GEIS  2.0
Gesture Engine Interface Support
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 Common Types and DefinitionsThese types and values are common to both the simplified and advanced GEIS interfaces
 The Simplified GEIS InterfaceThe simplified GEIS interface is the original (GEIS v1) API
 Gesture TypesThe names of gesture types
 Gesture PrimitivesThese are the prime gesture primitive that describes the general action of the touchpoints at an instant in time
 Standard Gesture TypesThese gesture types should be available on all GEIS implementations
 Vendor Extension Gesture TypesVendor-specific extensions to the GEIS v1 API
 Initialization and CleanupEach instance of a gesture subscription must be created using the geis_init() call and destroyed using the geis_finish() call
 Configuration and Control
 Input Devices
 Gesture Subscription
 The Advanced GEIS InterfaceThe advanced GEIS interface (GEIS v2) was developed to give a more nuanced control over the types of gestures and input devices for which gestures will be recognized
 The Geis API Object
 Error Reporting
 AttributesAttributes are named values associated with various GEIS entities, including input devices, gesture types, and gesture events
 Event ControlThese functions are used to dispatch events generated from the various other GEIS components
 Input Devices
 Gesture Classes
 Gesture Regions
 Gesture Filter
 Gesture Subscription
 Gesture FramesGesture state information