GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem


class  gr::digital::binary_slicer_fb
 Slice float binary symbol producing 1 bit output. More...
class  gr::digital::constellation
 An abstracted constellation object. More...
class  gr::digital::constellation_decoder_cb
 Constellation Decoder. More...
class  gr::digital::constellation_encoder_bc
 Constellation Encoder. More...
class  gr::digital::constellation_soft_decoder_cf
 Constellation Decoder. More...
class  gr::digital::diff_decoder_bb
 Differential encoder: y[0] = (x[0] - x[-1]) % M. More...
class  gr::digital::diff_encoder_bb
 Differential decoder: y[0] = (x[0] + y[-1]) % M. More...
class  gr::digital::diff_phasor_cc
 Differential decoding based on phase change. More...
class  gr::digital::map_bb
 output[i] = map[input[i]] More...

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