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5.3.32 t [Constant Variable]

Constant Value::



The boolean representing true, and the canonical generalized boolean representing true. Although any object other than nil is considered true, t is generally used when there is no special reason to prefer one such object over another.

The symbol t is also sometimes used for other purposes as well. For example, as the name of a class, as a designator (e.g., a stream designator) or as a special symbol for some syntactic reason (e.g., in case and typecase to label the otherwise-clause).


 t ⇒  T 
 (eq t 't) ⇒  true
 (find-class 't) ⇒  #<CLASS T 610703333>
 (case 'a (a 1) (t 2)) ⇒  1
 (case 'b (a 1) (t 2)) ⇒  2
 (prin1 'hello t)
 |>  HELLO

See Also::