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Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic Class Referenceabstract

Base class for spectrometers. More...

#include <GyotoSpectrometer.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic:
Gyoto::SmartPointee Gyoto::Object Gyoto::Hook::Teller Gyoto::Spectrometer::Complex Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform

Public Types

typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer< Gyoto::SmartPointeeSubcontractor_t(Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *, std::vector< std::string > const &)
 A subcontractor builds an object upon order from the Factory. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual Property const * getProperties () const
 Get list of properties. More...
 Generic ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Generic (kind_t kindid)
 Constructor setting kindid. More...
 Generic (const Generic &)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual Genericclone () const =0
 Clone an instance. More...
virtual ~Generic ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual kind_t kindid () const
 Get kindid_. More...
virtual void kindid (kind_t)
 Set Generic::kindid_. More...
virtual size_t nSamples () const
 Get Generic::nsamples_. More...
virtual size_t getNBoundaries () const
 Get Generic::nboundaries_.
virtual double const * getMidpoints () const
 Get Generic::midpoints_.
virtual void getMidpoints (double data[], std::string unit)
 Copy Generic::midpoints_, converting to unit. More...
virtual void getChannelBoundaries (double data[], std::string unit)
 Copy Generic::boundaries_, converting to unit. More...
virtual double const * getChannelBoundaries () const
 Get Generic::boundaries_.
virtual size_t const * getChannelIndices () const
 Get Generic::chanind_.
virtual double const * getWidths () const
 Get Generic::widths_.
virtual void getWidths (double data[], std::string unit)
 Copy Generic::widths_, converting to unit. More...
void incRefCount ()
 Increment the reference counter. Warning: Don't mess with the counter.
int decRefCount ()
 Decrement the reference counter and return current value. Warning: Don't mess with the counter.
int getRefCount ()
 Get the current number of references.
virtual bool isThreadSafe () const
 Whether this class is thread-safe. More...
void set (Property const &p, Value val)
 Set Value of a Property.
void set (Property const &p, Value val, std::string const &unit)
 Set Value (expressed in unit) of a Property.
void set (std::string const &pname, Value val)
 Set Value of a Property.
void set (std::string const &pname, Value val, std::string const &unit)
 Set Value (expressed in unit) of a Property.
Value get (Property const &p) const
 Get Value of a Property.
Value get (std::string const &pname) const
 Get Value of a Property.
Value get (Property const &p, std::string const &unit) const
 Get Value of a Property, converted to unit.
Value get (std::string const &pname, std::string const &unit) const
 Get Value of a Property, converted to unit.
Property const * property (std::string const pname) const
 Find property by name. More...
virtual void fillProperty (Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *fmp, Property const &p) const
 Output a single Property to XML. More...
virtual void fillElement (Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *fmp) const
 Fill the XML element for this Object. More...
virtual void setParameters (Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *fmp)
 Main loop for parsing Properties from XML description. More...
virtual int setParameter (std::string name, std::string content, std::string unit)
 Set parameter by name. More...
virtual void setParameter (Gyoto::Property const &p, std::string const &name, std::string const &content, std::string const &unit)
 Set parameter by Property (and name) More...
std::string describeProperty (Gyoto::Property const &p) const
 Format desrciption for a property. More...
void help () const
 Print (to stdout) some help on this class. More...
virtual void hook (Listener *listener)
 Start listening. More...
virtual void unhook (Listener *listener)
 Stop listening. More...

Public Attributes

size_t nsamples_
 Number of spectral elements.
size_t nboundaries_
 Size of the boundaries_ array.
double * boundaries_
 Frequency (in Hz) at the boundaries of the spectral channels. More...
 Indices in boundaries_. More...
double * midpoints_
 Effective frequency (in Hz) of each spectral channel. More...
double * widths_
 Width of each channel. More...

Static Public Attributes

static GYOTO_OBJECT Property const properties []

Protected Member Functions

virtual void tellListeners ()
 Call tell() on each hooked Listener. More...

Protected Attributes

kind_t kindid_
 Spectrometer kind ID. More...
std::string kind_
 The "kind" that is output in the XML entity. More...
std::vector< std::string > plugins_
 The plug-ins that needs to be loaded to access this instance's class. More...

Private Attributes

int refCount
 Reference counter.
pthread_mutex_t mutex_
 A mutex. More...
 Linked list of Listener items.


class Gyoto::SmartPointer< Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic >

Detailed Description

Base class for spectrometers.

Example: class Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform

See Gyoto::Spectrometer for an introduction.

Generic inherits from Gyoto::SmartPointee so that it is possible to create a SmartPointer to a Spectrometer.

It also inherits from Gyoto::Hook::Teller. This allows a consistent implementation of Spectrometer::Complex (in particular). Any method which mutates a Spectrometer should call tellListeners().

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Subcontractor_t

typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer< Gyoto::SmartPointee > Gyoto::SmartPointee::Subcontractor_t(Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *, std::vector< std::string > const &)

A subcontractor builds an object upon order from the Factory.

Various classes need to provide a subcontractor to be able to instantiate themselves upon order from the Factory. A subcontractor is a function (often a static member function) which accepts a pointer to a FactoryMessenger as unique parameter, communicates with the Factory using this messenger to read an XML description of the object to build, and returns this objet. SmartPointee::Subcontractor_t* is just generic enough a typedef to cast to and from other subcontractor types: Astrobj::Subcontractor_t, Metric::Subcontractor_t, Spectrum::Subcontractor_t. A subcontractor needs to be registered using the relevant Register() function: Astrobj::Register(), Metric::Register(), Spectrum::Register().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Generic() [1/3]

Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::Generic ( )

Default constructor.

Sets each member to 0.

◆ Generic() [2/3]

Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::Generic ( kind_t  kindid)

Constructor setting kindid.

Sets the other members to 0. This is usually the right constructor to use:

Complex::Complex : Generic(Complex::Kindid) {}
Default constructor.
Default constructor.

Always set kindid to the address of a static variable, not to a temporary. Usually your class should have a static member for that purpose:

class MyKind : public Spectrometer::Generic
static kind_t Kindid;
kind_t MyKind::Kindid = "MyKind";
Base class for spectrometers.
Definition: GyotoSpectrometer.h:186
char const * kind_t
Type for Spectrometer kind.
Definition: GyotoSpectrometer.h:85

◆ Generic() [3/3]

Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::Generic ( const Generic )

Copy constructor.

Takes care of (deep) copying all the members known to the base class.

◆ ~Generic()

virtual Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::~Generic ( )


Takes care of deleting the arrays (if the pointers are not NULL).

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

virtual Generic * Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::clone ( ) const
pure virtual

Clone an instance.

Use this to get a deep copy of an instance;

SmartPointer<Generic> myclone = orig->clone();
Pointers performing reference counting.
Definition: GyotoSmartPointer.h:135

Most implementations will use the copy constructor:

Generic* Uniform::clone() const { return new Uniform(*this); }
Uniformly spaced spectrometers.
Definition: GyotoUniformSpectrometer.h:68
Generic * clone() const

Implemented in Gyoto::Spectrometer::Complex, and Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform.

◆ describeProperty()

std::string Gyoto::Object::describeProperty ( Gyoto::Property const &  p) const

Format desrciption for a property.

Returns a string containing the name(s) and type of the property, as well as whether it supports unit.

◆ fillElement()

virtual void Gyoto::Object::fillElement ( Gyoto::FactoryMessenger fmp) const

Fill the XML element for this Object.

The base implementation simply calls fillProperty() for each Property defined for the Object.

Derived classes should avoid overriding fillElement(). It may make sense occasionally, e.g. to make sure that the metric is output first.

To customize how a given Property is rendered, it is better to override fillProperty().

If this method is overridden, the implementation should in general call fillElement() on the direct base.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::Complex, Gyoto::Spectrometer::Complex, and Gyoto::Scenery.

◆ fillProperty()

virtual void Gyoto::Object::fillProperty ( Gyoto::FactoryMessenger fmp,
Property const &  p 
) const

Output a single Property to XML.

The base implementation decides what to do based on the p.type. The format matches how setParameters() an setParameter() would interpret the XML descition.

Overriding this method should be avoided, but makes sense in some cases (for instance Screen::fillProperty() selects a different unit for Distance based on its magnitude, so that stellar sizes are expressed in solar radii while smaller sizes can be expressed in meters and larger sizes in parsecs).

Overriding implementation should fall-back on calling the implementation in the direct parent class:

class A: public Object {};
class B: public A {
using B::setParameter;
Property const &p) const ;
void B::fillProperty(Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *fmp,
Property const &p) const {
if (name=="Duff") fmp->doSomething();
else A::fillProperty(fmp, p);
Factory / SmartPointee::Subcontractor_t interface.
Definition: GyotoFactoryMessenger.h:92
Object with properties.
Definition: GyotoObject.h:152
virtual void fillProperty(Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *fmp, Property const &p) const
Output a single Property to XML.
Property that can be set and got using standard methods.
Definition: GyotoProperty.h:608

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Scenery, Gyoto::Astrobj::DirectionalDisk, Gyoto::Astrobj::Disk3D, Gyoto::Astrobj::EquatorialHotSpot, Gyoto::Astrobj::NeutronStarModelAtmosphere, Gyoto::Astrobj::PatternDisk, Gyoto::Astrobj::PolishDoughnut, Gyoto::Screen, Gyoto::Astrobj::Star, Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform, and Gyoto::Astrobj::XillverReflection.

◆ getChannelBoundaries()

virtual void Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::getChannelBoundaries ( double  data[],
std::string  unit 

Copy Generic::boundaries_, converting to unit.

dataan array of Generic::nboundaries_ doubles to fill with result
unita string

◆ getMidpoints()

virtual void Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::getMidpoints ( double  data[],
std::string  unit 

Copy Generic::midpoints_, converting to unit.

dataan array of Generic::nsamples_ doubles to fill with result
unita string

◆ getProperties()

virtual Property const * Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::getProperties ( ) const

Get list of properties.

This method is declared automatically by the GYOTO_OBJECT macro and defined automatically by the GYOTO_PROPERTY_END macro.

Reimplemented from Gyoto::Object.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform.

◆ getWidths()

virtual void Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::getWidths ( double  data[],
std::string  unit 

Copy Generic::widths_, converting to unit.

Think carefully before using: widths are often used to convert spectral flux density to flux. If flux density is per Herz, you don't need to convert widths.

dataan array of Generic::nboundaries_ doubles to fill with result
unita string

◆ help()

void Gyoto::Object::help ( ) const

Print (to stdout) some help on this class.

Describe all properties that this instance supports.

◆ hook()

virtual void Gyoto::Hook::Teller::hook ( Listener listener)

Start listening.

Use from a Hook::Listener object method:


where "this" is a Listener and "teller" is a Teller.

Use unhook() later to stop listening to a given Teller.

listenerpointer to the new listener

◆ isThreadSafe()

virtual bool Gyoto::Object::isThreadSafe ( ) const

Whether this class is thread-safe.

Return True if this object is thread-safe, i.e. if an instance and its clone can be used in parallel threads (in the context of Scenery::raytrace()). Known objects which are not thread-safe include Lorene metrics and everything from the Python plug-in.

The default implementation considers that the class itself is thread safe and recurses into the declared properties to check whether they are safe too. Classes that abide to the Object/Property paradigm and are themselves thread-safe have nothing special to do.

Objects that clone children in their copy constructor that are not declared as properties must take these children into account.

Classes that are never thread-safe must declare it. It acn be easily done using GYOTO_OBJECT_THREAD_SAFETY in the class declaration and GYOTO_PROPERTY_THREAD_UNSAFE in the class definition.

◆ kindid() [1/2]

virtual kind_t Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::kindid ( ) const

Get kindid_.

You can check whether the Spectrometer sp is of a given kind MyKind with something like:

if (sp->kind()) == MyKind::Kindid;

See Uniform::WaveKind, Uniform::WaveLogKind, Uniform::FreqKind, Uniform::FreqLogKind and Complex::Kind.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform.

◆ kindid() [2/2]

virtual void Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::kindid ( kind_t  )

Set Generic::kindid_.

This should rarely be used as the Generic::kindid_ attribute usually is set in the constructor and doesn't change after that.

Always set to the address of a static variable, not to a temporary. Usually your class should have a static member for that purpose:

class MyKind : public Spectrometer::Generic
static kind_t Kindid;
kind_t MyKind::Kind = "MyKind";
SmartPointer<MyKind> sp();

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform, and Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform.

◆ nSamples()

virtual size_t Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::nSamples ( ) const

◆ property()

Property const * Gyoto::Object::property ( std::string const  pname) const

Find property by name.

Look into the Property list for a Property whose name (or name_false, for a boolean Property) is pname. Return a const pointer to the first such property found, or NULL if none is found.

◆ setParameter() [1/2]

virtual void Gyoto::Object::setParameter ( Gyoto::Property const &  p,
std::string const &  name,
std::string const &  content,
std::string const &  unit 

Set parameter by Property (and name)

This function is used when parsing an XML description, if Property (p) of this name is found (i.e. either or p.name_false is equal to name). Implementation should fall-back on calling the direct's parent implementation:

class A: public Object {};
class B: public A {
using B::setParameter;
virtual void setParameter(Gyoto::Property const &p,
std::string name,
std::string content,
std::string unit);
void B::setParameter(Gyoto::Property const &p,
std::string name,
std::string content,
std::string unit) {
if (name=="Duff") doSomething(content, unit);
else A::setParameter(p, name, content, unit);
virtual int setParameter(std::string name, std::string content, std::string unit)
Set parameter by name.
pProperty that matches name ( == name or p.name_false == name)
nameXML name of the parameter (XML entity)
contentstring representation of the value
unitstring representation of the unit

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::PolishDoughnut.

◆ setParameter() [2/2]

virtual int Gyoto::Object::setParameter ( std::string  name,
std::string  content,
std::string  unit 

Set parameter by name.

This function is used when parsing an XML description, if no Property of this name is found. Overriding implementation should fall-back on calling the direct's parent implementation:

class A: public Object {};
class B: public A {
using B::setParameter;
virtual int setParameter(std::string name,
std::string content,
std::string unit);
int B::setParameter(std::string name,
std::string content,
std::string unit) {
if (name=="Duff") doSomething(content, unit);
else return A::setParameter(name, content, unit);
return 0; // name was known
nameXML name of the parameter (XML entity). This may have a path component, e.g. "Astrobj::Radius", in which case a property named "Astrobj" will be sought in the current object, and setParameter will be called recusrively on this Astrobj with Radius as name.
contentstring representation of the value
unitstring representation of the unit
0 if this parameter is known, 1 if it is not.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::EquatorialHotSpot, Gyoto::Metric::KerrKS, Gyoto::Astrobj::Star, and Gyoto::Metric::RotStar3_1.

◆ setParameters()

virtual void Gyoto::Object::setParameters ( Gyoto::FactoryMessenger fmp)

Main loop for parsing Properties from XML description.

 This function queries the FactoryMessenger for elements to parse,
 and tries to matche each element to a Property to set it

 Any class that tries to be buildable from XML must supply a
 subcontractor (for base classes such as Metric, Astrobj, Spectrum
 and Spectrometer, it is done as a template that must be
 specialized for each class).

 This subcontractor typically looks somewhat like this:
SmartPointer<MyKind> gg = new MyKind();
gg -> setParameters(fmp);
return gg;
virtual void setParameters(Gyoto::FactoryMessenger *fmp)
Main loop for parsing Properties from XML description.
SmartPointer< Astrobj::Generic > Subcontractor(FactoryMessenger *fmp, std::vector< std::string > const &plugin)
A template for Subcontractor_t functions.
Definition: GyotoAstrobj.h:76
 Although this is discouraged, it is possible to override the
 following functions to customize how XML entities are parsed:
   - setParameters() if low-level access to the
     FactoryMessenger is required;
   - setParameter(std::string name,
                  std::string content,
                  std::string unit)
     to interpret an entity that does not match a Property
     (e.g. alternative name);
   - setParameter(Gyoto::Property const &p,
                  std::string const &name,
                  std::string const &content,
                  std::string const &unit)
     to change how a Property is interpreted.

Reimplemented in Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic, Gyoto::Astrobj::Complex, Gyoto::Spectrometer::Complex, Gyoto::Astrobj::EquatorialHotSpot, Gyoto::Photon, Gyoto::Astrobj::Star, Gyoto::Spectrometer::Uniform, and Gyoto::Astrobj::OscilTorus.

◆ tellListeners()

virtual void Gyoto::Hook::Teller::tellListeners ( )

Call tell() on each hooked Listener.

Whenever a Teller mutates, it should warn any Listener hooked to it using tellListeners().

◆ unhook()

virtual void Gyoto::Hook::Teller::unhook ( Listener listener)

Stop listening.

Use from a Hook::Listener object method:


where "this" is a Listener, "teller" is a Teller, and "this" has called teller->hook(this) previously.

listenerpointer to the listener

Member Data Documentation

◆ boundaries_

double* Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::boundaries_

Frequency (in Hz) at the boundaries of the spectral channels.

Array of size nboundaries_

Spectral channel i extends from

double * boundaries_
Frequency (in Hz) at the boundaries of the spectral channels.
Definition: GyotoSpectrometer.h:217
size_t * chanind_
Indices in boundaries_.
Definition: GyotoSpectrometer.h:224


. Channels may or may not be contiguous or ordered.

◆ chanind_

size_t* Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::chanind_

Indices in boundaries_.

Array of size 2*nsamples_

◆ kind_

std::string Gyoto::Object::kind_

The "kind" that is output in the XML entity.

E.g. for an Astrobj, fillElement() will ensure

<Astrobj kind="kind_" ...>...</Astrobj>

is written.

◆ kindid_

kind_t Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::kindid_

Spectrometer kind ID.

The content is not copied. kindid_ should be set (as a parameter to the Generic() constructor or using kindid()) to the address of a static variable holding the name. This allows checking the kind using pointer comparison rather than string comparison.

◆ midpoints_

double* Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::midpoints_

Effective frequency (in Hz) of each spectral channel.

Array of size nsamples_

◆ mutex_

pthread_mutex_t Gyoto::SmartPointee::mutex_

A mutex.

When compiled with libpthread

◆ plugins_

std::vector<std::string> Gyoto::Object::plugins_

The plug-ins that needs to be loaded to access this instance's class.

E.g. for an Astrobj, fillElement() will ensure

<Astrobj ... plugin="plugins_">...</Astrobj>

is written.

◆ widths_

double* Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic::widths_

Width of each channel.

Array of size nsamples_ (in Hz)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: