| Index Entry | | Section |
. | | |
| .false.: | | Fortran |
| .true.: | | Fortran |
@ | | |
| @, literal: | | Structure |
A | | |
| Absolute value: | | $ABS |
| Allocation, memory: | | -y |
| Allocation, memory: | | Memory allocation |
| ASCII, converting to: | | ATquote |
| ASCII, converting to: | | $A |
| Asserting a condition: | | $ASSERT |
| Assignment operators, compound: | | -plus |
| Assignment operators, compound: | | Fortran |
| Author: | | $AUTHOR |
| Automatic pseudo-semicolons: | | -nAT; |
| Automatic pseudo-semicolons: | | AT; |
| Automatic pseudo-semicolons: | | Fortran |
| Automatic semicolons: | | -n; |
| Automatic semicolons: | | Fortran |
B | | |
| Bar, vertical: | | AT| |
| Bar, vertical: | | AT|_ |
| Binary notation: | | C |
| Binary notation: | | Fortran |
| Blocks, numbering: | | -b |
| Blocks, numbering: | | -nb |
| Blocks, numbering: | | -rb |
| Brackets, active: | | -W[ |
| Breakpoints, inserting: | | ATb |
| Breakpoints, suppressing: | | ATB_ |
| Bugs: | | Support |
| Bugs, version 1.61: | | V1.61 |
| built-in functions, redefining: | | -Tb |
| Bullet: | | Subscript params |
| Bullet subscript: | | Subscript params |
C | | |
| C hints: | | C |
| C++ hints: | | Cpp |
| Case, changing: | | $L |
| Case, changing: | | $U |
| Class options: | | Document class |
| Code mode: | | Structure |
| Code part, beginning unnamed: | | ATA_ |
| Code part, beginning unnamed: | | ATa |
| Code, converting to FWEB: | | Converting |
| Code, temporarily commenting out: | | Temporary comments |
| Code, temporarily commenting out: | | Fortran |
| Code, typesetting: | | Structure |
| Colon, pseudo: | | ATcolon |
| Color: | | Color |
| Color mode, ANSI: | | Color |
| Color mode, bilevel: | | Color |
| Color mode, trilevel: | | Color |
| Color mode, user-defined: | | Color |
| Color, and message types: | | Color |
| Color, ANSI: | | Color |
| Color, setting: | | -C_ |
| Columns, multiple: | | LIndex |
| Commands, redefined: | | V1.61 |
| Commentary, optional: | | Structure |
| Commenting styles: | | Comments |
| Comments: | | AT/* |
| Comments: | | Comments |
| Comments, FORTRAN: | | -n! |
| Comments, generating: | | $COMMENT |
| Comments, ignorable: | | AT% |
| Comments, ignore single-line Fortran: | | -nC |
| Comments, invisible: | | Invisible comments |
| Comments, short: | | -/ |
| Comments, short: | | -! |
| Comments, short: | | Fortran |
| Comments, temporary: | | Temporary comments |
| Comments, TeX: | | -T% |
| Comments, verbatim: | | -v |
| Comments, visible: | | Visible comments |
| Compiler directives: | | AT? |
| Completion, automatic file-name: | | Completion |
| Concatenation: | | -n/ |
| Condition, asserting: | | $ASSERT |
| Conditional, n-way: | | $IFCASE |
| Conditional, two-way: | | $IF |
| Conditional, two-way: | | $IFDEF |
| Conditional, two-way: | | $IFNDEF |
| Conditional, two-way: | | $IFELSE |
| Contents, table of: | | Table of Contents |
| Control text: | | ATt |
| Converting an existing code to FWEB: | | Converting |
| Cross-references, eliminating: | | -x |
| Cross-references, suppressing: | | -Wnoprint |
| Customization: | | Customization |
| Customizing FWEB: | | Customization |
D | | |
| Date: | | $DATE_TIME |
| Date, generating the: | | $DATE |
| Day, generating the: | | $DAY |
| Debugging: | | -1 |
| Debugging: | | -2 |
| Debugging: | | AT0 |
| Debugging: | | AT1 |
| Debugging: | | AT2 |
| Debugging macros: | | $DUMPDEF |
| Documentation format: | | Documentation |
| Dot constants, recognizing: | | -. |
E | | |
| Environment variables: | | $GETENV |
| Environment variables: | | Environment variables |
| Environment, obtaining the: | | $GETENV |
| Error messages, printing: | | $ERROR |
| Escape sequences, ANSI: | | Color |
| Example, of FWEB file: | | Structure |
| Exponentiation: | | $EXP |
| Exponentiation: | | $POW |
| Exponentiation: | | Fortran |
| Expression evaluation: | | Preprocessing |
| Expression, pseudo: | | ATe |
| Expressions, evaluating: | | $EVAL |
F | | |
| Features, new: | | New features |
| Features, version 1.40: | | V1.40 |
| Features, version 1.50: | | V1.50 |
| Features, version 1.52: | | V1.52 |
| Features, version 1.53: | | V1.53 |
| Features, version 1.61: | | V1.61 |
| File, including web: | | ATi |
| File, including web: | | ATI_ |
| File, initialization: | | Initialization |
| File, opening output: | | ATO_ |
| File, opening output: | | ATo |
| File, RCS: | | $RCSFILE |
| File, style: | | Style |
| File-name completion: | | Completion |
| Files: | | Files |
| Files, change: | | Change files |
| Files, input: | | Input files |
| Files, output: | | Output files |
| Fonts: | | Fonts |
| Formatting: | | Documentation |
| FORTRAN hints: | | Fortran |
| FORTRAN, Rational: | | Ratfor |
| Functions, built-in: | | Built-in functions |
| Functions, intrinsic: | | -D_ |
| FWEB output, inserting into LaTeX document: | | Inserting woven code |
| FWEB, customizing: | | Customization |
| FWEB, initializing: | | Initialization |
H | | |
| Header: | | $HEADER |
| Header comments, printing: | | -Tv |
| Headers: | | Headers |
| Hexadecimal notation: | | Fortran |
| Hints, C: | | C |
| Hints, C++: | | Cpp |
| Hints, FORTRAN: | | Fortran |
| Hints, TeX: | | TeX |
I | | |
| I/O keywords: | | -D_ |
| Identification: | | $ID |
| Identifier, formatting: | | ATf |
| Identifiers, overloading: | | ATW_ |
| Identifiers, overloading: | | Overloading |
| Identifiers, single-character: | | -W1 |
| Identifiers, truncating: | | -t |
| Include file, formatting name of: | | ATi |
| Include file, printing name of: | | ATi |
| Include files, finding: | | -I_ |
| Include files, indexing: | | -i |
| Include files, inhibiting: | | -j |
| Include files, scanning: | | -H_ |
| Include files, skipping: | | -i |
| Index: | | Structure |
| Index: | | LIndex |
| Index entries, deleting: | | AT- |
| Index entries, forcing: | | ATplus |
| Index entries, Roman type: | | AT^ |
| Index entries, typewriter type: | | ATdot |
| Index entries, underlining: | | AT_ |
| Index entries, user format: | | AT9 |
| Index, name of: | | S_index |
| Index, stand-alone: | | Using makeindex |
| Indexes, merging: | | Merging indexes |
| Indexing commands: | | AT_ |
| Information options: | | Info options |
| Initialization file: | | Initialization |
| Input line, number of: | | $INPUT_LINE |
| Installing FWEB: | | Installing |
| Intrinsic functions: | | -D_ |
| Items, joining: | | AT& |
J | | |
| Joining items: | | AT& |
K | | |
| Keyword, RCS: | | $KEYWORD |
| Keyword, RCS: | | $L_KEYWORD |
| Keyword, RCS-like: | | ATz |
| Keywords, I/O: | | -D_ |
| Keywords, I/O: | | Fortran |
L | | |
| Language number: | | $LANGUAGE_NUM |
| Language, determining: | | $LANGUAGE_NUM |
| Language, determining the: | | $LANGUAGE |
| Language, global: | | Languages |
| Language, setting: | | -c |
| Language, setting: | | ATL_ |
| Language, setting: | | Setting the language |
| Languages: | | Languages |
| LaTeX: | | LaTeX |
| LaTeX section: | | Sections |
| LaTeX2e: | | LaTeX |
| Left brace, inserting: | | ATB_ |
| Length of string: | | $LEN |
| Level, message: | | -M_ |
| Limbo section: | | Structure |
| Limbo section: | | Structure |
| Limbo text: | | ATl |
| Line break, canceling: | | AT~ |
| Line break, forcing: | | AT/ |
| Line break, forcing with indent: | | ATbs |
| Line break, optional: | | AT| |
| Line break, optional: | | AT|_ |
| Line number: | | $OUTPUT_LINE |
| Line numbering, turning off: | | ATq |
| Literate programming: | | Intro |
| Lock: | | $LOCKER |
| Logarithms, base 10: | | $LOG10 |
| Logarithms, natural: | | $E |
| Logarithms, natural: | | $LOG |
| Lower case: | | $L |
M | | |
| Macros: | | Macros |
| Macros, absolute value of: | | $ABS |
| Macros, debugging: | | $DUMPDEF |
| Macros, debugging with: | | Debugging with macros |
| Macros, decrementing: | | $DECR |
| Macros, deferred: | | -TD |
| Macros, defining: | | $DEFINE |
| Macros, defining: | | $M |
| Macros, evaluating: | | $EVAL |
| Macros, formatting: | | Macros and formatting |
| Macros, FWEB: | | FWEB macros |
| Macros, incrementing: | | $INCR |
| Macros, inhibiting expansion of: | | AT! |
| Macros, outer: | | Outer macros |
| Macros, preprocessing: | | Preprocessing |
| macros, redefining: | | -Tm |
| Macros, redefinition of: | | Macro protection |
| Macros, repetitively defining: | | $DO |
| Macros, special tokens for: | | Tokens |
| Macros, undefining: | | $UNDEF |
| Macros, with variable arguments: | | Variable arguments |
| Major section, beginning: | | AT* |
| Major section, optional argument for: | | AT* |
| Major subsection: | | AT* |
| Makefiles, using: | | Processors |
| Makeindex, using: | | Using makeindex |
| Marriage: | | -B_ |
| Maximum: | | $MAX |
| Memory allocation: | | -y |
| Memory allocation: | | Memory allocation |
| Message level: | | -M_ |
| Message types: | | Color |
| Message types: | | Color |
| Mininum: | | $MIN |
| Module name, beginning: | | AT< |
| Module name, ending: | | AT> |
| Module, name of: | | $MODULE_NAME |
| Module, named: | | Modules |
| Module, unnamed: | | Modules |
| Modules: | | Modules |
| Modules, missing: | | $STUB |
| Modules, number of: | | $MODULES |
| Modules, warning level for: | | -WAT |
| multicol , using: | | LIndex |
N | | |
| Named module: | | Modules |
| Not equal: | | -plus |
| Not equal: | | Fortran |
| Notation, binary: | | C |
| Notation, binary: | | Fortran |
| Notation, hexadecimal: | | Fortran |
| Notation, octal: | | Fortran |
| Numbering blocks: | | -b |
| Numbering blocks: | | -nb |
| Numbering blocks: | | -rb |
O | | |
| Octal notation: | | Fortran |
| Operators, overloading: | | -o |
| Operators, overloading: | | ATv |
| Operators, overloading: | | Overloading |
| Operators, pseudo-: | | ATe |
| Options, class: | | Document class |
| Options, information: | | -AT |
| Options, information: | | -D_ |
| Options, information: | | -Z_ |
| Options, information: | | Info options |
| Options, negating: | | Negating options |
| Ouput, redirecting: | | -> |
| Ouput, redirecting: | | -= |
| Outer macro, defining: | | ATD_ |
| Outer macros, undefining: | | ATu |
| Output files, changing names of: | | Output files |
| Output line: | | $OUTPUT_LINE |
| Output, changing appearance of: | | -1 |
| Overloading: | | Overloading |
| Overloading identifiers: | | Overloading |
| Overloading operators: | | Overloading |
P | | |
| Package, fwebnum : | | Numbering |
| Package, multicol : | | LIndex |
| Packages, user: | | Document class |
| Page headers: | | Headers |
| Page numbers: | | Page references |
| Part, code: | | Structure |
| Part, code: | | Structure |
| Part, definition: | | Structure |
| Part, definition: | | Structure |
| Part, TeX: | | Structure |
| Part, TeX: | | Structure |
| Parts: | | Structure |
| Phases, of FTANGLE: | | Phases |
| Phases, of FWEAVE: | | Phases |
| Pi: | | $PI |
| Pound sign: | | $P |
| Pound sign: | | $PP |
| Preprocessing: | | Preprocessing |
| Preprocessor symbol: | | $P |
| Preprocessor symbol: | | $PP |
| Preprocessor, m4: | | -m4 |
| Preprocessor, sending additional arguments to: | | -WH_ |
| Pretty-printing: | | Pretty-printing |
| Printing, two-sided: | | Document class |
| Processor, LaTeX: | | -P_ |
| Processor, TeX: | | -P_ |
| Processors, FWEB: | | Processors |
| Program unit: | | $ROUTINE |
| Programming tips: | | Tips |
| Pseudo-colon: | | ATcolon |
| Pseudo-expression: | | ATe |
| Pseudo-operators: | | ATe |
| Pseudo-operators: | | Pseudo-operators |
| Pseudo-semicolon: | | AT; |
| Pseudo-semicolons, automatic: | | -nAT; |
| Pseudo-semicolons, automatic: | | AT; |
| Pseudo-semicolons, automatic: | | Fortran |
R | | |
| RATFOR: | | Ratfor |
| RATFOR commands: | | Commands |
| RATFOR, caveats about: | | Caveats |
| Rational FORTRAN: | | Ratfor |
| RCS file: | | $RCSFILE |
| RCS-like keyword: | | ATz |
| RCS-like keyword: | | $KEYWORD |
| RCS-like keyword: | | $L_KEYWORD |
| Recursion: | | Recursion |
| Redefined commands, version 1.61: | | V1.61 |
| References, forward: | | AT[ |
| Reserved words: | | -D_ |
| Revision: | | $REVISION |
| Root, square: | | $SQRT |
S | | |
| Scientific programming: | | Science |
| Scrap, irreducible: | | -1 |
| Section names, long: | | AT* |
| Section names, short: | | AT* |
| Section number, current: | | $SECTION_NUM |
| Section number, maximum: | | $SECTIONS |
| Section, beginning major: | | AT* |
| Section, beginning minor: | | ATspace |
| Section, limbo: | | Structure |
| Sections: | | Structure |
| Sections, named: | | Structure |
| Sections, numbering: | | Page references |
| Sections, numbering: | | Numbering |
| Sections, unnamed: | | Structure |
| Semicolon, pseudo: | | AT; |
| Semicolons, automatic: | | -n; |
| Semicolons, automatic: | | Fortran |
| Semicolons, printing: | | -np |
| Sharp sign: | | $P |
| Sharp sign: | | $PP |
| Spacing commands: | | ATcomma |
| Spacing, thin space: | | ATcomma |
| Square root: | | $SQRT |
| State: | | $STATE |
| Statement numbers, automatic: | | -colon |
| Statistics, printing: | | -s |
| String length: | | $LEN |
| String, definition of: | | Strings and quotes |
| String, quoted: | | Strings and quotes |
| String, quoting a: | | $STRING |
| String, unquoted: | | Strings and quotes |
| Strings, continuing: | | -\ |
| Strings, long: | | -\ |
| Strings, parenthesized: | | -lp |
| Strings, unquoting: | | $UNQUOTE |
| Style file: | | Style |
| Style file, changing name of: | | -z |
| Style file, for makeindex: | | Using makeindex |
| Subscript, bullet: | | Subscript params |
| Subsection, beginning major: | | AT* |
| Suggestions: | | Tips |
| Support: | | Support |
| Syntax, command-line: | | Syntax |
| Syntax, free-form: | | -n\ |
| Syntax, free-form: | | -n& |
| Syntax, free-form: | | Fortran |
T | | |
| Table of Contents: | | Table of Contents |
| Table of contents, entries for: | | AT* |
| Tags, enum: | | C |
| Tags, structure: | | C |
| TeX hints: | | TeX |
| Text, control: | | ATt |
| Time: | | $DATE_TIME |
| Time: | | $TIME |
| Tokens, upper-case: | | -U_ |
| Transliteration: | | $TRANSLIT |
| Typesetting: | | Typesetting |
U | | |
| Unnamed module: | | Modules |
| Upper case: | | $U |
| User packages: | | Document class |
V | | |
| Variable arguments: | | Variable arguments |
| Variables, environment: | | Environment variables |
| Version number: | | -V_ |
| Version, of FWEB: | | $VERSION |
| Vertical bar: | | AT| |
| Vertical bar: | | AT|_ |
| Vertical bars: | | Structure |
W | | |
| Warning level for modules: | | -WAT |
| Web, structure: | | Structure |
| Words, reserved: | | -D_ |