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9.2 RATFOR commands

9.2.1 RATFOR–77 commands

 break; // Used with case or to break out of loops, as in C.
 case i: // Used with switch.
 default: // Used with case, as in C.
 do ...; {...} // Note the semicolon (unnecessary if followed by a compound stmt).
 else {...} // Used after if as in C.
 for(a;b;c) {...} // As in C.
 if(condition) {...}
 next; // Equivalent to C’s |continue| statement; go to bottom of loop.
 repeat {...} until(condition); // Equivalent to C’s do {...} while();
 return expression; // As in C.
 switch(expression) {...} // As in C.
 while(condition) {...} // Like C’s while.

9.2.2 Additional RATFOR–90 commands

 interface name {...}
 interface operator(op) {...}
 interface assignment(assgnmnt) {...}
 module name {...}
 type name {...}
 where(expression) {...}