code]
 Introspectable properties.
file  GyotoRegister.h [code]
 Gyoto registers.
file  GyotoRezzollaZhidenko.h [code]
 Spherically-symmetric parametrized metric of Rezzolla&Zhidenko 2014 See the paper: PRD, 90, 084009 Only epsilon, a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3 are allowed non-zero.
file  GyotoRotStar3_1.h [code]
 Numerical metric around a rotating star in 3+1 formalism.
file  GyotoScenery.h [code]
 Ray-tracing framework.
file  GyotoScreen.h [code]
 Description of the observer screen.
file  GyotoSmartPointer.h [code]
 Reference-counting pointers.
file  GyotoSpectrometer.h [code]
 Spectroscopic capabilities of a Screen.
file  GyotoSpectrum.h [code]
 Spectrum of a simple object (e.g. Star)
file  GyotoStandardAstrobj.h [code]
 Astronomical objects defined bya a potential/distance.
file  GyotoStar.h [code]
 Mass-less, spherical object following a timelike geodesic.
file  GyotoStarTrace.h [code]
 Like a Star that would be on all points of its orbit at all time.
file  GyotoThermalBremsstrahlungSpectrum.h [code]
 Thermal brems spectrum.
file  GyotoThermalSynchrotronSpectrum.h [code]
 Thermal synchrotron spectrum.
file  GyotoThickDisk.h [code]
 A thick accretion disk described by its opening angle between the BH spin axis and the disk surface, and its inner radius.
file  GyotoThinDisk.h [code]
 Geometrically thin disks and rings.
file  GyotoThinDiskIronLine.h [code]
file  GyotoThinDiskPL.h [code]
 A subclass of ThinDisk emitting according to a powerlaw.
file  GyotoTorus.h [code]
 A simple torus.
file  GyotoUniformSpectrometer.h [code]
 Uniformly spaced spectrometers.
file  GyotoUniformSphere.h [code]
 Optically thick or thin, spherical objects.
file  GyotoUtils.h [code]
 GYOTO utilities.
file  GyotoValue.h [code]
 Introspectable value.
file  GyotoWIP.h [code]
 Work in progress class.
file  GyotoWorldline.h [code]
 Timelike or null geodesics.
file  GyotoXillverReflection.h [code]
 The illumination table specifies how the thin disk is illuminated while the reflection table deduces from that the reflected spectrum as computed by Javier Garcia's XILLVER code. The metric is imposed to be Kerr for simplicity.