Class Commons.CommonsLoggingStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Commons.CommonsLoggingStrategy extends LogASTTransformation.AbstractLoggingStrategy
  • Constructor Details

    • CommonsLoggingStrategy

      protected CommonsLoggingStrategy(GroovyClassLoader loader)
  • Method Details

    • addLoggerFieldToClass

      public FieldNode addLoggerFieldToClass(ClassNode classNode, String logFieldName, String categoryName)
      Description copied from interface: LogASTTransformation.LoggingStrategy
      In this method, you are given a ClassNode, a field name and a category name, and you must add a new Field onto the class. Return the result of the ClassNode.addField operations.
      classNode - the class that was originally annotated with the Log transformation.
      logFieldName - the name of the logger field
      categoryName - the name of the logging category
      the FieldNode instance that was created and added to the class
    • isLoggingMethod

      public boolean isLoggingMethod(String methodName)
    • wrapLoggingMethodCall

      public Expression wrapLoggingMethodCall(Expression logVariable, String methodName, Expression originalExpression)