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Gyoto::Worldline Class Referenceabstract

Timelike or null geodesics. More...

#include <GyotoWorldline.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gyoto::Worldline:
Gyoto::Hook::Listener Gyoto::Astrobj::EquatorialHotSpot Gyoto::Astrobj::Star Gyoto::Photon Gyoto::Astrobj::Blob Gyoto::Astrobj::InflateStar Gyoto::Astrobj::StarTrace Gyoto::Photon::Refined


class  IntegState

Public Member Functions

 Worldline ()
 Default constructor.
 Worldline (const Worldline &)
 Copy constructor.
 Worldline (Worldline *orig, size_t i0, int dir, double step_max)
 Refine constructor. More...
virtual ~Worldline ()
size_t getImin () const
 Get imin_.
size_t getImax () const
 Get imax_.
size_t getI0 () const
 Get i0_.
virtual double getMass () const =0
 Get mass of particule. More...
void metric (SmartPointer< Metric::Generic >)
 Set metric Smartpointer.
SmartPointer< Metric::Genericmetric () const
 Get metric.
void initCoord (std::vector< double > const &)
std::vector< double > initCoord () const
virtual void setInitCoord (const double coord[8], int dir, double const Ephi[4], double const Etheta[4])
 Set Initial coordinate. More...
virtual void setInitCoord (const double coord[8], int dir=0)
 Set Initial coordinate. More...
virtual void setInitCoord (double const pos[4], double const vel[3], int dir=0)
 Set initial coordinate. More...
virtual void setPosition (double const pos[4])
 Set initial 4-position.
virtual void setVelocity (double const vel[3])
 Set initial 3-velocity.
void reset ()
 Forget integration, keeping initial contition.
void reInit ()
 Reset and recompute particle properties.
virtual std::string className () const
 "Worldline" More...
virtual std::string className_l () const
 "worldline" More...
void integrator (std::string const &type)
 Set the integrator. More...
std::string integrator () const
 Describe the integrator used by state_.
double deltaMin () const
 Get delta_min_.
void deltaMin (double h1)
 Set delta_min_.
double deltaMax () const
 Get delta_max_.
void absTol (double)
 Set abstol_.
double absTol () const
 Get abstol_.
void relTol (double)
 Set reltol_.
double relTol () const
 Get reltol_.
virtual double deltaMax (double const pos[8], double delta_max_external) const
void deltaMax (double h1)
double deltaMaxOverR () const
 Get delta_max_over_r_.
void deltaMaxOverR (double t)
 Set delta_max_over_r_.
void delta (const double delta)
 Expand memory slots for polarization vectors. More...
void delta (double, const std::string &unit)
 Set delta_ in specified units.
double delta () const
 Get delta_.
double delta (const std::string &unit) const
 Get delta_ in specified units.
double tMin () const
 Get tmin_.
double tMin (const std::string &unit) const
 Get tmin_ in specified unit.
void tMin (double tlim)
 Set tmin_.
void tMin (double, const std::string &unit)
 Set tmin_ in specified unit.
void adaptive (bool mode)
 Set adaptive_.
bool adaptive () const
 Get adaptive_.
void secondary (bool sec)
 Set secondary_.
bool secondary () const
 Get secondary_.
void parallelTransport (bool pt)
 Set parallel_transport_.
bool parallelTransport () const
 Get parallel_transport_.
void maxiter (size_t miter)
 Set maxiter_.
size_t maxiter () const
 Get maxiter_.
double const * getCst () const
 Returns the worldline's cst of motion (if any) More...
void setCst (double const *cst, size_t const ncsts)
 Set Metric-specific constants of motion. More...
void setInitialCondition (SmartPointer< Metric::Generic > gg, const double coord[8], const int dir, double const Ephi[4], double const Etheta[4])
 Set or re-set the initial condition prior to integration. More...
void setInitialCondition (SmartPointer< Metric::Generic > gg, const double coord[8], const int dir)
 Set or re-set the initial condition prior to integration. More...
void getInitialCoord (std::vector< double > &dest) const
 Get initial coordinates + base vectors. More...
void getCoord (size_t index, Gyoto::state_t &dest) const
 Get coordinates+base vectors corresponding to index. More...
void getCoord (size_t index, Gyoto::state_t &dest)
 Get coordinates+base vectors corresponding to index. More...
void getCoord (double date, Gyoto::state_t &dest, bool proper=false)
 Get coordinates+base vectors corresponding to date dest[0]. More...
void getCartesianPos (size_t index, double dest[4]) const
 Get Cartesian expression of 4-position at index.
virtual void xStore (size_t ind, state_t const &coord, double tau)
 Store coord at index ind. More...
virtual void xStore (size_t ind, state_t const &coord)=delete
 Obsolete, update your code.
virtual void xStore (size_t ind, double const coord[8])=delete
 Obsolete, update your code.
virtual void xFill (double tlim, bool proper=false)
 Fill x0, x1... by integrating the Worldline from previously set inittial condition to time tlim.
size_t get_nelements () const
 Get number of computed dates.
void get_t (double *dest) const
 Get computed dates.
void get_tau (double *dest) const
 Get computed proper times or values of the affine parameter.
void getCartesian (double const *const dates, size_t const n_dates, double *const x, double *const y, double *const z, double *const xprime=NULL, double *const yprime=NULL, double *const zprime=NULL)
 Get the 6 Cartesian coordinates for specific dates. More...
void get_xyz (double *x, double *y, double *z) const
 Get 3-position in cartesian coordinates for computed dates.
void getCoord (double const *const dates, size_t const n_dates, double *const x1dest, double *const x2dest, double *const x3dest, double *const x0dot=NULL, double *const x1dot=NULL, double *const x2dot=NULL, double *const x3dot=NULL, double *ep0=NULL, double *ep1=NULL, double *ep2=NULL, double *ep3=NULL, double *et0=NULL, double *et1=NULL, double *et2=NULL, double *et3=NULL, double *otime=NULL, bool proper=false)
 Get 8-coordinates for specific dates. More...
void getCoord (double *x0, double *x1, double *x2, double *x3) const
 Get all computed positions. More...
void checkPhiTheta (double coord[8]) const
 Bring θ in [0,Π] and φ in [0,2Π]. More...
void getSkyPos (SmartPointer< Screen > screen, double *dalpha, double *ddellta, double *dD) const
 Get computed positions in sky coordinates.
void get_dot (double *x0dot, double *x1dot, double *x2dot, double *x3dot) const
 Get computed 4-velocities.
void get_prime (double *x1prime, double *x2prime, double *x3prime) const
 Get computed 3-velocities.
void save_txyz (char *fichierxyz) const
 Save in a file.
void save_txyz (char *const filename, double const t1, double const mass_sun, double const distance_kpc, std::string const unit, SmartPointer< Screen > sc=NULL)
 Save, converted.

Public Attributes

int stopcond
 Whether and why integration is finished.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void xAllocate ()
 Allocate x0, x1 etc. with default size. More...
virtual void xAllocate (size_t size)
 Allocate x0, x1 etc. with a specified size. More...
virtual size_t xExpand (int dir)
 Expand x0, x1 etc... to hold more elements. More...
virtual void xExpand (double *&x, int dir)
 Expand one array to hold more elements. More...
virtual void eAllocate ()
 Allocate ep0_ ... et3_. More...
virtual void eDeallocate ()
 Deallocate ep0_ ... et3_. More...
virtual void eExpand (int dir)
virtual void tell (Gyoto::Hook::Teller *)
 This is how a Teller tells. More...

Protected Attributes

SmartPointer< Gyoto::Metric::Genericmetric_
 The Gyoto::Metric in this part of the universe.
double * tau_
 proper time or affine parameter
double * x0_
 t or T
double * x1_
 r or x
double * x2_
 θ or y
double * x3_
 φ or z
double * x0dot_
 tdot or Tdot
double * x1dot_
 rdot or xdot
double * x2dot_
 θdot or ydot
double * x3dot_
 φdot or zdot
double * ep0_
double * ep1_
 Coordinate of first base vector to parallel transport.
double * ep2_
 Coordinate of first base vector to parallel transport.
double * ep3_
 Coordinate of first base vector to parallel transport.
double * et0_
 Coordinate of first base vector to parallel transport.
double * et1_
 Coordinate of Second base vector to parallel transport.
double * et2_
 Coordinate of Second base vector to parallel transport.
double * et3_
 Coordinate of Second base vector to parallel transport.
size_t x_size_
 Coordinate of Second base vector to parallel transport. More...
size_t imin_
 Minimum index for which x0_, x1_... have been computed.
size_t i0_
 Index of initial condition in array.
size_t imax_
 Maximum index for which x0_, x1_... have been computed.
bool adaptive_
 Whether integration should use adaptive delta.
bool secondary_
 Experimental: choose 0 to compute only primary image. More...
bool parallel_transport_
 Whether to parallel transport a local triad. More...
double delta_
 Initial integrating step. More...
double tmin_
 Time limit for the integration (geometrical units) More...
double * cst_
 Worldline's csts of motion (if any)
size_t cst_n_
 Number of constants of motion.
int wait_pos_
 Hack in setParameters()
double * init_vel_
 Hack in setParameters()
size_t maxiter_
 Maximum number of iterations when integrating.
double delta_min_
 Minimum integration step for the adaptive integrator. More...
double delta_max_
 Maximum integration step for the adaptive integrator. More...
double delta_max_over_r_
 Numerical tuning parameter. More...
double abstol_
 Absolute tolerance of the integrator. More...
double reltol_
 Absolute tolerance of the integrator. More...
SmartPointer< Worldline::IntegState::Genericstate_
 An object to hold the integration state.

Detailed Description

Timelike or null geodesics.

Their are two derived classes: Photon and Star. A Worldline can be integrated from an initial condition either backward or forward in time using xFill() (Photon::hit() also integrates the Worldline). Member state_ holds the integration state as well as an integrator. There are several kinds of integration states, that derive from IntegState::Generic.

The coordinates of the Worldline are stored in x0_, x1_, x2_, x3_, x0dot_, x1dot_, x2dot_ ans x3dot_. Those arrays are extended as needed using xExpand(). These coordinates can be retrieved using get_t(), get_xyz(), getCartesian(), getCoord() etc.

Worldline does not derive from Object, and does not instantiate a Property list. This is because this would lead to multiple inheritance of the Object base in derived classes. Instead, #GyotoWorldline.h provides a few macros that can be used to include the Worldline properties in a derived classe's Property list:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Worldline()

Gyoto::Worldline::Worldline ( Worldline orig,
size_t  i0,
int  dir,
double  step_max 

Refine constructor.

Meant to instantiate a copy of orig with a smaller step to refine integration, for instance for more accurate radiative transfer integration.

See Photon::Photon(Photon* orig, size_t i0, int dir, double step_max) and Photon::Refined.

origWorldline to refine
i0Index of coordinate in orig to take as initial condition
dirDirection of integration
step_maxMaximum integration step

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkPhiTheta()

void Gyoto::Worldline::checkPhiTheta ( double  coord[8]) const

Bring θ in [0,Π] and φ in [0,2Π].

checkPhiTheta() Modifies coord if the corrdinates are spherical-like so that coord[2]=theta is in [0,pi] and coord[3]=phi is in [0,2pi]. Important to use in all astrobj in spherical coordinates to prevent "z-axis problems".

◆ className()

virtual std::string Gyoto::Worldline::className ( ) const

◆ className_l()

virtual std::string Gyoto::Worldline::className_l ( ) const

◆ delta()

void Gyoto::Worldline::delta ( const double  delta)

Expand memory slots for polarization vectors.

Assignment to another Worldline Set delta_

◆ deltaMax() [1/2]

virtual double Gyoto::Worldline::deltaMax ( double const  pos[8],
double  delta_max_external 
) const

Get delta max at a given position

[in]delta_max_externalexternal constraint on delta_max
the smallest value between delta_max_, delta_max_external, and R*delta_max_over_r_ where R is pos[1] in spherical coordinates and max(x1, x2, x3) in Cartesian coordinates.

◆ deltaMax() [2/2]

void Gyoto::Worldline::deltaMax ( double  h1)

Set delta_max_

◆ eAllocate()

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::eAllocate ( )

Allocate ep0_ ... et3_.

Allocate memory for polarization vectors

◆ eDeallocate()

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::eDeallocate ( )

Deallocate ep0_ ... et3_.

Deallocate memory for polarization vectors

◆ eExpand()

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::eExpand ( int  dir)

Call xExpand(double * &x, int dir) on #ep0_, ep1_ etc.

◆ getCartesian()

void Gyoto::Worldline::getCartesian ( double const *const  dates,
size_t const  n_dates,
double *const  x,
double *const  y,
double *const  z,
double *const  xprime = NULL,
double *const  yprime = NULL,
double *const  zprime = NULL 

Get the 6 Cartesian coordinates for specific dates.

The 6 coordinates (x, y, z, dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt) will be computed using the integrator and interpolated if necessary, so they will be as accurate as possible. Transforming to Cartesian coordinates is not necessarily meaningful.

[in]datesList of dates for which the coordinates are to be computed;
[in]n_datesNumber of dates to compute ;
[out]x,y,z,xprime,yprime,zprimeArrays in which to store the result. These pointer may be set to NULL to retrieve only part of the information. Else, they must be pre-allocated.

◆ getCoord() [1/5]

void Gyoto::Worldline::getCoord ( double *  x0,
double *  x1,
double *  x2,
double *  x3 
) const

Get all computed positions.

Get all the pre-computed 8 coordinates (e.g. thanks to a prior call to xFill()) of this worldline.

◆ getCoord() [2/5]

void Gyoto::Worldline::getCoord ( double const *const  dates,
size_t const  n_dates,
double *const  x1dest,
double *const  x2dest,
double *const  x3dest,
double *const  x0dot = NULL,
double *const  x1dot = NULL,
double *const  x2dot = NULL,
double *const  x3dot = NULL,
double *  ep0 = NULL,
double *  ep1 = NULL,
double *  ep2 = NULL,
double *  ep3 = NULL,
double *  et0 = NULL,
double *  et1 = NULL,
double *  et2 = NULL,
double *  et3 = NULL,
double *  otime = NULL,
bool  proper = false 

Get 8-coordinates for specific dates.

The coordinates will be computed using the integrator, so they will be as accurate as possible. Some heuristics are used to speed up the process and it is presumably faster to call this routine with a sorted list of dates. The line will be integrated further as required. An error will be thrown if it is not possible to reach a certain date.

[in]datesthe list of dates for which the coordinates are to be computed in proper time or affine parameter if #proper is true or in coordinate time if #proper is false (default);
[in]n_datesthe number of dates to compute ;
[out]x1dest,x2dest,x3dest,x0dot,x1dot,x2dot,x3dotarrays in which to store the result. These pointer may be set to NULL to retrieve only part of the information. They must be pre-allocated.
[out]ephi0,ephi1,ephi2,ephi3,etheta0,etheta1,etheta2,etheta3arrays in which to store the ephi and etheta (parallel transport case). These pointer may be set to NULL to retrieve only part of the information. They must be pre-allocated.
[out]otimearray in which to store the other time: coordinate time if #proper, else proper time or affine parameter.
[in]properbool: whether #dates is proper time (or affine parameter) or coordinate time.

◆ getCoord() [3/5]

void Gyoto::Worldline::getCoord ( double  date,
Gyoto::state_t &  dest,
bool  proper = false 

Get coordinates+base vectors corresponding to date dest[0].

Depending on the value of parallel_transport_, get position (xi_), velocity (xidot_) and possibly other triad vectors (epi_ and eti_). coord is resized to the right number of elements.

◆ getCoord() [4/5]

void Gyoto::Worldline::getCoord ( size_t  index,
Gyoto::state_t &  dest 

Get coordinates+base vectors corresponding to index.

We need this non-const implementation to allow the const, size_t and the non-const, double implementations to coexist.

◆ getCoord() [5/5]

void Gyoto::Worldline::getCoord ( size_t  index,
Gyoto::state_t &  dest 
) const

Get coordinates+base vectors corresponding to index.

Depending on the value of parallel_transport_, get position (xi_), velocity (xidot_) and possibly other triad vectors (epi_ and eti_). coord is resized to the right number of elements.

◆ getCst()

double const * Gyoto::Worldline::getCst ( ) const

Returns the worldline's cst of motion (if any)

Return pointer to array holding the previously set Metric-specific constants of motion

◆ getInitialCoord()

void Gyoto::Worldline::getInitialCoord ( std::vector< double > &  dest) const

Get initial coordinates + base vectors.

Depending on the size of dest and on the value of parallel_transport_, get position (xi_), velocity (xidot_) and possibly other triad vectors (epi_ and eti_).

◆ getMass()

virtual double Gyoto::Worldline::getMass ( ) const
pure virtual

Get mass of particule.

Implemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::EquatorialHotSpot, Gyoto::Photon, and Gyoto::Astrobj::Star.

◆ integrator()

void Gyoto::Worldline::integrator ( std::string const &  type)

Set the integrator.

Initialize state_ to use the required integrator.

[in]typeEither "Legacy" or (if GYOTO_HAVE_BOOST_INTEGRATORS) one of "runge_kutta_cash_karp54", "runge_kutta_fehlberg78", "runge_kutta_dopri5", "runge_kutta_cash_karp54_classic"

◆ setCst()

void Gyoto::Worldline::setCst ( double const *  cst,
size_t const  ncsts 

Set Metric-specific constants of motion.

The will (re)allocate Worldline::cst_, copy cst into it, and set Worldline::cst_n_.

◆ setInitCoord() [1/3]

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::setInitCoord ( const double  coord[8],
int  dir,
double const  Ephi[4],
double const  Etheta[4] 

Set Initial coordinate.

Set imin_=imax_=i0_, and x[i0]=coord[].

If dir==1, i0_ is set to 0. If dir==-1, i0_ is set to x_size_-1.

If dir==0 and the Worldine has never been computed (i0_==0, imin_==1 and imax_==0), then dir defaults to 1 for a massive particle and -1 for a massless particle.

If dir==0 and the Worldine has already been computed, i0_ is not changed.

coordnew initial coordinates
dirdirection of integration. 1 for forward integration, -1 for backards integration, 0 for unknown or both
Ephiinitial value of base vector to parallel-transport. Ignored if parallel_transport_ is false.
Ethetainitial value of base vector to parallel-transport. Ignored if parallel_transport_ is false.

◆ setInitCoord() [2/3]

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::setInitCoord ( const double  coord[8],
int  dir = 0 

Set Initial coordinate.

Set imin_=imax_=i0_, and x[i0]=coord[].

If dir==1, i0_ is set to 0. If dir==-1, i0_ is set to x_size_-1.

If dir==0 and the Worldine has never been computed (i0_==0, imin_==1 and imax_==0), then dir defaults to 1 for a massive particle and -1 for a massless particle.

If dir==0 and the Worldine has already been computed, i0_ is not changed.

coordnew initial coordinates
dirdirection of integration. 1 for forward integration, -1 for backards integration, 0 for unknown or both

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::StarTrace.

◆ setInitCoord() [3/3]

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::setInitCoord ( double const  pos[4],
double const  vel[3],
int  dir = 0 

Set initial coordinate.

posinitial 4-position
velinitial 3-velocity
dirdirection of integration

◆ setInitialCondition() [1/2]

void Gyoto::Worldline::setInitialCondition ( SmartPointer< Metric::Generic gg,
const double  coord[8],
const int  dir 

Set or re-set the initial condition prior to integration.

ggGyoto::SmartPointer to the Gyoto::Metric in this universe;
coord8 element array containing the initial condition, i.e. the 4-position and the 4-velocity of the Photon at the receiving end;
dirdirection: 1 for future, -1 for past.

◆ setInitialCondition() [2/2]

void Gyoto::Worldline::setInitialCondition ( SmartPointer< Metric::Generic gg,
const double  coord[8],
const int  dir,
double const  Ephi[4],
double const  Etheta[4] 

Set or re-set the initial condition prior to integration.

ggGyoto::SmartPointer to the Gyoto::Metric in this universe;
coord8 element array containing the initial condition, i.e. the 4-position and the 4-velocity of the Photon at the receiving end;
dirdirection: 1 for future, -1 for past.
Ephiinitial value of base vector to parallel-transport. Ignored if parallel_transport_ is false.
Ethetainitial value of base vector to parallel-transport. Ignored if parallel_transport_ is false.

◆ tell()

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::tell ( Gyoto::Hook::Teller msg)

This is how a Teller tells.

A teller will basically call listener->tell(this).

msgTeller* the Teller who is telling... Useful if the Listener listens to several Tellers.

Reimplemented from Gyoto::Hook::Listener.

◆ xAllocate() [1/2]

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::xAllocate ( )

Allocate x0, x1 etc. with default size.

The default size is GYOTO_DEFAULT_X_SIZE

◆ xAllocate() [2/2]

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::xAllocate ( size_t  size)

Allocate x0, x1 etc. with a specified size.

size: number of cells in each array x0, x1 etc.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::StarTrace.

◆ xExpand() [1/2]

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::xExpand ( double *&  x,
int  dir 

Expand one array to hold more elements.

If you need to expand more arrays than x0_ ... x3_ and the dots, call this on your array before calling xExpand(int dir).

[in,out]xarray to expand

◆ xExpand() [2/2]

virtual size_t Gyoto::Worldline::xExpand ( int  dir)

Expand x0, x1 etc... to hold more elements.

Double the size of arrays x0, x1 etc. and copy old version of the array in the first half if dir =1 and in the second half if dir =-1.

dir: 1 to expand after last element, -1 to expand before first element
ind : if dir=1, new index of old last element, if dir=-1, new index of old first element

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::StarTrace.

◆ xStore()

virtual void Gyoto::Worldline::xStore ( size_t  ind,
state_t const &  coord,
double  tau 

Store coord at index ind.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::StarTrace.

Member Data Documentation

◆ abstol_

double Gyoto::Worldline::abstol_

Absolute tolerance of the integrator.

Used by the adaptive integrators implemented in IntegState::Boost. Refer to the boost::numeric::odeint documentation for more details.

◆ delta_

double Gyoto::Worldline::delta_

Initial integrating step.


◆ delta_max_

double Gyoto::Worldline::delta_max_

Maximum integration step for the adaptive integrator.

The default (GYOTO_DEFAULT_DELTA_MAX) is usually fine.

For IntegState::Legacy, set it in the Metric instead!

◆ delta_max_over_r_

double Gyoto::Worldline::delta_max_over_r_

Numerical tuning parameter.

For IntegState::Legacy, set it in the Metric instead!

Ensure that delta (the numerical integration step) is never larger than a fraction of the distance between the current location and the center of the coordinate system.

The default (GYOTO_DEFAULT_DELTA_MAX_OVER_R) is usually fine.

◆ delta_min_

double Gyoto::Worldline::delta_min_

Minimum integration step for the adaptive integrator.

The default (GYOTO_DEFAULT_DELTA_MIN) is usually fine.

For IntegState::Legacy, set it in the Metric instead!

◆ parallel_transport_

bool Gyoto::Worldline::parallel_transport_

Whether to parallel transport a local triad.

Typically used to trace the base in which the Stokes parameters are expressed in the context of polarization.

◆ reltol_

double Gyoto::Worldline::reltol_

Absolute tolerance of the integrator.

Used by the adaptive integrators implemented in IntegState::Boost. Refer to the boost::numeric::odeint documentation for more details.

◆ secondary_

bool Gyoto::Worldline::secondary_

Experimental: choose 0 to compute only primary image.

This feature is in development.

◆ tmin_

double Gyoto::Worldline::tmin_

Time limit for the integration (geometrical units)

Computation does not go back before tmin_. Default is -DBL_MAX. tmin_ is always expressed in geometrical units, it is essentially a tuning parameter for the ray-tracing process. tmin_ should be chosen to always be longer than the distance between the screen and the object.

◆ x_size_

size_t Gyoto::Worldline::x_size_

Coordinate of Second base vector to parallel transport.

Size of x0_, x1_... arrays

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