
Miscellaneous — Miscellaneous functions.


void                flickcurl_free_size                 (flickcurl_size *size);
void                flickcurl_free_sizes                (flickcurl_size **sizes_object);
void                flickcurl_free_location             (flickcurl_location *location);
void                flickcurl_free_perms                (flickcurl_perms *perms);
const char *        flickcurl_get_field_value_type_label
                                                        (flickcurl_field_value_type datatype);
const char *        flickcurl_get_location_accuracy_label
                                                        (int accuracy);
flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_interestingness_getList   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *date,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);
flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_interestingness_getList_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *date,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);
const char *        flickcurl_get_content_type_label    (int content_type);
int                 flickcurl_get_content_type_from_string
                                                        (const char *content_type_string);
const char *        flickcurl_get_hidden_label          (int hidden);
int                 flickcurl_get_hidden_from_string    (const char *hidden_string);
const char *        flickcurl_get_safety_level_label    (int safety_level);
int                 flickcurl_get_safety_level_from_string
                                                        (const char *safety_level_string);
char *              flickcurl_user_icon_uri             (int farm,
                                                         int server,
                                                         char *nsid);


Miscellaneous functions.



typedef struct {
  double latitude;
  double longitude;
  int accuracy;
} flickcurl_location;

A Location in the world with an optional accuracy

double latitude;

The latitude from -90 to 90

double longitude;

The longitude from -180 to 180

int accuracy;

Recorded accuracy level of the location. World level is 1, Country is ~3, Region ~6, City ~11, Street ~16. Current range is 1-16. (<0 for unknown accuracy)


typedef struct {
  int is_public;
  int is_contact;
  int is_friend;
  int is_family;
  int perm_comment;
  int perm_addmeta;
} flickcurl_perms;

Permissions as used by flickcurl_photos_getPerms() and flickcurl_photos_setPerms() which use public, friend, family, perm_comment and perm-addmeta. flickcurl_photos_geo_setPerms() uses public, contact, friend and family.

A Photo permission.

int is_public;

non-0 to set the photo to public else private

int is_contact;

non-0 to make the photo visible to contacts when private

int is_friend;

non-0 to make the photo visible to friends when private

int is_family;

non-0 to make the photo visible to family when private

int perm_comment;

who can add comments to the photo and it's notes. one of: 0 nobody, 1 friends & family, 2 contacts, 3 everybody

int perm_addmeta;

who can add notes and tags to the photo. one of: 0 nobody / just the owner, 1 friends & family, 2 contacts, 3 everybody


typedef struct {
  char *label;
  int width;
  int height;
  char *source;
  char *url;
  char* media;
} flickcurl_size;

A photo at a size.

Supported sizes and their letter suffixes used in the source and the url fields are as follows:

s: small square 75x75. q: large square 150x150 (2011-03-12 or later). t: thumbnail, 100 on longest side. m: small, 240 on longest side. n: small, 320 on longest side (2011-03-12 or later). -: medium, 500 on longest side. z: medium 640, 640 on longest side. b: large, 1024 on longest side*. o: original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format.

The 'q' and 'n' sizes were announced 2011-03-12 in http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/yws-flickr/message/7483

char *label;


int width;

width in pixels

int height;

height in pixels

char *source;

raw image source URL

char *url;

url of photo page

char *media;

'photo' or 'video'

flickcurl_free_size ()

void                flickcurl_free_size                 (flickcurl_size *size);

Destructor for size object

size :

size object

flickcurl_free_sizes ()

void                flickcurl_free_sizes                (flickcurl_size **sizes_object);

Destructor for array of size objects

sizes_object :

size object array

flickcurl_free_location ()

void                flickcurl_free_location             (flickcurl_location *location);

Destructor for location object

location :

location object

flickcurl_free_perms ()

void                flickcurl_free_perms                (flickcurl_perms *perms);

Destructor for perms object

perms :

perms object

flickcurl_get_field_value_type_label ()

const char *        flickcurl_get_field_value_type_label
                                                        (flickcurl_field_value_type datatype);

Get label for datatype

datatype :

datatype enum

Returns :

label string or NULL if none valid

flickcurl_get_location_accuracy_label ()

const char *        flickcurl_get_location_accuracy_label
                                                        (int accuracy);

Get label for an accuracy

accuracy :


Returns :

label string or NULL if none valid

flickcurl_interestingness_getList ()

flickcurl_photo **  flickcurl_interestingness_getList   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *date,
                                                         const char *extras,
                                                         int per_page,
                                                         int page);

Returns the list of interesting photos for the most recent day or a user-specified date.

See flickcurl_interestingness_getList() for full description of arguments.

Implements flickr.interestingness.getList (0.13)

fc :

flickcurl context

date :

A specific date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, to return interesting photos for. (or NULL)

extras :

A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record. See flickcurl_photos_list_params for the full list (or NULL)

per_page :

Number of photos to return per page default 100, max 500

page :

The page of results to return, default 1

Returns :

non-0 on failure

flickcurl_interestingness_getList_params ()

flickcurl_photos_list * flickcurl_interestingness_getList_params
                                                        (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *date,
                                                         flickcurl_photos_list_params *list_params);

Returns the list of interesting photos for the most recent day or a user-specified date.

Optional extra type 'media' that will return an extra media = VALUE for VALUE "photo" or "video". API addition 2008-04-07.

fc :

flickcurl context

date :

A specific date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, to return interesting photos for. (or NULL)

list_params :

flickcurl_photos_list_params result parameters (or NULL)

Returns :

non-0 on failure


typedef struct {
  /* license id */
  int id;
  /* license url or NULL if none */
  char *url;
  /* license name */
  char *name;
} flickcurl_license;

A photo license.

int id;

license ID

char *url;

license URL

char *name;

license short name

flickcurl_get_content_type_label ()

const char *        flickcurl_get_content_type_label    (int content_type);

Get label for a content type.

content_type :

safety level index

Returns :

pointer to shared string label for content type or "unknown"

flickcurl_get_content_type_from_string ()

int                 flickcurl_get_content_type_from_string
                                                        (const char *content_type_string);

Get the enumeration value for a content type string.

Parses the string value into a content type either from an integer form like '1' or a label like 'photo'.

content_type_string :


Returns :

content type enumeration value or <0 on error

flickcurl_get_hidden_label ()

const char *        flickcurl_get_hidden_label          (int hidden);

Get label for a hidden status

hidden :

safety level index

Returns :

pointer to shared string label for hidden status or "unknown"

flickcurl_get_hidden_from_string ()

int                 flickcurl_get_hidden_from_string    (const char *hidden_string);

Get the enumeration value for a hidden status string.

Parses the string value into a safety level either from an integer form like '1' or a label like 'hidden'.

hidden_string :


Returns :

safety level enumeration value or <0 on error

flickcurl_get_safety_level_label ()

const char *        flickcurl_get_safety_level_label    (int safety_level);

Get label for a safety level.

safety_level :

safety level index

Returns :

pointer to shared string label for safety level or "unknown"

flickcurl_get_safety_level_from_string ()

int                 flickcurl_get_safety_level_from_string
                                                        (const char *safety_level_string);

Get the enumeration value for a safety level string.

Parses the string value into a safety level either from an integer form like '1' or a label like 'safe'.

safety_level_string :


Returns :

safety level enumeration value or <0 on error

flickcurl_user_icon_uri ()

char *              flickcurl_user_icon_uri             (int farm,
                                                         int server,
                                                         char *nsid);

Get the user's icon URI

The icon URI returned is always a 48x48 pixel JPEG.

If server is 0 (or the other fields are NULL), the default icon URI of https://www.flickr.com/images/buddyicon.jpg is returned.

Defined by https://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.buddyicons.html

farm :

user icon farm

server :

user icon server or 0

nsid :

user nsid

Returns :

new icon URI string or NULL on failure