
Some terminals (wxt, qt, svg, canvas, win) allow you to attach hypertext to specific points on the graph or elsewhere on the canvas. When the mouse hovers over the anchor point, a pop-up box containing the text is displayed. Terminals that do not support hypertext will display nothing. You must enable the point attribute of the label in order for the hypertext to be anchored. Examples:
     set label at 0,0 "Plot origin" hypertext point pt 1
     plot 'data' using 1:2:0 with labels hypertext point pt 7 \
          title 'mouse over point to see its order in data set'

For the wxt and qt terminals, left-click on a hypertext anchor after the text has appeared will copy the hypertext to the clipboard.

EXPERIMENTAL (implementation details may change) Text of the form "image{4#4xsize5#5,4#4ysize5#5}:4#4filename5#5{2#2n4#4caption text5#5}" will trigger display of the image file in a pop-up box. The optional size overrides a default box size 300x200. The types of image file recognized may vary by terminal type, but *.png should always work. Any additional text lines following the image filename are displayed as usual for hypertext. Example:

     set label 7 "image:../figures/Fig7_inset.png\nFigure 7 caption..."
     set label 7 at 10,100 hypertext point pt 7