Humminbird waypoints and routes (.hwr) (humminbird)

This format can...

This format supports:

Humminbird waypoints and routes (.hwr files)
Humminbird tracks (.ht files)
Humminbird .dat files. (These accompany the .png files you get when you take snapshots. There are also .dat files generated when making recordings, but those are not supported here.)

If you do "save all nav data" on the device, you'll get a data.hwr and a file on the flash card (on a 797 in the matrix directory).

The humminbird module can read all of these file formats, but you need to tell it which ones to write. By default, you get a .hwr file, to get a track (.ht file), use the "humminbird-track" format.

Note:.dat files are read-only, they only make sense together with their images.

Supported models:

797c2i SI

(They should all work, but this is the only one tested so far.)

Known limits:

max 12 characters for waypoint names.
max 20 characters for route and track names.
max 50 points per route. Use simplify filter (count=50 or less) if you have routes with more points!
max 21835 points per track.