▼NGyoto | Namespace for the Gyoto library |
►NAstrobj | Access to astronomical objects |
►NPython | Classes that wrap Python classes as Gyoto Astrobj implementations |
CStandard | Coding a Gyoto::Astrobj::Standard in Python |
CThinDisk | Coding a Gyoto::Astrobj::ThinDisk in Python |
CBlob | Blob of plasma following a Star orbit, emitting synchrotron, with Gaussian time-evolving density and temperature |
CComplex | Complex astronomical object |
CDeformedTorus | |
CDirectionalDisk | Geometrically thin disk read from FITS file |
CDisk3D | Geometrically thick disk read from FITS file |
CDynamicalDisk | Geometrically thin disk read from a set of FITS files |
CDynamicalDisk3D | Geometrically thick optically thin disk read from a set of FITS files |
CDynamicalDiskBolometric | Geometrically thin disk read from a set of FITS files |
CEquatorialHotSpot | |
CFixedStar | Fixed (i.e. non-moving) star (or spherical blob) |
CFlaredDiskSynchrotron | |
CGeneric | Base class for astronomical object |
CInflateStar | An Astrobj::Star with growing size |
CJet | Simple jet model with thermal or kappa-distribution synchrotron emission from Pandya et al. (2016) |
CNeutronStar | Neutron star defined by its surface ; no emission |
CNeutronStarAnalyticEmission | Neutron star emitting at its surface an analytic emission, typically blackbody |
CNeutronStarModelAtmosphere | Neutron star emitting at its surface an emission provided by a FITS table |
COscilTorus | |
CPageThorneDisk | Geometrically thin disk in Kerr metric |
CPatternDisk | Geometrically thin disk read from FITS file |
CPatternDiskBB | Geometrically thin disk read from FITS file with black body spectrum |
►CPolishDoughnut | A toroidal accretion structure |
Cintersection_t | Double intersection(double) Functor class |
Couterradius_t | Double outerradius(double) Functor class |
CProperties | Observable properties of an Astronomical object |
CStandard | Astronomical objects defined bya a potential/distance |
CStar | Mass-less, spherical object following a timelike geodesic |
CStarTrace | Like a Star that would be on all points of its orbit at all time |
CThickDisk | A thick accretion disk described by its opening angle between the BH spin axis and the disk surface, and its inner radius |
CThinDisk | Geometrically thin disks and rings |
CThinDiskIronLine | |
CThinDiskPL | Geometrically thin disk with black-body emission |
CTorus | Optically thin or thick torus in circular rotation |
CUniformSphere | Optically thick or thin, spherical objects |
CXillverReflection | The illumination table specifies how the thin disk is illuminated while the reflection table deduces from that the reflected spectrum as computed by Javier Garcia's XILLVER code |
►NFunctor | Classes with an operator() method |
CDouble_constDoubleArray | A functor like double (func) (double const data[]) |
CDouble_Double_const | A functor like double (func) (double) const |
►NHook | Listeners attach to Tellers |
CListener | I might listen to a Teller |
CTeller | Listen to me and I'll warn you when I change |
►NMetric | Access to metrics |
CChernSimons | |
CGeneric | Base class for metrics |
CHayward | Metric of a regular rotating black hole or naked worm-hole |
CKerrBL | Metric around a Kerr black-hole in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates |
CKerrKS | Metric around a Kerr black-hole in Kerr-Schild coordinates Warning: this metric is seldom used and may be buggy |
CMinkowski | The Minkowski flat-space metric |
CNumericalMetricLorene | |
CPython | Metric coded in Python |
CRezzollaZhidenko | |
CRotStar3_1 | Numerical metric around a rotating star in 3+1 formalism |
►NPython | Helpers for the classes deriving from Gyoto::Python::Base |
CBase | Base class for classes in the Python plug-in |
►NRegister | Gyoto registers |
CEntry | Entry in a register (or a full register) |
►NSpectrometer | Access to spectrometers |
CComplex | Complex spectrometer object |
CGeneric | Base class for spectrometers |
CUniform | Uniformly spaced spectrometers |
►NSpectrum | Spectrum of a simple object (e.g. a Gyoto::Astrobj::Star) |
CBlackBody | Black Body |
CGeneric | Spectrum emitted by an Astrobj |
CKappaDistributionSynchrotron | Kappa-distribution synchrotron spectrum from Pandya et al. (2016) |
CPowerLaw | I_nu=constant_*nu^exponent_ |
CPowerLawSynchrotron | Powerlaw synchrotron spectrum |
CPython | Loader for Python classes implementing the Spectrum interface |
CThermalBremsstrahlung | Thermal brems spectrum |
CThermalSynchrotron | Thermal synchrotron spectrum |
CError | Class for thowing exceptions |
CFactory | XML input/output |
CFactoryMessenger | Factory / SmartPointee::Subcontractor_t interface |
CGridData2D | Class for reading data stored in a 2D grid |
CObject | Object with properties |
►CPhoton | A null geodesic transporting light |
CRefined | Refine last step of integration in a Photon |
►CProperty | Property that can be set and got using standard methods |
Cgetter_t | Union holding an accessor to get any type |
Cgetter_unit_t | Union holding an accessor to get double or vector<double> with unit |
Csetter_t | Union holding an accessor to set any type |
Csetter_unit_t | Union holding an accessor to set double or vector<double> with unit |
CScenery | Ray-tracing scene |
►CScreen | The camera with which the Astrobj is observed |
CAngles | 1D specifier for an arbitrary angle coordinate set |
CBucket | Class containing arbitrary 2D-points |
CCoord1dSet | Set of 1-d coordinates: indices or angles |
CCoord2dSet | Class to specify a set of points on the Screen |
CEmpty | A dummy, empty 2D set |
CGrid | Class containing 2D-points organized in a grid |
CIndices | 1D specifier for an arbitrary pixel coordinate set |
CRange | 1D coordinated specifier for a range |
CRepeatAngle | 1D specifier for an angle that is repeated |
CSmartPointee | Can be pointed to by a SmartPointer |
CSmartPointer | Pointers performing reference counting |
CValue | Container for the value of a Property |
CWIP | Base class for work in progress |
►CWorldline | Timelike or null geodesics |
►CIntegState | |
CGeneric | Current state of a geodesic integration |
CLegacy | Obsolete: Home-brewed integrator |
CListenerItem | Private (undocumented) class to hold listeners_ |
CNumericalMetricLorene | Class for 3+1 numerical metrics computed by LORENE. This class can handle (so far) any kind of LORENE metric, stars, collapsing stars, Kerr, boson star e.g |