Use "./waf configure --debug" to enable debugging code. If you want to use gdb you might want to set –cxxflags-debug='-O1 -g'.
Some environment variables are recognized in the debug build:
Time measurement is switched on by defining the environment variable GUITARIX_MEASURE. When setting its value to 1 results are more verbose. Results are printed each second on stdout. On intel architecture it also prints warnings when denormals are encountered during processing.
For better controlled measurements you can disable frequency scaling and set cpu affinity:
$ sudo cpufreq-set -d 800MHz -u 800MHz # or whatever your cpu supports $ GUITARIX_MEASURE=1 taskset -c 1 guitarix
The full list of effect plugins is output, then the list of active plugins after each change.
Only when starting Guitarix as user interface client: Output all parameter changes sent to the server (changes marked with (blocked) are originated by the server and not reflected back). When set to a value (other than empty string), print only changes for that parameter id.