
     set clip {points|one|two|radial}
     unset clip {points|one|two|radial}
     show clip

Default state:

     unset clip points
     set clip one
     unset clip two
     unset clip radial

Data points whose center lies inside the plot boundaries are normally drawn even if the finite size of the point symbol causes it to extend past a boundary line. set clip points causes such points to be clipped (i.e. not drawn) even though the point center is inside the boundaries of a 2D plot. Data points whose center lies outside the plot boundaries are never drawn.

unset clip causes a line segment in a plot not to be drawn if either end of that segment lies outside the plot boundaries (i.e. xrange and yrange).

set clip one causes gnuplot to draw the in-range portion of line segments with one endpoint in range and one endpoint out of range. set clip two causes gnuplot to draw the in-range portion of line segments with both endpoints out of range. Line segments that lie entirely outside the plot boundaries are never drawn.

set clip radial affects plotting only in polar mode. It clips lines against the radial bound established by set rrange [0:MAX]. This criteria is applied in conjunction with set clip {one3#3two}. I.e. the portion of a line between two points with R 5#5 RMAX that passes through the circle R = RMAX is drawn only if both clip two and clip radial are set.


* set clip affects only points and lines produced by plot styles lines, linespoints, points, arrows, and vectors.

* Clipping of colored quadrangles drawn for pm3d surfaces and other solid objects is controlled set pm3d clipping. The default is smooth clipping against the current zrange.

* Object clipping is controlled by the clip or noclip property of the individual object.

* In the current version of gnuplot, "plot with vectors" in polar mode does not test or clip against the maximum radius.