Web-repl example

The web-repl example is part of the Gambit-C distribution. It is a Java application that provides a user-interface to the Gambit interpreter's read-eval-print loop. The application is composed of two programs: web-repl.scm and Repl.java. To try out this example you must start the execution of web-repl.scm. For instance
  % gsi web-repl &
This starts a ``REPL server'' on port 7000. The program Repl.java is a client that connects to this server to start a new REPL. Repl.java can be run standalone, for instance
  % javac Repl.java
  % java Repl
or as an applet, as shown below. The applet window below is created using this HTML code:
  <applet code="Repl.class" width=100% height=30%>
  <param name=hostname value="localhost">
  <param name=port value="7000">