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16.2.9 string-trim, string-left-trim, string-right-trim [Function]

string-trim character-bag stringtrimmed-string

string-left-trim character-bag stringtrimmed-string

string-right-trim character-bag stringtrimmed-string

Arguments and Values::

character-bag—a sequence containing characters.

string—a string designator.

trimmed-string—a string.


string-trim returns a substring of string, with all characters in character-bag stripped off the beginning and end. string-left-trim is similar but strips characters off only the beginning; string-right-trim strips off only the end.

If no characters need to be trimmed from the string, then either string itself or a copy of it may be returned, at the discretion of the implementation.

All of these functions observe the fill pointer.


 (string-trim "abc" "abcaakaaakabcaaa") ⇒  "kaaak"
 (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) " garbanzo beans
        ") ⇒  "garbanzo beans"
 (string-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
⇒  "three (silly) words"

 (string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc") ⇒  "labcabcabc"
 (string-left-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
⇒  "three (silly) words* ) "

 (string-right-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ") 
⇒  " ( *three (silly) words"

Affected By::

The implementation.