Cell Measure

Select here how the calculated Voronoi polyhedra are shown.


Selecting Faces, only the borders defining the external faces are shown, thus producing a relatively uncluttered volume representation.

Selecting All shows all the borders, including those inside the volume. This option is disabled when the button Faces is down, because in solid mode, internal borders cannot be seen from the outside and make it very difficult to analyze something from the inside.


When the button Faces is down, the tesselation is represented as a solid volume, that users can see from the outside or from the inside.

When the button Faces is up, the tesselation is represented as a wired volume.


When the button Seeds is up, the atom seeds are visible, otherwise they are hidden.


The Color button controls whether the tesselation is represented with its own, independent color, or inherits the colors of the atom seeds, for each polyhedron. When the button Faces is up, an independent color is necessary, because polyhedrons are then represented only by wired shared edges, which cannot inherit the color from both faces.

R, G, B

The R, G, B entries define the tesselation color: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) is black and (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) is white.