
Core — Core library functions


typedef             flickcurl;
extern const char* const flickcurl_version_string;
extern const char* const flickcurl_license_string;
extern const char* const flickcurl_copyright_string;
extern const char* const flickcurl_short_copyright_string;
extern const char* const flickcurl_home_url_string;
extern const char* const flickcurl_flickr_replace_service_uri;
extern const char* const flickcurl_flickr_service_uri;
extern const char* const flickcurl_flickr_upload_service_uri;
void                (*flickcurl_message_handler)        (void *user_data,
                                                         const char *message);
int                 flickcurl_init                      (void);
void                flickcurl_finish                    (void);
flickcurl *         flickcurl_new                       (void);
flickcurl *         flickcurl_new_with_handle           (void *curl_handle);
void                flickcurl_free                      (flickcurl *fc);
int                 flickcurl_get_current_request_wait  (flickcurl *fc);
int                 flickcurl_get_extras_format_info    (int extras_format,
                                                         const char **name_p,
                                                         const char **label_p);
int                 flickcurl_get_feed_format_info      (int feed_format,
                                                         const char **name_p,
                                                         const char **label_p,
                                                         const char **mime_type_p);
void                (*flickcurl_curl_setopt_handler)    (void *user_data,
                                                         void *curl_handle);
void                flickcurl_set_curl_setopt_handler   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         flickcurl_curl_setopt_handler curl_handler,
                                                         void *curl_handler_data);
void                flickcurl_set_data                  (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         void *data,
                                                         size_t data_length);
void                flickcurl_set_error_handler         (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         flickcurl_message_handler error_handler,
                                                         void *error_data);
void                flickcurl_set_http_accept           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *value);
void                flickcurl_set_proxy                 (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *proxy);
void                flickcurl_set_request_delay         (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         long delay_msec Param2);
void                flickcurl_set_service_uri           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *uri);
void                flickcurl_set_replace_service_uri   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *uri);
void                flickcurl_set_upload_service_uri    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *uri);
void                flickcurl_set_sign                  (flickcurl *fc);
void                flickcurl_set_tag_handler           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         flickcurl_tag_handler tag_handler,
                                                         void *tag_data);
void                flickcurl_set_user_agent            (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_agent);
void                flickcurl_set_write                 (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         int is_write);
void                flickcurl_set_xml_data              (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         xmlDocPtr doc);


Core library functions



typedef struct flickcurl_s flickcurl;

Flickcurl session object created by flickcurl_new() and destroyed by flickcurl_free()


extern const char* const flickcurl_version_string;


extern const char* const flickcurl_license_string;


extern const char* const flickcurl_copyright_string;


extern const char* const flickcurl_short_copyright_string;


extern const char* const flickcurl_home_url_string;


extern const char* const flickcurl_flickr_replace_service_uri;


extern const char* const flickcurl_flickr_service_uri;


extern const char* const flickcurl_flickr_upload_service_uri;

flickcurl_message_handler ()

void                (*flickcurl_message_handler)        (void *user_data,
                                                         const char *message);

Flickcurl Message handler callback.

user_data :

user data pointer

message :

error message

flickcurl_init ()

int                 flickcurl_init                      (void);

Initialise Flickcurl library.

Returns :

non-0 on failure

flickcurl_finish ()

void                flickcurl_finish                    (void);

Terminate Flickcurl library.

flickcurl_new ()

flickcurl *         flickcurl_new                       (void);

Create a Flickcurl sesssion

Returns :

new flickcurl object or NULL on fialure

flickcurl_new_with_handle ()

flickcurl *         flickcurl_new_with_handle           (void *curl_handle);

Create a Flickcurl sesssion from an existing CURL* handler

This allows setting up or re-using an existing CURL handle with Flickcurl, however the library will call curl_easy_setopt to set options based on the operation being performed. If these need to be over-ridden, use flickcurl_set_curl_setopt_handler() to adjust the options.

NOTE: The type of handle is void* so that curl headers are optional when compiling against flickcurl.

curl_handle :

CURL* handle

Returns :

new flickcurl object or NULL on fialure

flickcurl_free ()

void                flickcurl_free                      (flickcurl *fc);

Destroy flickcurl session

fc :

flickcurl object

flickcurl_get_current_request_wait ()

int                 flickcurl_get_current_request_wait  (flickcurl *fc);

Get current wait that would be applied for a web service request called now

Returns the wait time that would be applied in order to delay a web service request such that the web service rate limit is met.

See flickcurl_set_request_delay() which by default is set to 1000ms.

fc :

flickcurl object

Returns :

delay in usecs or < 0 if delay is more than 247 seconds ('infinity')

flickcurl_get_extras_format_info ()

int                 flickcurl_get_extras_format_info    (int extras_format,
                                                         const char **name_p,
                                                         const char **label_p);

Get APi extras format parameter value information

As described 2008-08-19 in

extras_format :

input param - extras format index

name_p :

output param - pointer to store feed format name

label_p :

output param - pointer to store feed format label

Returns :

non-0 if extras_format is out of range

flickcurl_get_feed_format_info ()

int                 flickcurl_get_feed_format_info      (int feed_format,
                                                         const char **name_p,
                                                         const char **label_p,
                                                         const char **mime_type_p);

Get feed format parameter value information

As announced 2008-08-25 in

feed_format :

input param - feed format index

name_p :

output param - pointer to store feed format name

label_p :

output param - pointer to store feed format label

mime_type_p :

output param - pointer to store feed format mime type

Returns :

non-0 if feed_format is out of range

flickcurl_curl_setopt_handler ()

void                (*flickcurl_curl_setopt_handler)    (void *user_data,
                                                         void *curl_handle);

Flickcurl curl options handle callback.

For use with flickcurl_set_curl_setopt_handler() to set curl handle options once Flickcurl has created the CURL* handle internally.

NOTE: The type of curl_handle is void* so that curl headers are optional when compiling against flickcurl.

WARNING: This callback is called with two void args in the order curl handler user data, curl handle (CURL* pointer) - take care in getting them correct in implementation.

user_data :

user data pointer

curl_handle :

curl CURL* handle

flickcurl_set_curl_setopt_handler ()

void                flickcurl_set_curl_setopt_handler   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         flickcurl_curl_setopt_handler curl_handler,
                                                         void *curl_handler_data);

Set curl set option callback handler.

This handler is called for every curl request after all internal curl_easy_setopt calls are made on the internal CURL* handle and just before curl_easy_perform is invoked to start the retrieval. Thus, this callback can override any internal configuration.

If a simple once-only CURL configuration is needed, using flickcurl_new_with_handle() may be easier.

WARNING: The curl_handler callback is called with 2 void args in the order user data (curl_handler_data value), curl_handle (CURL* pointer) - take care to use them correct in implementation.

fc :

flickcurl object

curl_handler :

curl set options handler (or NULL)

curl_handler_data :

user data for handler (or NULL)

flickcurl_set_data ()

void                flickcurl_set_data                  (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         void *data,
                                                         size_t data_length);

Set web service request content data.

fc :

flickcurl object

data :

data pointer

data_length :

data length

flickcurl_set_error_handler ()

void                flickcurl_set_error_handler         (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         flickcurl_message_handler error_handler,
                                                         void *error_data);

Set Flickcurl error handler.

fc :

flickcurl object

error_handler :

error handler function

error_data :

error handler data

flickcurl_set_http_accept ()

void                flickcurl_set_http_accept           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *value);

Set HTTP accept header value for flickcurl requests

fc :

flickcurl object

value :

HTTP Accept header value

flickcurl_set_proxy ()

void                flickcurl_set_proxy                 (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *proxy);

Set HTTP proxy for flickcurl requests

fc :

flickcurl object

proxy :

HTTP proxy string

flickcurl_set_request_delay ()

void                flickcurl_set_request_delay         (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         long delay_msec Param2);

Set web service request delay

fc :

flickcurl object

flickcurl_set_service_uri ()

void                flickcurl_set_service_uri           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *uri);

Set Web Service URI for flickcurl requests

Sets the service to the default (Flickr API web service) if uri is NULL.

fc :

flickcurl object

uri :

Service URI (or NULL)

flickcurl_set_replace_service_uri ()

void                flickcurl_set_replace_service_uri   (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *uri);

Set Web Replace Service URI for flickcurl requests

Sets the replace service to the default (Flickr API web replace_service) if uri is NULL.

fc :

flickcurl object

uri :

Replace Service URI (or NULL)

flickcurl_set_upload_service_uri ()

void                flickcurl_set_upload_service_uri    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *uri);

Set Web Upload Service URI for flickcurl requests

Sets the upload service to the default (Flickr API web upload_service) if uri is NULL.

fc :

flickcurl object

uri :

Upload Service URI (or NULL)

flickcurl_set_sign ()

void                flickcurl_set_sign                  (flickcurl *fc);

Make the next request signed.

fc :

flickcurl object

flickcurl_set_tag_handler ()

void                flickcurl_set_tag_handler           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         flickcurl_tag_handler tag_handler,
                                                         void *tag_data);

Set Flickcurl tag handler.

fc :

flickcurl object

tag_handler :

tag handler function

tag_data :

tag handler data

flickcurl_set_user_agent ()

void                flickcurl_set_user_agent            (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *user_agent);

Set Flickcurl HTTP user agent string

fc :

flickcurl object

user_agent :

user agent string

flickcurl_set_write ()

void                flickcurl_set_write                 (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         int is_write);

Set writeable flag.

fc :

flickcurl object

is_write :

writeable flag

flickcurl_set_xml_data ()

void                flickcurl_set_xml_data              (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         xmlDocPtr doc);

Set web service request content data from XML DOM.

fc :

flickcurl object

doc :

XML dom