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Chapter 2  Installation

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1  Prerequisites

2.2  Source Installation

There are two methods for installing Galax from source:

  1. RECOMMENDED METHOD: Use GODI installation and configuration tool to automatically install Galax and all the libraries on which it depends.
  2. Install Galax and the libraries on which it depends manually.

    This method may be preferable if you are an OCaml user, already have an installation of OCaml and its libraries, and do not want to install a new version of OCaml. Even if you are already an OCaml user, the first method is always recommended.

2.2.1   Installing Galax using GODI installation and configuration tool

Warning: Installing packages using GODI is an ON-LINE process, so preferably, you should be connected to the Net by a fast, hard-wire connection.

  1. Download GODI from :

    Follow GODI installation instructions through "bootstrap_stage2" command, adding the
    <godi-prefix-path>/bin and <godi-prefix-path>/sbin directories to your PATH as instructed.

    Note: For OCaml users, after GODI bootstrapping phase, the OCaml executables are located in <godi-prefix-path>/bin and the OCaml libraries are located in <godi-prefix-path>/lib/ocaml.

  2. Run godi_console
    1. Select conf-pcre package (Packages are listed in alphabetical order.)

      Select [b]uild & install, then e[x]it.

      GODI will give you the PCRE library configure options:

              [ 1] GODI_BASEPKG_PCRE = no
              [ 2]  GODI_PCRE_INCDIR =
              [ 3]  GODI_PCRE_LIBDIR =

      Select 2 to set the path to the directory containing pcre.h (version 5.0 or higher).

      Select 3 to set the path to the directory containing libpcre.a (version 5.0 or higher).

      Select e[x]it twice to return to the main menu.

    2. (Optional) If you are planning to include support for Jungle, Galax’s secondary storage manager, then select conf-bdb.

      Select [b]uild & install, then e[x]it.

      GODI will give you the BDB library configure options:

              [ 1] GODI_BDB_INCDIR =
              [ 2] GODI_BDB_LIBDIR =

      Select 1 to set the path to the directory containing db.h. (version 4.4 or higher).

      Select 2 to set the path to the directory containing libdb.a (version 4.4 or higher).

      Select e[x]it twice to return to the main menu.

    3. Select godi-galax package.

      Select [b]uild & install, then e[x]it.

      This will add all of Galax’s dependencies to your GODI configuration. GODI will give you Galax’s configure options:

        [ 2]  GODI_GALAX_INCLUDE_C_API = no
        [ 3] GODI_GALAX_INCLUDE_JAVA_$ = no
        [ 4]   GODI_GALAX_INCLUDE_UTF8 = yes
        [ 5] GODI_GALAX_INCLUDE_ISO88$ = yes
        [ 6]      GODI_GALAX_JAVA_HOME = unset
        [ 7]       GODI_GALAX_JAVA_BIN = unset
        [ 8]   GODI_GALAX_JAVA_INCLUDE = unset
        [ 9] GODI_GALAX_REGRESSION_SU$ = unset

      You can change the default Galax configuration as follows:

      Select 1 to include Jungle, Galax’s secondary storage manager.

      Select 2 to include Galax’s C API.

      Select 3 to include Galax’s Java API (requires the C API).

      Select 4(5) to exclude UTF8(ISO88) character set (reduces sizes of executables).

      Select 6(7,8) to set the Java home(bin,include) directories.

      Select 9 to set directory where XQuery 1.0 test suite is installed.

      Select e[xi]t.

      Select [s]tart/continue, which will report all dependencies.

      Then select [s]tart/continue, which will report actual dependencies based on your current GODI installation.

      Then select [o]k.

  3. Take a long coffee break...while GODI downloads and installs packages.
  4. Finish

    Add <godi-prefix-path>/bin to your PATH.

    When installation has completed, Galax will be installed in <godi-prefix-path>/ with the following subdirectories:

    bin/ Galax’s command-line executables
     pervasive.xqSignatures of XQuery 1.0 Function and Operators
     c/C libraries and API header files
     java/Java libraries and API interfaces
     ocaml/pkg-lib/galax/OCaml libraries and interfaces
     examples/Examples of using C, Java, and OCaml APIs
     regress/Test harness and configuration for the W3C XQuery Test Suite
     usecases/XQuery 1.0 usecases

2.2.2  Installing Galax source by hand

If you already have an OCaml installation, you can install the Galax source by hand. To do so, you need the following versions of the OCaml compiler and libraries, and C libraries:

OCaml compiler33.10godi-ocaml
OCaml Libraries
Caml IDL71.05godi-camlidl
C Libraries
Berkeley DB (libdb)4.3Only for Jungle
  1. Download Galax source from .
  2. Unzip and untar Galax in a directory of your choice. gunzip galax-1.0.tar.gz

    tar xvf galax-1.0.tar

  3. Configure Galax.

    From the galax/ you just created, run:

    ./configure -galax-home $GALAXHOME

    Where $GALAXHOME is the target installation directory.

    If you want the C API, add -with-c.

    If you want the Java API, add -with-java -java-home <Top-level Java directory>.

    The configure script will try to find your OCaml installation and other necessary libraries by itself. Review the default configuration before proceeding. If you need to change the default configuration, run ./configure -help for all options.

  4. Build Galax.

    In galax/ run:

    make world

    Go get more coffee...

  5. Install Galax.

    In galax/ run:

    make install

  6. Finish

    Add $GALAXHOME/bin to your PATH environment variable.

    When installation has completed, Galax will be installed in $GALAXHOME with these subdirectories:

    bin/Command-line executables
    examples/Examples of using C, Java, and OCaml APIs
    regress/Test harness and configuration for the W3C XQuery Test Suite
    usecases/XQuery 1.0 usecases

2.3  XQuery Test Suite

The Galax distribution includes a test harness for the W3C XQuery tests suite. It can be run by following the steps listed below.

  1. Download and install the XQuery Test Suite. The latest version of the XQuery Test Suite can be found on the W3C XQuery Web page at the following address:

    The Test Suite comes as a zip archive, which can be unzipped in a directory of your choice (We use $XQTS in the following instructions).

  2. Configure Galax’s test harness. If you followed the GODI installation path, you need to select option 9 as indicated above to specify the directory in which the test suite has been installed. If you followed the “by hand” installation path, you must specify the directory in which the test suite has been installed using the following configure option:
    -regression $XQTS
  3. Run the test suite. You can run the test suite by calling:


    from the $GALAXHOME/regress directory. This will produce a file called:


    which contains the result of running the test suite (following the format required for test results by the XQTS).

  4. Generate a test suite summary. The XQTS distribution contains an XSLT style sheet which can be used to produced a summary of the test results in HTML form. The corresponding style sheet is located in the directory:
    The stylesheet can be run by:
    1. Specifying the path to the test results obtained from the previous step in the configuration file:
      as follows:
    2. Changing to the directory:
      and running one of the two following commands (you will need a working installation of ant, and of an XSLT processor):
      ant -f Build.xml create
      ant -f Build.xml createsimple
      which should respectively produce the following HTML files:

2.4  Web Site Interface

The Galax Web site and on-line demo are bundled with the source distribution (only).

2.4.1  Prerequisites

The Galax Web site has only been tested with Apache Web servers. We recommend you use Apache as some of the CGI scripts might be sensitive to the server you are using. Apache is commonly installed with most Linux distributions, or can be downloaded from:

2.4.2  Installation of Website Interface

  1. From the source directory, edit galax/website/Makefile.config and initialize the following variables:
    Location of the Apache directory for Galax.
    Prefix of directory that may contain CGI executables. If empty, then they are placed in WEBSITE.
  2. Compile the the demo scripts: make
  3. Install the web site and demo scripts: sudo make install
  4. Configure your own Apache server: If all the galax demo files (HTML, XML and CGIs) are placed in one directory where the HTTP daemon is expecting to find them, then it is necessary to add the following config info to the proper http.conf file:
      <Directory "/var/www/html/galax">
        Options All
        AllowOverride None
        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi 
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    This permits scripts with suffix .cgi in /var/www/html/galax to be executed. The Galax demo is available at http://localhost/galax.
  5. OR Configure an existing multi-user Apache server.

    Your sysadmin may already have set up an Apache server for general use, and allows CGI programs by any user. You can verify by finding directives similar to the following in httpd.conf (wherever it might be located on your system),

      AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
      <DirectoryMatch "/galax/cgi-bin">
        AllowOverride AuthConfig
        Options ExecCGI
        SetHandler cgi-script

    In that case, simply follow the comments in website/Makefile.config to choose installation destinations for your CGI programs and the HTML documents should suffice. The URL for accessing the installed site will depend on how your webserver is set up. Consult your sysadmin or webadmin for further help.


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