- Voxel grid commands. See set vgrid (p.
), set vxrange (p.
), vclear (p.
), vfill (p.
and voxel (p.
- New options for showing the xy xz and yz planes in 3D plots.
See set walls (p.
), set grid vertical (p.
- set table separator {tab3#3comma3#3"char"} can be used to create csv files.
See plot with table (p.
- New options set view projection {xy3#3xz3#3yz} adjust view angles, axis tic
and label placement to generate a 2D projection of a 3D splot.
set view projection xy is equivalent to set view map.
- set rgbmax 4#4value5#5 controls interpretation of input RGB values.
- Array size can be implicit if an initializer is present, e.g. Array A = [1,2,3].
- Optional radial clipping of line segments in polar mode. See set clip (p.
- Extra lines to customize the key can be added by substituting keyentry in
place of a filename or function in plot and splot commands.
This produces a line in the key without generating a corresponding plot.
See keyentry (p.
- User-specified translation of mouse coordinates (EXPERIMENTAL).
See map_projection demo.
- set datafile columnheaders causes first line of input to be read as strings
rather than as data values. Equivalent to set key autotitle columnheader
except that it does not affect generation of key entries. If this option is
in effect the stats command will generate an array of strings containing
the column headers found.
- You can define multiple textbox styles. See set style textbox (p.