HSqueeze tool






2.11.0, 2.12.0, 2.13.0

This is a design document detailing the node-freeing scheduler, HSqueeze.

Current state and shortcomings

Externally-mirrored instances can be moved between nodes at low cost. Therefore, it is attractive to free up nodes and power them down at times of low usage, even for small periods of time, like nights or weekends.

Currently, the best way to find out a suitable set of nodes to shut down is to use the property of our balancedness metric to move instances away from drained nodes. So, one would manually drain more and more nodes and see, if hbal could find a solution freeing up all those drained nodes.

Proposed changes

We propose the addition of a new htool command-line tool, called hsqueeze, that aims at keeping resource usage at a constant high level by evacuating and powering down nodes, or powering up nodes and rebalancing, as appropriate. By default, only externally-mirrored instances are moved, but options are provided to additionally take DRBD instances (which can be moved without downtimes), or even all instances into consideration.

Tagging of standy nodes

Powering down nodes that are technically healthy effectively creates a new node state: nodes on standby. To avoid further state proliferation, and as this information is only used by hsqueeze, this information is recorded in node tags. hsqueeze will assume that offline nodes having a tag with prefix htools:standby: can easily be powered on at any time.

Minimum available resources

To keep the squeezed cluster functional, a minimal amount of resources will be left available on every node. While the precise amount will be specifiable via command-line options, a sensible default is chosen, like enough resource to start an additional instance at standard allocation on each node. If the available resources fall below this limit, hsqueeze will, in fact, try to power on more nodes, till enough resources are available, or all standy nodes are online.

To avoid flapping behavior, a second, higher, amount of reserve resources can be specified, and hsqueeze will only power down nodes, if after the power down this higher amount of reserve resources is still available.

Computation of the set to free up

To determine which nodes can be powered down, hsqueeze basically follows the same algorithm as the manual process. It greedily goes through all non-master nodes and tries if the algorithm used by hbal would find a solution (with the appropriate move restriction) that frees up the extended set of nodes to be drained, while keeping enough resources free. Being based on the algorithm used by hbal, all restrictions respected by hbal, in particular memory reservation for N+1 redundancy, are also respected by hsqueeze. The order in which the nodes are tried is choosen by a suitable heuristics, like trying the nodes in order of increasing number of instances; the hope is that this reduces the number of instances that actually have to be moved.

If the amount of free resources has fallen below the lower limit, hsqueeze will determine the set of nodes to power up in a similar way; it will hypothetically add more and more of the standby nodes (in some suitable order) till the algorithm used by hbal will finally balance the cluster in a way that enough resources are available, or all standy nodes are online.

Instance moves and execution

Once the final set of nodes to power down is determined, the instance moves are determined by the algorithm used by hbal. If requested by the -X option, the nodes freed up are drained, and the instance moves are executed in the same way as hbal does. Finally, those of the freed-up nodes that do not already have a htools:standby: tag are tagged as htools:standby:auto, all free-up nodes are marked as offline and powered down via the Ganeti Node OOB Management Framework.

Similarly, if it is determined that nodes need to be added, then first the nodes are powered up via the Ganeti Node OOB Management Framework, then they’re marked as online and finally, the cluster is balanced in the same way, as hbal would do. For the newly powered up nodes, the htools:standby:auto tag, if present, is removed, but no other tags are removed (including other htools:standby: tags).

Design choices

The proposed algorithm builds on top of the already present balancing algorithm, instead of greedily packing nodes as full as possible. The reason is, that in the end, a balanced cluster is needed anyway; therefore, basing on the balancing algorithm reduces the number of instance moves. Additionally, the final configuration will also benefit from all improvements to the balancing algorithm, like taking dynamic CPU data into account.

We decided to have a separate program instead of adding an option to hbal to keep the interfaces, especially that of hbal, cleaner. It is not unlikely that, over time, additional hsqueeze-specific options might be added, specifying, e.g., which nodes to prefer for shutdown. With the approach of the htools of having a single binary showing different behaviors, having an additional program also does not introduce significant additional cost.

We decided to have a whole prefix instead of a single tag reserved for marking standby nodes (we consider all tags starting with htools:standby: as serving only this purpose). This is not only in accordance with the tag reservations for other tools, but it also allows for further extension (like specifying priorities on which nodes to power up first) without changing name spaces.