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21.2.23 write-string, write-line [Function]

write-string string &optional output-stream &key start endstring

write-line string &optional output-stream &key start endstring

Arguments and Values::

string—a string.

output-stream – an output stream designator. The default is standard output.

start, endbounding index designators of string. The defaults for start and end are 0 and nil, respectively.


write-string writes the characters of the subsequence of string bounded by start and end to output-stream. write-line does the same thing, but then outputs a newline afterwards.


 (prog1 (write-string "books" nil :end 4) (write-string "worms"))
 |>  bookworms
⇒  "books"
 (progn (write-char #\*)
        (write-line "test12" *standard-output* :end 5) 
        (write-line "*test2")
        (write-char #\*)
 |>  *test1
 |>  *test2
 |>  *
⇒  NIL

Affected By::

*standard-output*, *terminal-io*.

See Also::

read-line , write-char


write-line and write-string return string, not the substring bounded by start and end.

 (write-string string)
≡ (dotimes (i (length string)
      (write-char (char string i)))

 (write-line string)
≡ (prog1 (write-string string) (terpri))