
Tags — Photo tagging.


void                flickcurl_free_tag                  (flickcurl_tag *t);
void                flickcurl_free_tags                 (flickcurl_tag **tags);
void                flickcurl_free_tag_clusters         (flickcurl_tag_clusters *tcs);
void                (*flickcurl_tag_handler)            (void *user_data,
                                                         flickcurl_tag *tag);
flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_tags_getClusterPhotos (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag,
                                                         const char *cluster_id,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);
flickcurl_tag_clusters * flickcurl_tags_getClusters     (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getHotList           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *period,
                                                         int tag_count);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListPhoto         (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *photo_id);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListUser          (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListUserPopular   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         int pop_count);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListUserRaw       (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getMostFrequentlyUsed
                                                        (flickcurl *fc);
flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getRelated           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag);


Photo tagging.



typedef struct {
  struct flickcurl_photo_s* photo;
  char* id;
  char* author;
  char* authorname;
  char* raw;
  char* cooked;
  int machine_tag;
  int count;
} flickcurl_tag;

A tag OR a posting of a tag about a photo by a user OR a tag in a histogram

Most of these fields may be NULL, 0 for numbers but not all. Either raw or cooked MUST appear.

A Photo Tag.

struct flickcurl_photo_s *photo;

Associated photo object if any

char *id;

tag identifier

char *author;

author (may be NULL)

char *authorname;

author real name (may be NULL)

char *raw;

raw tag as user typed it (may be NULL, but if so cooked must be not NULL)

char *cooked;

cooked tag (may be NULL, but if so raw must not be NULL)

int machine_tag;

boolean (non-0 true) if tag is a Machine Tag

int count;

tag count in a histogram (or 0)


typedef struct {
  int count;
  char** tags;
} flickcurl_tag_cluster;

A cluster (set) of tag names

int count;

number of tags

char **tags;

tags in this cluster


typedef struct {
  int count;
  flickcurl_tag_cluster** clusters;
} flickcurl_tag_clusters;

A set of clusters of tag names

int count;

number of tag clusters

flickcurl_tag_cluster **clusters;

tag clusters

flickcurl_free_tag ()

void                flickcurl_free_tag                  (flickcurl_tag *t);

Destructor for tag object

t :

tag object

flickcurl_free_tags ()

void                flickcurl_free_tags                 (flickcurl_tag **tags);

Destructor for array of tag objects

tags :

tag object array

flickcurl_free_tag_clusters ()

void                flickcurl_free_tag_clusters         (flickcurl_tag_clusters *tcs);

Destructor for tag clusters object

tcs :

tag clusters object

flickcurl_tag_handler ()

void                (*flickcurl_tag_handler)            (void *user_data,
                                                         flickcurl_tag *tag);

Flickcurl Tag handler callback.

user_data :

user data pointer

tag :


flickcurl_tags_getClusterPhotos ()

flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_tags_getClusterPhotos (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag,
                                                         const char *cluster_id,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);

Returns the first 24 photos for a given tag cluster

Implements flickr.tags.getClusterPhotos (1.7)

Added to API (not announced) some time between 2008-09-04 and 2008-09-19

fc :

flickcurl context

tag :

The tag that this cluster belongs to.

cluster_id :

The top three tags for the cluster, separated by dashes (just like the url).

list_params :

flickcurl_photos_list_params result parameters (or NULL)

Returns :

non-0 on failure

flickcurl_tags_getClusters ()

flickcurl_tag_clusters * flickcurl_tags_getClusters     (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag);

Gives you a list of tag clusters for the given tag.

Implements flickr.tags.getClusters (1.5)

"There is no pagination for this method as the number of clusters for a single tag is capped at 5 and each cluster may contain between 1 - 50 tags (give or take)."

As announced 2008-07-17 http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/yws-flickr/message/4218

fc :

flickcurl context

tag :

The tag to fetch clusters for.

Returns :

NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getHotList ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getHotList           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *period,
                                                         int tag_count);

Returns a list of hot tags for the given period.

Implements flickr.tags.getHotList (0.9)

fc :

flickcurl context

period :

The period for which to fetch hot tags. Valid values are day and week (defaults to day).

tag_count :

The number of tags to return. Defaults to 20. Maximum allowed value is 200 (or -1 to leave as default)

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getListPhoto ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListPhoto         (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *photo_id);

Get the tag list for a given photo.

Implements flickr.tags.getListPhoto (0.9)

fc :

flickcurl context

photo_id :

photo ID

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getListUser ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListUser          (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id);

Get the tag list for a given user (or current user)

Implements flickr.tags.getListUser (0.9)

FIXME: API docs says user_id is optional but it is not.

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

user NSID (or NULL)

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getListUserPopular ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListUserPopular   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         int pop_count);

Get the popular tag list for a given user (or current user)

Implements flickr.tags.getListUserPopular (0.9)

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

user NSID (or NULL)

pop_count :

number of popular tags to return (or <0 for default)

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getListUserRaw ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getListUserRaw       (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag);

Get the raw versions of a given tag (or all tags) for the currently logged-in user.

Implements flickr.tags.getListUserRaw (0.9)

fc :

flickcurl context

tag :

tag to get raw version of (or NULL for all)

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getMostFrequentlyUsed ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getMostFrequentlyUsed
                                                        (flickcurl *fc);

Returns a list of most frequently used tags for a user.

Implements flickr.tags.getMostFrequentlyUsed (1.25)

fc :

flickcurl context

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure

flickcurl_tags_getRelated ()

flickcurl_tag **    flickcurl_tags_getRelated           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *tag);

Get a list of tags 'related' to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.

Implements flickr.tags.getRelated (0.9)

fc :

flickcurl context

tag :

tag to fetch related tags for

Returns :

array of flickcurl_tag or NULL on failure