Module type Shredded_store.Shredded_Store_Functor_Sig

module type Shredded_Store_Functor_Sig = functor (Basetypes : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Basetypes) -> functor (Record : Node_Record  
                                 with type preorder        = Basetypes.preorder  
                                 with type stored_nodeid   = Basetypes.stored_nodeid 
                                 with type record_specific = Basetypes.record_specific 
                                 with type record_kind     = Basetypes.record_kind 
                                 with type eqnameid        = Basetypes.eqnameid 
                                 with type namespaceid     = Basetypes.namespaceid 
                                 with type prefixid        = Basetypes.prefixid 
                                 with type textid          = Basetypes.textid 
                                 with type commentid       = Basetypes.commentid 
                                 with type processingid    = Basetypes.processingid) -> functor (Shredded_Recno : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Recno_Functor_Sig) -> functor (Shredded_Btree_Functor : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Btree_Functor_Sig) -> functor (Shredded_Hash_Functor : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Hash_Functor_Sig) -> sig .. end
Basetypes : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Basetypes
Record : Node_Record with type preorder = Basetypes.preorder with type stored_nodeid = Basetypes.stored_nodeid with type record_specific = Basetypes.record_specific with type record_kind = Basetypes.record_kind with type eqnameid = Basetypes.eqnameid with type namespaceid = Basetypes.namespaceid with type prefixid = Basetypes.prefixid with type textid = Basetypes.textid with type commentid = Basetypes.commentid with type processingid = Basetypes.processingid
Shredded_Recno : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Recno_Functor_Sig
Shredded_Btree_Functor : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Btree_Functor_Sig
Shredded_Hash_Functor : Shredded_store_sigs.Shredded_Hash_Functor_Sig

type shredded_store 
val create_shredded_store : Nodeid_context.nodeid_context ->
string ->
string -> int -> shredded_store
val open_store : string -> string -> shredded_store
val close_store : shredded_store -> unit
val sync_store : shredded_store -> unit
val implemid : Nodeid.implemid
val print_store : shredded_store ->
Nodeid.large_preorder -> unit
val get_docid : shredded_store -> Nodeid.docid
val get_root : shredded_store -> Nodeid.nodeid
val get_store_from_docid : Nodeid.docid -> shredded_store
val preorder_of_nodeid : Nodeid.nodeid -> Nodeid.large_preorder
val docid_of_nodeid : Nodeid.nodeid -> Nodeid.docid
val docid_preorder_of_nodeid : Nodeid.nodeid -> Nodeid.docid * Nodeid.large_preorder
val get_name_of_docid : Nodeid.docid -> string * string
val get_first_child : Nodeid.nodeid -> Nodeid.nodeid option
val get_next_sibling : Nodeid.nodeid -> Nodeid.nodeid option
val get_children : Nodeid.nodeid ->
(Xquery_type_core_ast.cxschema option * Xquery_algebra_ast.anode_test) option ->
Nodeid.nodeid Cursor.cursor
val get_attributes : Nodeid.nodeid ->
(Xquery_type_core_ast.cxschema option * Xquery_algebra_ast.anode_test) option ->
Nodeid.nodeid Cursor.cursor
val get_parent : Nodeid.nodeid ->
(Xquery_type_core_ast.cxschema option * Xquery_algebra_ast.anode_test) option ->
Nodeid.nodeid option
val get_nodekind : Nodeid.nodeid -> Basetypes.record_kind
val get_doc_uri : Nodeid.nodeid -> Dm_atomic.atomicString option
val get_elem_name : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_symbols.relem_symbol
val set_elem_name : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_symbols.relem_symbol -> unit
val get_attr_name : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_symbols.rattr_symbol
val set_attr_name : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_symbols.rattr_symbol -> unit
val get_type_name : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_symbols.rtype_symbol option
val set_type_name : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_symbols.rtype_symbol option -> unit
val retrieve_typed_element : Nodeid.nodeid -> (Dm_types.nilled * Dm_atomic.atomicValue list) option
val retrieve_typed_attribute : Nodeid.nodeid -> Dm_atomic.atomicValue list option
val get_content : Nodeid.nodeid -> Datatypes.xs_string
val get_nsenv : Nodeid.nodeid -> Namespace_context.nsenv
val get_pi_target : Nodeid.nodeid -> Datatypes.xs_string
val get_pi_value : Nodeid.nodeid -> Datatypes.xs_string
val get_comment_value : Nodeid.nodeid -> Datatypes.xs_string
val get_last_descendant : Nodeid.nodeid -> Nodeid.nodeid
val improved_descendant : Nodeid.nodeid ->
(Xquery_type_core_ast.cxschema option * Xquery_algebra_ast.anode_test) option ->
Nodeid.nodeid Cursor.cursor
val improved_descendant_or_self : Nodeid.nodeid ->
(Xquery_type_core_ast.cxschema option * Xquery_algebra_ast.anode_test) option ->
Nodeid.nodeid Cursor.cursor
val load_shredded_store_from_resolved_stream : Nodeid_context.nodeid_context ->
Streaming_types.resolved_xml_stream ->
string ->
string -> int -> shredded_store
load_shredded_store_from_resolved_stream xml_stream dir name builds a new Shred store in directory dir, with logical name name, populated from the stream xml_stream
val load_shredded_store_from_ordered_typed_stream : Nodeid_context.nodeid_context ->
Streaming_types.ordered_typed_xml_stream ->
string ->
string -> int -> shredded_store
val insert_node : Nodeid.nodeid option ->
Nodeid.nodeid -> Physical_value.item Cursor.cursor -> unit
val detach_node : Nodeid.nodeid -> unit
val recno_iter : (Record.record -> unit) ->
shredded_store -> unit