The «MyPaint Brushes» dialog is used to select a MyPaint brush, for use with painting tools: see the MyPaint Brush tool section for more information on MyPaint brushes and how they are used in GIMP. The dialog also gives you access to several functions for manipulating brushes. You can select a brush by clicking on it in the list: it will then be shown in the Tool Options area of the Toolbox when the MyPaint Brush is the active tool.
The «MyPaint Brushes» dialog is a dockable dialog. See the section Dialogs and Docking for help on manipulating it.
È accessibile:
From an image menu:
→ → .
From the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking on
and selecting
→ .
From the Tool Options dialog for any of the paint tools, by clicking on the MyPaint Brush icon button, you get a popup with similar functionality that permits you to quickly choose a brush from the list; if you click on the button present on the right bottom of the popup, you open the real MyPaint brush dialog.
La finestra di dialogo «pennelli» semplificata
Questa finestra ha cinque pulsanti, chiaramente spiegati dai fumetti d'aiuto:
Anteprime più piccole
Anteprime più grandi
Mostra come elenco
Mostra come griglia
Open the MyPaint brush selection dialog
Da notare che, a seconda delle preferenze impostate, un pennello selezionato con questa finestrella, viene applicato solo allo strumento attivo in quel momento, e non agli altri strumenti di disegno. Per maggiori informazioni Vedere la sezione preferenze per le opzioni strumento .
Nel menu della scheda è possibile scegliere tra
e . Nella modalità griglia, le forme dei pennelli vengono visualizzate affiancate all'interno di un riquadro rettangolare, ciò rende possibile visualizzarne molte in un sol colpo rendendo semplice la scelta del pennello desiderato. Nella modalità elenco, le forme vengono disposte in una lista con il nome di ognuna accanto ad essa.Nel menu della scheda, l'opzione dimensione anteprima permette di adattare alle proprie preferenze la dimensione delle anteprime delle forme dei pennelli.
At the top of the dialog appears a filter box where you can filter the MyPaint brushes shown based on their tags; and the name of the currently selected brush.
In the center a grid view of all available brushes is shown, with the currently selected one outlined. Below the grid is a box that shows the tags assigned to the currently selected brush.
For the most part, the dialog works the same way in List mode as in Grid mode, with the following exception: the name of the current brush isn't shown at the top.
When you click on a brush preview, it becomes the current brush and it gets selected in the MyPaint Brush Tool Options. You can also click on buttons at the bottom of the dialog to perform various actions.
You can use tags to reorganize the MyPaint brushes display. See Sezione 3.7, «Marcatura».
At the bottom of the dialog you find the following buttons:
This is currently always disabled since GIMP does not support editing MyPaint brushes. This is also the reason why there is no create new brush button.
This button is also always disabled.
This option is always disabled as far as I have seen.
If you add brushes to your personal
MyPaint brushes
folder or any other folder in your MyPaint brushes search path,
this button causes the list to be reloaded, so that the new
entries will be available in the dialog.
Some of functions performed by these buttons can also be accessed from the dialog pop-up menu, activated by right-clicking anywhere in the brush grid/list, or by choosing the top item,
, from the dialog Tab menu.
Right clicking on a brush preview opens a context menu. Most of the commands of this submenu are described with the Buttons, except for the following.