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12.2.21 asin, acos, atan [Function]

asin numberradians

acos numberradians

atan number1 &optional number2radians

Arguments and Values::

number—a number.

number1—a number if number2 is not supplied, or a real if number2 is supplied.

number2—a real.

radians—a number (of radians).


asin, acos, and atan compute the arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent respectively.

The arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent (with only number1 supplied) functions can be defined mathematically for number or number1 specified as x as in Figure 12–13.

  Function     Definition                            
  Arc sine      -i log  (ix+ \sqrt1-x^2 )          
  Arc cosine    (\pi/2) - arcsin  x                  
  Arc tangent   -i log  ((1+ix) \sqrt1/(1+x^2) )   

  Figure 12–13: Mathematical definition of arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent

These formulae are mathematically correct, assuming completely accurate computation. They are not necessarily the simplest ones for real-valued computations.

If both number1 and number2 are supplied for atan, the result is the arc tangent of number1/number2. The value of atan is always between -\pi (exclusive) and~\pi (inclusive)

when minus zero is not supported. The range of the two-argument arc tangent when minus zero is supported includes -\pi.

For a


number1, the result is

a real

and lies between -\pi/2 and~\pi/2 (both exclusive). number1 can be a complex if number2 is not supplied. If both are supplied, number2 can be zero provided number1 is not zero.

[Reviewer Note by Barmar: Should add “However, if the implementation distinguishes positive and negative zero, both may be signed zeros, and limits are used to define the result.”]

The following definition for arc sine determines the range and branch cuts:

arcsin z = -i log (iz+\sqrt1-z^2\Bigr)

The branch cut for the arc sine function is in two pieces: one along the negative real axis to the left of~-1 (inclusive), continuous with quadrant II, and one along the positive real axis to the right of~1 (inclusive), continuous with quadrant IV. The range is that strip of the complex plane containing numbers whose real part is between -\pi/2 and~\pi/2. A number with real part equal to -\pi/2 is in the range if and only if its imaginary part is non-negative; a number with real part equal to \pi/2 is in the range if and only if its imaginary part is non-positive.

The following definition for arc cosine determines the range and branch cuts:

arccos z = \pi\over2 - arcsin z

or, which are equivalent,

arccos z = -i log (z+i \sqrt1-z^2\Bigr)
arccos z = 2 log (\sqrt(1+z)/2 + i \sqrt(1-z)/2)\overi

The branch cut for the arc cosine function is in two pieces: one along the negative real axis to the left of~-1 (inclusive), continuous with quadrant II, and one along the positive real axis to the right of~1 (inclusive), continuous with quadrant IV. This is the same branch cut as for arc sine. The range is that strip of the complex plane containing numbers whose real part is between 0 and~\pi. A number with real part equal to 0 is in the range if and only if its imaginary part is non-negative; a number with real part equal to \pi is in the range if and only if its imaginary part is non-positive.

The following definition for (one-argument) arc tangent determines the range and branch cuts:

arctan z = log (1+iz) - log (1-iz)\over2i

Beware of simplifying this formula; “obvious” simplifications are likely to alter the branch cuts or the values on the branch cuts incorrectly. The branch cut for the arc tangent function is in two pieces: one along the positive imaginary axis above i (exclusive), continuous with quadrant II, and one along the negative imaginary axis below -i (exclusive), continuous with quadrant IV. The points i and~-i are excluded from the domain. The range is that strip of the complex plane containing numbers whose real part is between -\pi/2 and~\pi/2. A number with real part equal to -\pi/2 is in the range if and only if its imaginary part is strictly positive; a number with real part equal to \pi/2 is in the range if and only if its imaginary part is strictly negative. Thus the range of arc tangent is identical to that of arc sine with the points -\pi/2 and~\pi/2 excluded.

For atan, the signs of number1 (indicated as x) and number2 (indicated as y) are used to derive quadrant information. Figure 12–14 details various special cases.

The asterisk (*) indicates that the entry in the figure applies to implementations that support minus zero.

   to 1pcy Condition  x Condition  Cartesian locus  Range of result          
   to 1pc y = 0        x > 0       Positive x-axis   0                       
   to 1pc* y = +0      x > 0       Positive x-axis  +0                       
   to 1pc* y = -0      x > 0       Positive x-axis  -0                       
   to 1pc y > 0        x > 0       Quadrant I       0 < result < \pi/2      
   to 1pc y > 0        x = 0       Positive y-axis  \pi/2                    
   to 1pc y > 0        x < 0       Quadrant II      \pi/2 < result < \pi    
   to 1pc y = 0        x < 0       Negative x-axis   \pi                     
   to 1pc* y = +0      x < 0       Negative x-axis  +\pi                     
   to 1pc* y = -0      x < 0       Negative x-axis  -\pi                     
   to 1pc y < 0        x < 0       Quadrant III     -\pi < result < -\pi/2  
   to 1pc y < 0        x = 0       Negative y-axis  -\pi/2                   
   to 1pc y < 0        x > 0       Quadrant IV      -\pi/2 < result < 0     
   to 1pc y = 0        x = 0       Origin           undefined consequences   
   to 1pc* y = +0      x = +0      Origin           +0                       
   to 1pc* y = -0      x = +0      Origin           -0                       
   to 1pc* y = +0      x = -0      Origin           +\pi                     
   to 1pc* y = -0      x = -0      Origin           -\pi                     

               Figure 12–14: Quadrant information for arc tangent             


 (asin 0) ⇒  0.0 
 (acos #c(0 1))  ⇒  #C(1.5707963267948966 -0.8813735870195432)
 (/ (atan 1 (sqrt 3)) 6)  ⇒  0.087266 
 (atan #c(0 2)) ⇒  #C(-1.5707964 0.54930615)

Exceptional Situations::

acos and asin should signal an error of type type-error if number is not a number. atan should signal type-error if one argument is supplied and that argument is not a number, or if two arguments are supplied and both of those arguments are not reals.

acos, asin, and atan might signal arithmetic-error.

See Also::

log , sqrt , Rule of Float Substitutability


The result of either asin or acos can be a complex even if number is not a complex; this occurs when the absolute value of number is greater than one.

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