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The primary interface to operations for dynamically determining the arrangement of output is provided through the functions and macros of the pretty printer. Figure 22–3 shows the defined names related to pretty printing.

  *print-lines*            pprint-dispatch                pprint-pop           
  *print-miser-width*      pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted  pprint-tab           
  *print-pprint-dispatch*  pprint-fill                    pprint-tabular       
  *print-right-margin*     pprint-indent                  set-pprint-dispatch  
  copy-pprint-dispatch     pprint-linear                  write                
  format                   pprint-logical-block                                
  formatter                pprint-newline                                      

             Figure 22–3: Defined names related to pretty printing.           

Figure 22–4 identifies a set of format directives which serve as an alternate interface to the same pretty printing operations in a more textually compact form.

  ~I   ~W      ~<...~:>  
  ~:T  ~/.../  ~_        

  Figure 22–4: Format directives related to Pretty Printing