Xtics series

    set xtics <incr>
    set xtics <start>, <incr>, <end>
The implicit 4#4start5#5, 4#4incr5#5, 4#4end5#5 form specifies that a series of tics will be plotted on the axis between the values 4#4start5#5 and 4#4end5#5 with an increment of 4#4incr5#5. If 4#4end5#5 is not given, it is assumed to be infinity. The increment may be negative. If neither 4#4start5#5 nor 4#4end5#5 is given, 4#4start5#5 is assumed to be negative infinity, 4#4end5#5 is assumed to be positive infinity, and the tics will be drawn at integral multiples of 4#4incr5#5. If the axis is logarithmic, the increment will be used as a multiplicative factor.

If you specify to a negative 4#4start5#5 or 4#4incr5#5 after a numerical value (e.g., rotate by 4#4angle5#5 or offset 4#4offset5#5), the parser fails because it subtracts 4#4start5#5 or 4#4incr5#5 from that value. As a workaround, specify 0-4#4start5#5 resp. 0-4#4incr5#5 in that case.


     set xtics border offset 0,0.5 -5,1,5
Fails with 'invalid expression' at the last comma.
     set xtics border offset 0,0.5 0-5,1,5
     set xtics offset 0,0.5 border -5,1,5
Sets tics at the border, tics text with an offset of 0,0.5 characters, and sets the start, increment, and end to -5, 1, and 5, as requested.

The set grid options 'front', 'back' and 'layerdefault' affect the drawing order of the xtics, too.


Make tics at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, ..., 9.5, 10.

     set xtics 0,.5,10

Make tics at ..., -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, ...

     set xtics 5

Make tics at 1, 100, 1e4, 1e6, 1e8.

     set logscale x; set xtics 1,100,1e8