
Reflection — Flickr introspection API.


void                flickcurl_free_method               (flickcurl_method *method);
flickcurl_method *  flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo  (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *name);
char **             flickcurl_reflection_getMethods     (flickcurl *fc);


Flickr introspection API.



typedef struct {
  char* name;
  int optional;
  char *description;
} flickcurl_arg;

An API method argument.

char *name;

Argument name

int optional;

boolean flag (non-0 true) if argument is optional

char *description;

description of argument (HTML)


typedef struct {
  char *name;
  int   needslogin;
  char *description;
  char *response;
  char *explanation;

  /* argument list */
  flickcurl_arg** args;
  int args_count;
} flickcurl_method;

An API method

char *name;

Method name

int needslogin;

boolean flag (non-0 true) if method requires login

char *description;

description of method

char *response;

example response (HTML)

char *explanation;

explanation of example response or NULL if missing

flickcurl_arg **args;

method arguments

int args_count;

number of arguments, may be 0

flickcurl_free_method ()

void                flickcurl_free_method               (flickcurl_method *method);

Destructor for method object

method :

method object

flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo ()

flickcurl_method *  flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo  (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *name);

Get information about an API method

Implements flickr.reflection.getMethodInfo (0.10)

fc :

flickcurl context

name :

method name

Returns :

flickcurl_method or NULL on failure

flickcurl_reflection_getMethods ()

char **             flickcurl_reflection_getMethods     (flickcurl *fc);

Get the list of available API method names

Implements flickr.reflection.getMethods (0.10)

fc :

flickcurl context

Returns :

arry of names or NULL on failure