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12.2.28 1+, 1- [Function]

1 +number successor 1 -number predecessor

Arguments and Values::

number—a number.

successor, predecessor—a number.


1+ returns a number that is one more than its argument number. 1- returns a number that is one less than its argument number.


 (1+ 99) ⇒  100 
 (1- 100) ⇒  99 
 (1+ (complex 0.0)) ⇒  #C(1.0 0.0) 
 (1- 5/3) ⇒  2/3 

Exceptional Situations::

Might signal type-error if its argument is not a number. Might signal arithmetic-error.

See Also::

incf , decf


 (1+ number) ≡ (+ number 1)
 (1- number) ≡ (- number 1)

Implementors are encouraged to make the performance of both the previous expressions be the same.