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21.2.26 file-length [Function]

file-length streamlength

Arguments and Values::

stream—a stream associated with a file.

length—a non-negative integer or nil.


file-length returns the length of stream, or nil if the length cannot be determined.

For a binary file, the length is measured in units of the element type of the stream.


 (with-open-file (s "decimal-digits.text" 
                    :direction :output :if-exists :error)
   (princ "0123456789" s)
   (truename s))
⇒  #P"A:>Joe>decimal-digits.text.1"
 (with-open-file (s "decimal-digits.text")
   (file-length s))
⇒  10

Exceptional Situations::

Should signal an error of type type-error if stream is not a stream associated with a file.

See Also::
