
The linespoints style (short form lp) connects adjacent points with straight line segments and then goes back to draw a small symbol at each point. Points are drawn with the default size determined by set pointsize unless a specific point size is given in the plot command or a variable point size is provided in an additional column of input data. Additional input columns may also be used to provide information such as variable line color. See lines (p. [*]) and points (p. [*]).

Two keywords control whether or not every point in the plot is marked with a symbol, pointinterval (short form pi) and pointnumber (short form pn).

pi N or pi -N tells gnuplot to only place a symbol on every Nth point. A negative value for N will erase the portion of line segment that passes underneath the symbol. The size of the erased portion is controlled by set pointintervalbox.

pn N or pn -N tells gnuplot to label only N of the data points, evenly spaced over the data set. As with pi, a negative value for N will erase the portion of line segment that passes underneath the symbol.