GEIS  2.0
Gesture Engine Interface Support
geis.h File Reference

This is the public interface for the GEIS gesture API. More...

#include <geis/geisimpl.h>

Data Structures

class  GeisWinInfo
 Generic display region description block. More...
struct  GeisInputFuncs
 Callback functions used to handle changes in the available input devices. More...
struct  GeisGestureAttr
 An individual gesture attribute. More...
struct  GeisGestureFuncs
 The set of callback functions invoked for various gesture-related events. More...


#define GEIS_VERSION_1_0
 GEIS version macros. More...
#define GEIS_VERSION_2_0
#define GEIS_FALSE
#define GEIS_TRUE
 A translate gesture: dragging, swiping, flicking, moving in a generally linear fashion. More...
 A pinch or expand gesture: two or more touch points generally moving toward or away from a common point. More...
 A rotation gesture. More...
 A tap. More...
 A parenthetical gesture event. More...
 A special gesture type than enabled system-wide gesture priority. More...
 Gets the Unix file descriptor for GEIS events. More...
 Selects ALL input devices. More...
 A special constant indicating the use of the default event callback. More...
Standard fundamental gesture attributes
 Angle covered by a gesture since it has started, in radians, counterclockwise. More...
 Angle covered by a gesture since its last update, in radians, counterclockwise. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the centroid of the non-self-intersecting closed polygon defined by the touch points of the gesture, in device coordinates. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the centroid of the non-self-intersecting closed polygon defined by the touch points of the gesture, in device coordinates. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the focus point of a gesture, in screen coordinates. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the focus point of a gesture, in screen coordinates. More...
 Name of the gesture. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the position of a gesture, in device coordinates. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the position of a gesture, in device coordinates. More...
 This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index0. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index0. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index0. More...
 This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index1. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index1. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index1. More...
 This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index2. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index2. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index2. More...
 This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index3. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index3. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index3. More...
 This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index4. More...
 This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index4. More...
 This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index4. More...
Standard Initialization Arguments
These initialization arguments are defined by the GEIS v2 specification.
 Enables GEIS to provide a networked service. More...
 Tells GEIS to send input device events. More...
 Tells GEIS to send gesture class events. More...
 Performs all setup synchronously: geis_new() will block until all setup has completed successfully or unsuccessfully. More...
Vendor-defined Initialization Arguments
These initialization arguments are not a part of the GEIS specification and may change.
 Uses the DBus back end (default). More...
 Uses the native grail back end (fallback). More...
 Uses the grail-embedded-in-X11 back end. More...
 Disables the use of (GEIS v1-style) atomic gestures: only a single gesture is recognized at a time. More...
 Causes tentative events to be sent. More...
 Causes all gesture events to be sent, even if there is zero apparent time difference between the events. More...
Required Configuration Items
These configuration items are defined by the GEIS specification.
 Gets a Unix file descriptor that will signal the availablility of GEIS events for processing. More...
Vendor-defined Configuration Items
These configuration items are not a part of the GEIS specification and may change.
 Indicates if atomic gestures are in use. More...
 Movement threshold for recognizing a DRAG gesture (in meters). More...
 Timeout for recognizing a DRAG gesture (in milliseconds). More...
 Movement threshold for recognizing a PINCH gesture (in meters). More...
 Timeout for recognizing a PINCH gesture (in milliseconds). More...
 Movement threshold for recognizing a ROTATE gesture (in meters). More...
 Timeout for recognizing a ROTATE gesture (in milliseconds). More...
 Movement threshold for recognizing a TAP gesture (in meters). More...
 Timeout for recognizing a TAP gesture (in milliseconds). More...
 The number of subscriptions currently active in the back end. More...
Device Event Attributes
 The event attribute containing a pointer to a GeisDevice. More...
Device Attributes
 The name of the input device. More...
 The unique integer ID of the device. More...
 The maximum number of touches a device is capable of reporting. More...
 Indicates the device is a direct touch device. More...
 Indicates the device is an independent touch device. More...
 The lower bound of the X-axis (nominally horizontal) coordinate values reported by the device. More...
 The upper bound of the X-axis (nominally horizontal) coordinate values reported by the device. More...
 The resolution of the X-axis (nominally horizontal) coordinate values reported by the device. More...
 The lower bound of the Y-axis (nominally vertical) coordinate values reported by the device. More...
 The upper bound of the Y-axis (nominally vertical) coordinate values reported by the device. More...
 The resolution of the Y-axis (nominally vertical) coordinate values reported by the device. More...
Gesture Class Event Attributes
 The event attribute containing a pointer to a GeisGestureClass. More...
Gesture Class Attributes
 The name of the gesture class. More...
 The unique integer ID of the gesture class. More...
Region Attributes
These attributes can be used to construct filter terms to restrict a gesture subscription to a particular region.
 The X11 windowid in which a gesture occurred. More...
Region Initialization Arguments
Gesture regions are created to describe a particular display/feedback region. The type of the region can not be changed after creation (just create a new region for that). The types of regions are platform specific and each type may require addition arguments.
The following region initialization argument names are required by the GEIS v2.0 specification.
 Selects the X11 root window as a region. More...
 Selects an X11 window as a region. More...
Gesture Frame Event Attributes
A gesture event (GEIS_EVENT_GESTURE_BEGIN, GEIS_EVENT_GESTURE_UPDATE, GEIS_EVENT_GESTURE_END) should have two GEIS_ATTR_TYPE_POINTER attributes, one containing a GeisGroupSet and one containing a GeisTouchSet.

For example: If four fingers are being simultaneously moved over a touchpad or touchscreen surface, Geis could start generating gesture events containing two groups: One group having a single frame from a four-fingers gesture of some class and a second group having two frames, each from a different two-fingers gesture (like one from a Rotate and the other from a Pinch gesture). This means that geis could interpret the movements of those four touch points as both a single four-fingers gesture and as two separate two-fingers gestures.

There can be only a single frame per gesture in a gesture event. I.e. no two frames will return the same GeisGestureId in the same gesture event.

 The event attribute containing a pointer to a GeisGroupSet. More...
 The event attribute containing a pointer to a GeisTouchSet. More...
 Event attribute containing a boolean. More...
Touch Attributes
Each touch has zero or more attributes associated with it. Differing hardware is capable of reporting differing sets of touch attributes, so there is no guarantee that any or all of the defined touch attributes will bre present.

If the touch comes from a direct device (see GEIS_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT_TOUCH) its position (x and y attributes) will be in window coordinates, otherwise it will be in the input device's own coordinate system.

 Identifies the touch. More...
 The X coordinate of the touch. More...
 The Y coordinate of the touch. More...


typedef enum GeisStatus GeisStatus
 Errors returned from calls. More...
typedef enum GeisAttrType GeisAttrType
 Attribute data types. More...
typedef struct GeisWinInfo GeisWinInfo
typedef unsigned int GeisInputDeviceId
typedef void(* GeisInputCallback) (void *cookie, GeisInputDeviceId device_id, void *attrs)
 Prototype for input device callback functions. More...
typedef struct GeisInputFuncs GeisInputFuncs
 Callback functions used to handle changes in the available input devices. More...
typedef unsigned int GeisGestureType
typedef unsigned int GeisGestureId
typedef struct GeisGestureAttr GeisGestureAttr
 An individual gesture attribute. More...
typedef void(* GeisGestureCallback) (void *cookie, GeisGestureType gesture_type, GeisGestureId gesture_id, GeisSize attr_count, GeisGestureAttr *attrs)
 A callback used for different gesture events. More...
typedef struct GeisGestureFuncs GeisGestureFuncs
 The set of callback functions invoked for various gesture-related events. More...
typedef enum _GeisEventType GeisEventType
typedef void(* GeisEventCallback) (Geis geis, GeisEvent event, void *context)
 The application callback type for the event dispatcher. More...
typedef enum _GeisFilterFacility GeisFilterFacility
 Indicates the type of filter. More...
typedef enum _GeisFilterOperation GeisFilterOperation
 Indicates the type of filter operation. More...
typedef int GeisSubscriptionFlags


enum  GeisStatus {
 Errors returned from calls. More...
enum  GeisAttrType {
 Attribute data types. More...
enum  _GeisEventType {
 Indicates the type of filter. More...
enum  _GeisFilterOperation {
 Indicates the type of filter operation. More...


GeisStatus geis_configuration_supported (GeisInstance geis_instance, int configuration_item)
 Indicates if a particular feaure is supported. More...
GeisStatus geis_configuration_get_value (GeisInstance geis_instance, int configuration_item, void *value)
 Gets a feature configuration value. More...
GeisStatus geis_configuration_set_value (GeisInstance geis_instance, int configuration_item, void *value)
 Sets a feature configuration value. More...
GeisStatus geis_event_dispatch (GeisInstance geis_instance)
 Dispatches geis events until there are no further events available. More...
GeisSize geis_error_count (Geis geis)
 Gets the number of status codes in the error stack. More...
GeisStatus geis_error_code (Geis geis, GeisSize index)
 Gets the indicated status code from the error stack. More...
GeisString geis_error_message (Geis geis, GeisSize index)
 Gets the localized error message, if any, associated with the indicated error. More...
GeisStatus geis_get_configuration (Geis geis, GeisString configuration_item_name, void *configuration_item_value)
 Gets a feature configuration value. More...
GeisStatus geis_set_configuration (Geis geis, GeisString configuration_item_name, void *configuration_item_value)
 Sets a feature configuration value. More...
GeisStatus geis_input_devices (GeisInstance geis_instance, GeisInputFuncs *func, void *cookie)
 Registers a callback to receive information on input devices. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscribe (GeisInstance geis_instance, GeisInputDeviceId *input_list, const char **gesture_list, GeisGestureFuncs *funcs, void *cookie)
 Registers a callback to receive gesture events. More...
GeisStatus geis_unsubscribe (GeisInstance geis_instance, GeisGestureType *gesture_list)
 Unsubscribes to one or more gestures. More...
GeisString geis_attr_name (GeisAttr attr)
 An opaque type that encapsulates a GEIS attribute. More...
GeisAttrType geis_attr_type (GeisAttr attr)
 Gets the type of an attribute value. More...
GeisBoolean geis_attr_value_to_boolean (GeisAttr attr)
 Gets the value of an attribute as a GeisBoolean. More...
GeisFloat geis_attr_value_to_float (GeisAttr attr)
 Gets the value of an attribute as a GeisFloat. More...
GeisInteger geis_attr_value_to_integer (GeisAttr attr)
 Gets the value of an attribute as a GeisInteger. More...
GeisPointer geis_attr_value_to_pointer (GeisAttr attr)
 Gets the value of an attribute as a GeisPointer. More...
GeisString geis_attr_value_to_string (GeisAttr attr)
 Gets the value of an attribute as a GeisString. More...
void geis_register_event_callback (Geis geis, GeisEventCallback event_callback, void *context)
 Registers an event-handler callback. More...
GeisStatus geis_dispatch_events (Geis geis)
 Pumps the GEIS event loop. More...
GeisStatus geis_next_event (Geis geis, GeisEvent *event)
 Retrieves the next queued GEIS event. More...
void geis_register_device_callback (Geis geis, GeisEventCallback event_callback, void *context)
GeisDevice geis_get_device (Geis geis, GeisInteger device_id)
 Gets a cached device description for an identified device. More...
void geis_register_class_callback (Geis geis, GeisEventCallback event_callback, void *context)
 Registers a callback to receive gesture class change notifications. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_get_configuration (GeisSubscription subscription, GeisString config_item_name, GeisPointer config_item_value)
 Gets a subscription-level configuration item. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_set_configuration (GeisSubscription subscription, GeisString config_item_name, GeisPointer config_item_value)
 Sets a subscription-level configuration item. More...
GeisStatus geis_gesture_accept (Geis geis, GeisGroup group, GeisGestureId gesture_id)
 Marks a gesture as accepted. More...
GeisStatus geis_gesture_reject (Geis geis, GeisGroup group, GeisGestureId gesture_id)
 Marks a gesture as rejected. More...

Detailed Description

This is the public interface for the GEIS gesture API.

Copyright 2010-2013 Canonical Ltd.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 US

Macro Definition Documentation


Angle covered by a gesture since it has started, in radians, counterclockwise.

Its value ranges from -pi to pi.


Angle covered by a gesture since its last update, in radians, counterclockwise.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the centroid of the non-self-intersecting closed polygon defined by the touch points of the gesture, in device coordinates.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the centroid of the non-self-intersecting closed polygon defined by the touch points of the gesture, in device coordinates.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the focus point of a gesture, in screen coordinates.

For direct devices (GEIS_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT_TOUCH is GEIS_TRUE) it's the centroid point. For indirect devices it's the pointer/cursor position.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the focus point of a gesture, in screen coordinates.

For direct devices (GEIS_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT_TOUCH is GEIS_TRUE) it's the centroid point. For indirect devices it's the pointer/cursor position.


Name of the gesture.

This attribute is filled only when using GEIS v1 API (the simplified interface). On GEIS v2 this attribute has been replaced by the concept of gesture classes. Use geis_frame_is_class() instead.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the position of a gesture, in device coordinates.

It's the same as the centroid of a gesture. See GEIS_GESTURE_ATTRIBUTE_CENTROID_X.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the position of a gesture, in device coordinates.

It's the same as the centroid of a gesture. See GEIS_GESTURE_ATTRIBUTE_CENTROID_Y.


This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index0.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index0.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index0.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index1.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index1.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index1.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index2.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index2.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index2.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index3.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index3.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index3.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the ID of the touch at index4.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the X coordinate of the touch at index4.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.


This attribute provides the Y coordinate of the touch at index4.

Only used by GEIS v1 API.

#define GEIS_VERSION_1_0

GEIS version macros.

These macros can be tested at compile time to query for support of various features.