
People — Photos taken by people APIs.


char *              flickcurl_people_findByEmail        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *email);
char *              flickcurl_people_findByUsername     (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *username);
flickcurl_group **  flickcurl_people_getGroups          (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         const char *extras);
flickcurl_person *  flickcurl_people_getInfo            (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id);
flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_people_getPhotos          (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         int safe_search,
                                                         const char *min_upload_date,
                                                         const char *max_upload_date,
                                                         const char *min_taken_date,
                                                         const char *max_taken_date,
                                                         int content_type,
                                                         int privacy_filter,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);
flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_people_getPhotos_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         int safe_search,
                                                         const char *min_upload_date,
                                                         const char *max_upload_date,
                                                         const char *min_taken_date,
                                                         const char *max_taken_date,
                                                         int content_type,
                                                         int privacy_filter,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);
flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);
flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);
flickcurl_group **  flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id);
flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);
flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);
flickcurl_user_upload_status * flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus
                                                        (flickcurl *fc);


Photos taken by people APIs.


flickcurl_people_findByEmail ()

char *              flickcurl_people_findByEmail        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *email);

Get a user's NSID, given their email address

Implements flickr.people.findByEmail (0.8)

fc :

flickcurl context

email :

user email address

Returns :

NSID or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_findByUsername ()

char *              flickcurl_people_findByUsername     (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *username);

Get a user's NSID, given their username address

Implements flickr.people.findByUsername (0.8)

fc :

flickcurl context

username :


Returns :

NSID or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getGroups ()

flickcurl_group **  flickcurl_people_getGroups          (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         const char *extras);

Returns the list of groups a user is a member of.

Implements flickr.people.getGroups (1.25)

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user to fetch groups for.

extras :

A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record. Currently supported fields are: privacy, throttle, restrictions (or NULL)

Returns :

list of groups or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getInfo ()

flickcurl_person *  flickcurl_people_getInfo            (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id);

Get information about a person

Implements flickr.people.getInfo (0.6)

NSID can be found by flickcurl_people_findByEmail() or flickcurl_people_findByUsername().

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

user NSID

Returns :

flickcurl_person object or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getPhotos ()

flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_people_getPhotos          (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         int safe_search,
                                                         const char *min_upload_date,
                                                         const char *max_upload_date,
                                                         const char *min_taken_date,
                                                         const char *max_taken_date,
                                                         int content_type,
                                                         int privacy_filter,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);

Get photos from the given user's photostream.

Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. This method must be authenticated; to return public photos for a user, use flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos().

Implements flickr.people.getPhotos (1.18)

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user who's photos to return. A value of "me" will return the calling user's photos.

safe_search :

Safe search setting: 1 for safe, 2 for moderate, 3 for restricted. (Please note: Un-authed calls can only see Safe content.) (or < 0)

min_upload_date :

Minimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp. (or NULL)

max_upload_date :

Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp. (or NULL)

min_taken_date :

Minimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime. (or NULL)

max_taken_date :

Maximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime. (or NULL)

content_type :

Content Type setting: 1 for photos only, 2 for screenshots only, 3 for 'other' only, 4 for photos and screenshots, 5 for screenshots and 'other', 6 for photos and 'other', 7 for photos, screenshots, and 'other' (all) (or < 0)

privacy_filter :

Return photos only matching a certain privacy level. This only applies when making an authenticated call to view photos you own. Valid values are: 1 public photos, 2 private photos visible to friends, 3 private photos visible to family, 4 private photos visible to friends & family, 5 completely private photo (or < 0)

extras :

A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record. Currently supported fields are: description, license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags, o_dims, views, media, path_alias, url_sq, url_t, url_s, url_m, url_o (or NULL)

per_page :

Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500. (or < 0)

page :

The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1. (or < 0)

Returns :

non-0 on failure

flickcurl_people_getPhotos_params ()

flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_people_getPhotos_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         int safe_search,
                                                         const char *min_upload_date,
                                                         const char *max_upload_date,
                                                         const char *min_taken_date,
                                                         const char *max_taken_date,
                                                         int content_type,
                                                         int privacy_filter,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);

Get photos from the given user's photostream.

Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. This method must be authenticated; to return public photos for a user, use flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos().

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user who's photos to return. A value of "me" will return the calling user's photos.

safe_search :

Safe search setting: 1 for safe, 2 for moderate, 3 for restricted. (Please note: Un-authed calls can only see Safe content.) (or < 0)

min_upload_date :

Minimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp. (or NULL)

max_upload_date :

Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp. (or NULL)

min_taken_date :

Minimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime. (or NULL)

max_taken_date :

Maximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime. (or NULL)

content_type :

Content Type setting: 1 for photos only, 2 for screenshots only, 3 for 'other' only, 4 for photos and screenshots, 5 for screenshots and 'other', 6 for photos and 'other', 7 for photos, screenshots, and 'other' (all) (or < 0)

privacy_filter :

Return photos only matching a certain privacy level. This only applies when making an authenticated call to view photos you own. Valid values are: 1 public photos, 2 private photos visible to friends, 3 private photos visible to family, 4 private photos visible to friends & family, 5 completely private photos (or < 0)

list_params :

flickcurl_photos_list_params result parameters (or NULL)

Returns :

non-0 on failure

flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf ()

flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);

Returns a list of photos containing a particular Flickr member.

Implements flickr.people.getPhotosOf (1.17)

Announced 2010-01-21

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user who's photo to search. A value of "me" will search against the calling user's photos for authenticated calls.

extras :

A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record (or NULL)

per_page :

Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500. (or < 0)

page :

The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1. (or < 0)

Returns :

photos array or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf_params ()

flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);

Returns a list of photos containing a particular Flickr member.

Announced 2010-01-21

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user who's photo to search. A value of "me" will search against the calling user's photos for authenticated calls.

list_params :

flickcurl_photos_list_params result parameters (or NULL)

Returns :

photos list or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups ()

flickcurl_group **  flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id);

Returns the list of public groups a user is a member of.

Implements flickr.people.getPublicGroups (0.13)

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user to fetch groups for.

Returns :

list of groups or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos ()

flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);

Get a list of public photos for the given user.

See flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos_params() for details of extras.

Implements flickr.people.getPublicPhotos (0.12)

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user who's photos to return.

extras :

A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.

per_page :

Number of photos to return per page (default 100, max 500)

page :

The page of results to return (default 1)

Returns :

list of photos or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos_params ()

flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_id,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);

Get a list of public photos for the given user.

Currently supported extras fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags.

Optional extra type 'media' that will return an extra media = VALUE for VALUE "photo" or "video". API addition 2008-04-07.

fc :

flickcurl context

user_id :

The NSID of the user who's photos to return.

list_params :

flickcurl_photos_list_params result parameters (or NULL)

Returns :

list of people public photos or NULL on failure

flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus ()

flickcurl_user_upload_status * flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus
                                                        (flickcurl *fc);

Returns information for the calling user related to photo uploads.

Implements flickr.people.getUploadStatus (0.13)

fc :

flickcurl context

Returns :

non-0 on failure