
Blogs — Posting photos to blogs


flickcurl_blog **   flickcurl_blogs_getList             (flickcurl *fc);
flickcurl_blog_service ** flickcurl_blogs_getServices   (flickcurl *fc);
int                 flickcurl_blogs_postPhoto           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *blog_id,
                                                         const char *photo_id,
                                                         const char *title,
                                                         const char *description,
                                                         const char *blog_password);
void                flickcurl_free_blogs                (flickcurl_blog **blogs_object);
void                flickcurl_free_blog_services        (flickcurl_blog_service **blog_services_object);


Posting photos to blogs



typedef struct {
  char* id;
  char* name;
  int needs_password;
  char* url;
} flickcurl_blog;

A blog.

char *id;


char *name;

Group Name

int needs_password;

needs password

char *url;


flickcurl_blogs_getList ()

flickcurl_blog **   flickcurl_blogs_getList             (flickcurl *fc);

Get a list of configured blogs for the calling user.

Implements flickr.blogs.getList (1.0)

fc :

flickcurl context

Returns :

non-0 on failure


typedef struct {
  char* id;
  char* name;
} flickcurl_blog_service;

A blog service.

char *id;


char *name;

Service Name

flickcurl_blogs_getServices ()

flickcurl_blog_service ** flickcurl_blogs_getServices   (flickcurl *fc);

Return a list of Flickr supported blogging services

Implements flickr.blogs.getServices (1.12)

fc :

flickcurl context

Returns :

list of services or NULL on failure

flickcurl_blogs_postPhoto ()

int                 flickcurl_blogs_postPhoto           (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *blog_id,
                                                         const char *photo_id,
                                                         const char *title,
                                                         const char *description,
                                                         const char *blog_password);

Post a photo to a blog/

Implements flickr.blogs.postPhoto (1.0)

fc :

flickcurl context

blog_id :

The id of the blog to post to

photo_id :

The id of the photo to blog

title :

The blog post title

description :

The blog post body

blog_password :

The password for the blog (used when the blog does not have a stored password) (or NULL)

Returns :

non-0 on failure

flickcurl_free_blogs ()

void                flickcurl_free_blogs                (flickcurl_blog **blogs_object);

Destructor for array of blog objects

blogs_object :

blog object array

flickcurl_free_blog_services ()

void                flickcurl_free_blog_services        (flickcurl_blog_service **blog_services_object);

Destructor for array of blog services objects

blog_services_object :

blog services object array