MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("Sre Ready", function() { var o, r, s = MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings, l = {}; MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("MathEvents Ready", function() { o = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.False, r = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.KEY; }); var h = MathJax.Extension.explorer = { version: "1.6.0", dependents: [], defaults: { walker: "table", highlight: "none", background: "blue", foreground: "black", speech: !0, generation: "lazy", subtitle: !1, ruleset: "mathspeak-default" }, eagerComplexity: 80, prefix: "Assistive-", hook: null, locHook: null, oldrules: null, addMenuOption: function(e, t) { s[h.prefix + e] = t; }, addDefaults: function() { for (var e, t = MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig("explorer", h.defaults), a = Object.keys(t), i = 0; e = a[i]; i++) void 0 === s[h.prefix + e] && h.addMenuOption(e, t[e]); h.setSpeechOption(), u.Reset(); }, setOption: function(e, t) { s[h.prefix + e] !== t && (h.addMenuOption(e, t), u.Reset()); }, getOption: function(e) { return s[h.prefix + e]; }, speechOption: function(e) { h.oldrules !== e.value && (h.setSpeechOption(), u.Regenerate()); }, setSpeechOption: function() { var e = s[h.prefix + "ruleset"], t = e.split("-"); sre.System.getInstance().setupEngine({ locale: MathJax.Localization.locale, domain: h.Domain(t[0]), style: t[1] }), h.oldrules = e; }, Domain: function(e) { switch (e) { case "chromevox": return "default"; case "clearspeak": return "clearspeak"; case "mathspeak": default: return "mathspeak"; } }, Enable: function(e, t) { s.explorer = !0, t && (l.explorer = !0), MathJax.Extension.collapsible.Enable(!1, t), MathJax.Extension.AssistiveMML && (MathJax.Extension.AssistiveMML.config.disabled = !0, s.assistiveMML = !1, t && (l.assistiveMML = !1)), this.DisableMenus(!1), this.hook || (this.hook = MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("New Math", [ "Register", this.Explorer ])), this.locHook || (this.locHook = MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("Locale Reset", [ "RemoveSpeech", this.Explorer ])), e && MathJax.Hub.Queue([ "Reprocess", MathJax.Hub ]); }, Disable: function(e, t) { s.explorer = !1, t && (l.explorer = !1), this.DisableMenus(!0), this.hook && (MathJax.Hub.UnRegister.MessageHook(this.hook), this.hook = null); for (var a = this.dependents.length - 1; 0 <= a; a--) { var i = this.dependents[a]; i.Disable && i.Disable(!1, t); } }, DisableMenus: function(e) { if (MathJax.Menu) { var t ="Accessibility", "Explorer"); if (t) { for (var a, i = (t = t.submenu).items, n = 2; a = i[n]; n++) a.disabled = e; e || !t.FindId("SpeechOutput") || s[h.prefix + "speech"] || (t.FindId("Subtitles").disabled = !0); } } }, Dependent: function(e) { this.dependents.push(e); } }, n = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ div: null, inner: null, Init: function() { this.div = n.Create("assertive"), this.inner = MathJax.HTML.addElement(this.div, "div"); }, Add: function() { n.added || (document.body.appendChild(this.div), n.added = !0); }, Show: function(e, t) { this.div.classList.add("MJX_LiveRegion_Show"); var a = e.getBoundingClientRect(), i = a.bottom + 10 + window.pageYOffset, n = a.left + window.pageXOffset; = i + "px", = n + "px"; var o = t.colorString(); = o.background, = o.foreground; }, Hide: function(e) { this.div.classList.remove("MJX_LiveRegion_Show"); }, Clear: function() { this.Update(""), = "", = ""; }, Update: function(e) { h.getOption("speech") && n.Update(this.inner, e); } }, { ANNOUNCE: "Navigatable Math in page. Explore with enter or shift space and arrow keys. Expand or collapse elements hitting enter.", announced: !1, added: !1, styles: { ".MJX_LiveRegion": { position: "absolute", top: "0", height: "1px", width: "1px", padding: "1px", overflow: "hidden" }, ".MJX_LiveRegion_Show": { top: "0", position: "absolute", width: "auto", height: "auto", padding: "0px 0px", opacity: 1, "z-index": "202", left: 0, right: 0, margin: "0 auto", "background-color": "white", "box-shadow": "0px 10px 20px #888", border: "2px solid #CCCCCC" } }, Create: function(e) { var t = MathJax.HTML.Element("div", { className: "MJX_LiveRegion" }); return t.setAttribute("aria-live", e), t; }, Update: MathJax.Hub.Browser.isPC ? function(e, t) { e.textContent = "", setTimeout(function() { e.textContent = t; }, 100); } : function(e, t) { e.textContent = "", e.textContent = t; }, Announce: function() { var e; h.getOption("speech") && (n.announced = !0, MathJax.Ajax.Styles(n.styles), e = n.Create("polite"), document.body.appendChild(e), n.Update(e, n.ANNOUNCE), setTimeout(function() { document.body.removeChild(e); }, 1e3)); } }); MathJax.Extension.explorer.LiveRegion = n; var e = MathJax.Ajax.fileURL(MathJax.Ajax.config.path.a11y), u = MathJax.Extension.explorer.Explorer = { liveRegion: n(), walker: null, highlighter: null, hoverer: null, flamer: null, speechDiv: null, earconFile: e + "/invalid_keypress" + (-1 !== [ "Firefox", "Chrome", "Opera" ].indexOf( ? ".ogg" : ".mp3"), expanded: !1, focusoutEvent: MathJax.Hub.Browser.isFirefox ? "blur" : "focusout", focusinEvent: "focus", ignoreFocusOut: !1, jaxCache: {}, messageID: null, Reset: function() { u.FlameEnriched(); }, Register: function(e) { var t, a; !h.hook || (t = document.getElementById(e[1])) && && ((a = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor( && a.enriched && (u.StateChange(, a), u.liveRegion.Add(), u.AddEvent(t))); }, StateChange: function(e, t) { u.GetHighlighter(.2); var a = u.jaxCache[e]; a && a === t.root || (a && sre.Walker.resetState(e + "-Frame"), u.jaxCache[e] = t.root); }, AddAria: function(e) { e.setAttribute("role", "application"), e.setAttribute("aria-label", "Math"); }, AddHook: function(i) { u.RemoveHook(), u.hook = MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("End Math", function(e) { var t = e[1].id + "-Frame", a = document.getElementById(t); i && t === u.expanded && (u.ActivateWalker(a, i), a.focus(), u.expanded = !1); }); }, RemoveHook: function() { u.hook && (MathJax.Hub.UnRegister.MessageHook(u.hook), u.hook = null); }, AddMessage: function() { return MathJax.Message.Set("Generating Speech Output"); }, RemoveMessage: function(e) { e && MathJax.Message.Clear(e); }, AddEvent: function(e) { var t, a = + "-Frame", i = e.previousSibling; i && (t = !== a ? i.firstElementChild : i, u.AddAria(t), u.AddMouseEvents(t), "MathJax_MathML" === t.className && (t = t.firstElementChild), t && (t.onkeydown = u.Keydown, u.Flame(t), t.addEventListener(u.focusinEvent, function(e) { h.hook && (n.announced || n.Announce()); }), t.addEventListener(u.focusoutEvent, function(e) { h.hook && (u.ignoreFocusOut && (u.ignoreFocusOut = !1, "enter" === u.walker.moved) ? : u.walker && u.DeactivateWalker()); }), h.getOption("speech") && u.AddSpeech(t))); }, AddSpeech: function(e) { var t =, a = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(t).root.toMathML(); if (e.getAttribute("haslabel") || u.AddMathLabel(a, t), !e.getAttribute("hasspeech")) switch (MathJax.Hub.config.explorer.generation) { case "eager": u.AddSpeechEager(a, t); break; case "mixed": e.querySelectorAll("[data-semantic-complexity]").length >= h.eagerComplexity && u.AddSpeechEager(a, t); } }, AddSpeechLazy: function(e) { var t = new sre.TreeSpeechGenerator(); t.setRebuilt(u.walker.getRebuilt()), t.getSpeech(u.walker.rootNode, u.walker.getXml()), e.setAttribute("hasspeech", "true"); }, AddSpeechEager: function(e, t) { u.MakeSpeechTask(e, t, sre.TreeSpeechGenerator, function(e, t) { e.setAttribute("hasspeech", "true"); }, 5); }, AddMathLabel: function(e, t) { u.MakeSpeechTask(e, t, sre.SummarySpeechGenerator, function(e, t) { e.setAttribute("haslabel", "true"), e.setAttribute("aria-label", t); }, 5); }, MakeSpeechTask: function(i, n, o, r, e) { var s = u.AddMessage(); setTimeout(function() { var e = new o(), t = document.getElementById(n), a = new sre.DummyWalker(t, e, u.highlighter, i).speech(); a && r(t, a), u.RemoveMessage(s); }, e); }, Keydown: function(e) { var t = e.keyCode; if (t === r.ESCAPE) { if (!u.walker) return; return u.RemoveHook(), u.DeactivateWalker(), void o(e); } if (u.walker && u.walker.isActive()) { t = t === r.RETURN ? r.DASH : t, void 0 !== u.walker.modifier && (u.walker.modifier = e.shiftKey); var a = u.walker.move(t); if (null === a) return; if (a) { if ("expand" === u.walker.moved) { if (u.expanded =, MathJax.Hub.Browser.isEdge) return u.ignoreFocusOut = !0, void u.DeactivateWalker(); if (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isFirefox || MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE) return void u.DeactivateWalker(); } u.liveRegion.Update(u.walker.speech()), u.Highlight(); } else u.PlayEarcon(); o(e); } else { var i =; if (t === r.SPACE && !e.shiftKey) return MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.ContextMenu(e, i), void o(e); if (h.hook && (t === r.RETURN || t === r.SPACE && e.shiftKey)) { var n = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(i); return u.ActivateWalker(i, n), u.AddHook(n), void o(e); } } }, GetHighlighter: function(e) { u.highlighter = sre.HighlighterFactory.highlighter({ color: h.getOption("background"), alpha: e }, { color: h.getOption("foreground"), alpha: 1 }, { renderer: MathJax.Hub.outputJax["jax/mml"][0].id, browser: }); }, AddMouseEvents: function(e) { sre.HighlighterFactory.addEvents(e, { mouseover: u.MouseOver, mouseout: u.MouseOut }, { renderer: MathJax.Hub.outputJax["jax/mml"][0].id, browser: }); }, MouseOver: function(e) { var t; "none" !== h.getOption("highlight") && ("hover" === h.getOption("highlight") && (t = e.currentTarget, u.GetHighlighter(.1), u.highlighter.highlight([ t ]), u.hoverer = !0), o(e)); }, MouseOut: function(e) { return u.hoverer && (u.highlighter.unhighlight(), u.hoverer = !1), o(e); }, Flame: function(e) { if ("flame" === h.getOption("highlight")) return u.GetHighlighter(.05), u.highlighter.highlightAll(e), void (u.flamer = !0); }, UnFlame: function() { u.flamer && (u.highlighter.unhighlightAll(), u.flamer = null); }, FlameEnriched: function() { u.UnFlame(); for (var e, t = 0, a = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(); e = a[t]; t++) u.Flame(e.SourceElement().previousSibling); }, Walkers: { syntactic: sre.SyntaxWalker, table: sre.TableWalker, semantic: sre.SemanticWalker, none: sre.DummyWalker }, ActivateWalker: function(e, t) { var a = h.getOption("speech"), i = h.getOption("walker") ? u.Walkers[MathJax.Hub.config.explorer.walker] : u.Walkers.none, n = a ? new sre.DirectSpeechGenerator() : new sre.DummySpeechGenerator(), o = sre.System.getInstance().engineSetup(); n.setOptions({ locale: o.locale, domain: o.domain, style:, modality: "speech" }), u.GetHighlighter(.2), u.walker = new i(e, n, u.highlighter, t.root.toMathML()), a && !e.getAttribute("hasspeech") && u.AddSpeechLazy(e), u.walker.activate(), a && (h.getOption("subtitle") && u.liveRegion.Show(e, u.highlighter), u.liveRegion.Update(u.walker.speech())), u.Highlight(), u.ignoreFocusOut && setTimeout(function() { u.ignoreFocusOut = !1; }, 500); }, DeactivateWalker: function() { var e = sre.System.getInstance().engineSetup(), t = "clearspeak" === e.domain ? "default" :; h.setOption("ruleset", e.domain + "-" + t), u.liveRegion.Clear(), u.liveRegion.Hide(), u.Unhighlight(), u.currentHighlight = null, u.walker.deactivate(), u.walker = null; }, Highlight: function() { u.Unhighlight(), u.highlighter.highlight(u.walker.getFocus().getNodes()); }, Unhighlight: function() { u.highlighter.unhighlight(); }, PlayEarcon: function() { new Audio(u.earconFile).play(); }, SpeechOutput: function() { u.Reset(); [ "Subtitles" ].forEach(function(e) { var t ="Accessibility", "Explorer", e); t && (t.disabled = !t.disabled); }), u.Regenerate(); }, RemoveSpeech: function() { h.setSpeechOption(); for (var e, t = 0, a = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(); e = a[t]; t++) { var i = document.getElementById(e.inputID + "-Frame"); i && (i.removeAttribute("hasspeech"), i.removeAttribute("haslabel")); } }, Regenerate: function() { for (var e, t = 0, a = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(); e = a[t]; t++) { var i = document.getElementById(e.inputID + "-Frame"); i && (i.removeAttribute("hasspeech"), u.AddSpeech(i)); } }, Startup: function() { var e = MathJax.Extension.collapsible; e && e.Dependent(h), h.addDefaults(); } }; MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Extensions", function() { h[!1 === s.explorer ? "Disable" : "Enable"](), MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("Explorer Ready"), MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("MathMenu Ready", function() { l = MathJax.Menu.cookie; var e, t = MathJax.Menu.ITEM, a =, i = { action: u.Reset }, n = { action: h.speechOption }, o = t.SUBMENU([ "Explorer", "Explorer" ], t.CHECKBOX([ "Active", "Active" ], "explorer", { action: function(e) { h[s.explorer ? "Enable" : "Disable"](!0, !0), MathJax.Menu.saveCookie(); } }), t.RULE(), t.CHECKBOX([ "Walker", "Walker" ], "Assistive-walker"), t.SUBMENU([ "Highlight", "Highlight" ], t.RADIO([ "none", "None" ], "Assistive-highlight", i), t.RADIO([ "hover", "Hover" ], "Assistive-highlight", i), t.RADIO([ "flame", "Flame" ], "Assistive-highlight", i)), t.SUBMENU([ "Background", "Background" ], t.RADIO([ "blue", "Blue" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "red", "Red" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "green", "Green" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "yellow", "Yellow" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "cyan", "Cyan" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "magenta", "Magenta" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "white", "White" ], "Assistive-background", i), t.RADIO([ "black", "Black" ], "Assistive-background", i)), t.SUBMENU([ "Foreground", "Foreground" ], t.RADIO([ "black", "Black" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "white", "White" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "magenta", "Magenta" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "cyan", "Cyan" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "yellow", "Yellow" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "green", "Green" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "red", "Red" ], "Assistive-foreground", i), t.RADIO([ "blue", "Blue" ], "Assistive-foreground", i)), t.RULE(), t.CHECKBOX([ "SpeechOutput", "Speech Output" ], "Assistive-speech", { action: u.SpeechOutput }), t.CHECKBOX([ "Subtitles", "Subtitles" ], "Assistive-subtitle", { disabled: !s["Assistive-speech"] }), t.RULE(), t.SUBMENU([ "Mathspeak", "Mathspeak Rules" ], t.RADIO([ "mathspeak-default", "Verbose" ], "Assistive-ruleset", n), t.RADIO([ "mathspeak-brief", "Brief" ], "Assistive-ruleset", n), t.RADIO([ "mathspeak-sbrief", "Superbrief" ], "Assistive-ruleset", n)), t.RADIO([ "clearspeak-default", "Clearspeak Rules" ], "Assistive-ruleset", n), t.SUBMENU([ "Chromevox", "ChromeVox Rules" ], t.RADIO([ "chromevox-default", "Verbose" ], "Assistive-ruleset", n), t.RADIO([ "chromevox-alternative", "Alternative" ], "Assistive-ruleset", n))), r = (a.FindId("Accessibility") || {}).submenu; r ? null !== (e = r.IndexOfId("Explorer")) ? r.items[e] = o : (e = r.IndexOfId("CollapsibleMath"), r.items.splice(e + 1, 0, o)) : (e = a.IndexOfId("CollapsibleMath"), a.items.splice(e + 1, 0, o)), s.explorer || h.DisableMenus(!0); }, 20); }, 20); }), MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("SVG Jax Ready", function() { MathJax.Hub.Config({ SVG: { addMMLclasses: !0 } }); var t, e = MathJax.OutputJax.SVG; parseFloat(e.version) < 2.7 && (t = e.getJaxFromMath, e.Augment({ getJaxFromMath: function(e) { return e.parentNode.className.match(/MathJax_SVG_Display/) && (e = e.parentNode),, e); } })); }), MathJax.Ajax.config.path.a11y || (MathJax.Ajax.config.path.a11y = MathJax.Hub.config.root + "/extensions/a11y"), MathJax.Ajax.Require("[a11y]/collapsible.js"), MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("Collapsible Ready", function() { MathJax.Extension.explorer.Explorer.Startup(), MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[a11y]/explorer.js"); });