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15.2.19 array-total-size [Function]

array-total-size arraysize

Arguments and Values::

array—an array.

size—a non-negative integer.


Returns the array total size of the array.


 (array-total-size (make-array 4)) ⇒  4
 (array-total-size (make-array 4 :fill-pointer 2)) ⇒  4
 (array-total-size (make-array 0)) ⇒  0
 (array-total-size (make-array '(4 2))) ⇒  8
 (array-total-size (make-array '(4 0))) ⇒  0
 (array-total-size (make-array '())) ⇒  1

Exceptional Situations::

Should signal an error of type type-error if its argument is not an array.

See Also::

make-array , array-dimensions


If the array is a vector with a fill pointer, the fill pointer is ignored when calculating the array total size.

Since the product of no arguments is one, the array total size of a zero-dimensional array is one.

 (array-total-size x)
    ≡ (apply #'* (array-dimensions x))
    ≡ (reduce #'* (array-dimensions x))