
This section describes only the optional axis ranges that may appear as the very first items in a plot command. If present, these ranges override any range limits established by a previous set range statement. For optional ranges elsewhere in a plot command that limit sampling of an individual plot component see sampling (p. [*]).



The first form applies to the independent variable (xrange or trange, if in parametric mode). The second form applies to dependent variables. 4#4dummy-var5#5 optionally establishes a new name for the independent variable. (The default name may be changed with set dummy.)

In non-parametric mode, ranges must be given in the order

     plot [<xrange>][<yrange>][<x2range>][<y2range>] ...

In parametric mode, ranges must be given in the order

     plot [<trange>][<xrange>][<yrange>][<x2range>][<y2range>] ...
The following plot command shows setting trange to [-pi:pi], xrange to [-1.3:1.3] and yrange to [-1:1] for the duration of the graph:

     plot [-pi:pi] [-1.3:1.3] [-1:1] sin(t),t**2

* can be used to allow autoscaling of either of min and max. Use an empty range [] as a placeholder if necessary.

Ranges specified on the plot or splot command line affect only that one graph; use the set xrange, set yrange, etc., commands to change the default ranges for future graphs.

The use of on-the-fly range specifiers in a plot command may not yield the expected result for linked axes (see set link (p. [*])).

For time data you must provide the range in quotes, using the same format used to read time from the datafile. See set timefmt (p. [*]).


This uses the current ranges:

     plot cos(x)

This sets the x range only:

     plot [-10:30] sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)

This is the same, but uses t as the dummy-variable:

     plot [t = -10 :30]  sin(pi*t)/(pi*t)

This sets both the x and y ranges:

     plot [-pi:pi] [-3:3]  tan(x), 1/x

This sets only the y range:

     plot [ ] [-2:sin(5)*-8] sin(x)**besj0(x)

This sets xmax and ymin only:

     plot [:200] [-pi:]  $mydata using 1:2

This sets the x range for a timeseries:

     set timefmt "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"
     plot ["1/6/93 12:00":"5/6/93 12:00"] 'timedata.dat'