The Gammu Manual ================ Gammu is a project providing abstraction layer for cell phones access. It covers wide range of phones, mostly focusing on AT compatible phones and Nokia phones. This manual describes all parts of Gammu, starting with information about :ref:`project`, going through API documentation for both :ref:`python` and :ref:`libgammu` and covering :ref:`smsd` as well. Continue reading ---------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 * :ref:`quick` -- quick starter guide * :ref:`project` -- learn about Gammu project * :ref:`smsd` -- comprehensive SMSD documentation * :ref:`gammu` -- the Gammu utility * :ref:`gammurc` -- the Gammu configuration file * :ref:`python` -- use Gammu functionality from Python * :ref:`libgammu` -- use Gammu functionality from C * :ref:`internal` -- learn about Gammu internals * :ref:`faq` -- frequently asked questions * :ref:`protocols` -- learn about phone protocols * :ref:`formats` -- file formats supported by Gammu Full contents ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contents