Module Nodeid

module Nodeid: sig .. end

type implemid = int 
type docid = int 
type int64_pair = {
   gId : int64;
   mId : int64;
type preorder = int 
type postorder = int 
type large_preorder = int64_pair 
type prepostint_docorder = docid * preorder * postorder 
type preint_docorder = docid * preorder 
type postint_docorder = docid * postorder 
type pre_intpair_docorder = docid * large_preorder 
type partial_docorder = 
| PrePostInt of prepostint_docorder
| PreInt of preint_docorder
| PreIntPair of pre_intpair_docorder
type docorder = implemid * partial_docorder 
type partial_nodeid = 
| IntId of docid * int
| IntPairId of docid * int64_pair
type nodeid = implemid * partial_nodeid 
val get_implemid : docorder -> implemid
val get_docid : docorder -> docid
val get_partialid : docorder -> partial_docorder
val nodeid_is : nodeid -> nodeid -> bool
val docorder_precedes : docorder -> docorder -> bool
val docorder_follows : docorder -> docorder -> bool
val docorder_compare : docorder -> docorder -> int
val is_descendant_xpath : docorder -> docorder -> bool
val is_ancestor_xpath : docorder -> docorder -> bool
val is_preceding_xpath : docorder -> docorder -> bool
val is_following_xpath : docorder -> docorder -> bool
val string_of_docorder : docorder -> string
val new_implemid : string -> implemid
type docid_gen 
val build_docid_gen : unit -> docid_gen
val new_docid : docid_gen -> docid
val build_docorder_from_pre_post : implemid ->
docid -> preorder * postorder -> docorder
val merge_docorder_from_pre_post : preint_docorder ->
postint_docorder -> prepostint_docorder
val min_preorder : preorder
val min_postorder : postorder
val max_preorder : preorder
val max_postorder : postorder
val large_preorder_to_big_int : large_preorder -> Big_int.big_int
val big_int_to_large_preorder : Big_int.big_int -> large_preorder
val big_int_pair_of_docorder : docorder -> Big_int.big_int * Big_int.big_int