GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
gr::fec::ldpc_encoder Class Referenceabstract

#include <gnuradio/fec/ldpc_encoder.h>

Public Member Functions

double rate () override=0
bool set_frame_size (unsigned int frame_size) override=0
int get_output_size () override=0
int get_input_size () override=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from gr::fec::generic_encoder
virtual void generic_work (void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer)=0
int unique_id ()
std::string alias ()
virtual double rate ()=0
virtual int get_input_size ()=0
virtual int get_output_size ()=0
virtual const char * get_input_conversion ()
virtual const char * get_output_conversion ()
virtual bool set_frame_size (unsigned int frame_size)=0
 generic_encoder (void)
 generic_encoder (std::string name)
virtual ~generic_encoder ()

Static Public Member Functions

static generic_encoder::sptr make (std::string alist_file)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from gr::fec::generic_encoder
typedef std::shared_ptr< generic_encodersptr
- Public Attributes inherited from gr::fec::generic_encoder
int my_id
std::string d_name
- Static Public Attributes inherited from gr::fec::generic_encoder
static int base_unique_id
- Protected Attributes inherited from gr::fec::generic_encoder
gr::logger_ptr d_logger

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_input_size()

int gr::fec::ldpc_encoder::get_input_size ( )
overridepure virtual

Returns the input size in items that the encoder object uses to encode a full frame. Often, this number is the number of bits per frame if the input format is unpacked. If the block expects packed bytes, then this value should be the number of bytes (number of bits / 8) per input frame.

The child class MUST implement this function.

Implements gr::fec::generic_encoder.

◆ get_output_size()

int gr::fec::ldpc_encoder::get_output_size ( )
overridepure virtual

Returns the output size in items that the encoder object produces after encoding a full frame. Often, this number is the number of bits in the outputted frame if the input format is unpacked. If the block produces packed bytes, then this value should be the number of bytes (number of bits / 8) per frame produced. This value is generally something like R*get_input_size() for a 1/R rate code.

The child class MUST implement this function.

Implements gr::fec::generic_encoder.

◆ make()

static generic_encoder::sptr gr::fec::ldpc_encoder::make ( std::string  alist_file)

◆ rate()

double gr::fec::ldpc_encoder::rate ( )
overridepure virtual

Returns the rate of the code. For every 1 input bit, there are r output bits, so the rate is 1/r. Used for setting things like the encoder block's relative rate.

This function MUST be reimplemented by the child class.

Implements gr::fec::generic_encoder.

◆ set_frame_size()

bool gr::fec::ldpc_encoder::set_frame_size ( unsigned int  frame_size)
overridepure virtual

Updates the size of the frame to encode.

The child class MUST implement this function and interpret how the frame_size information affects the block's behavior. It should also provide bounds checks.

Implements gr::fec::generic_encoder.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: