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13.2.20 char-name [Function]

char-name charactername

Arguments and Values::

character—a character.

name—a string or nil.


Returns a string that is the name of the character, or nil if the character has no name.

All non-graphic characters are required to have names unless they have some implementation-defined attribute which is not null. Whether or not other characters have names is implementation-dependent.

The standard characters <Newline> and <Space> have the respective names "Newline" and "Space". The semi-standard characters <Tab>, <Page>, <Rubout>, <Linefeed>, <Return>, and <Backspace> (if they are supported by the implementation) have the respective names "Tab", "Page", "Rubout", "Linefeed", "Return", and "Backspace" (in the indicated case, even though name lookup by “#\” and by the function name-char is not case sensitive).


 (char-name #\ ) ⇒  "Space"
 (char-name #\Space) ⇒  "Space"
 (char-name #\Page) ⇒  "Page"

 (char-name #\a)
⇒  NIL
OR⇒ "Small-A"
OR⇒ "LA01"

 (char-name #\A)
⇒  NIL
OR⇒ "Capital-A"
OR⇒ "LA02"

 ;; Even though its CHAR-NAME can vary, #\A prints as #\A
 (prin1-to-string (read-from-string (format nil "#\\~A" (or (char-name #\A) "A"))))
⇒  "#\\A"

Exceptional Situations::

Should signal an error of type type-error if character is not a character.

See Also::

name-char , Printing Characters


Non-graphic characters having names are written by the Lisp printer as “#\” followed by the their name; see Printing Characters.