N_ftranspose_impl | |
NBLAS3 | |
►Ncsr_hyb_details | |
CCoo | |
CInfo | |
►NCuttingStrategy | |
CBlock | |
CColumn | |
CRecursive | |
CRow | |
CSingle | |
Ndetails | |
►Ndetails_spmv | |
CCoo | |
►NElementCategories | |
CArbitraryPrecIntTag | Arbitrary precision integers: GMP |
CFixedPrecIntTag | Fixed precision integers above machine precision: Givaro::recInt |
CGenericTag | Default is generic |
CMachineFloatTag | Float or double |
CMachineIntTag | Short, int, long, long long, and unsigned variants |
CRNSElementTag | Representation in a Residue Number System |
Nell_r_details | |
►NFieldCategories | Traits and categories will need to be placed in a proper file later |
CGenericTag | Generic ring |
CModularTag | This is a modular field like e.g. Modular<T> or ModularBalanced<T> |
CUnparametricTag | If the field uses a representation with infix operators |
►NMMHelperAlgo | |
CAuto | |
CBini | |
CClassic | |
CDivideAndConquer | |
CWinograd | |
CWinogradPar | |
►NModeCategories | Specifies the mode of action for an algorithm w.r.t |
CConvertTo | Force conversion to appropriate element type of ElementCategory T |
CDefaultBoundedTag | Use standard field operations, but keeps track of bounds on input and output |
CDefaultTag | No specific mode of action: use standard field operations |
CDelayedTag | Performs field operations with delayed mod reductions. Ensures result is reduced |
CLazyTag | Performs field operations with delayed mod only when necessary. Result may not be reduced |
►NParSeqHelper | ParSeqHelper for both fgemm and ftrsm |
CCompose | |
CParallel | |
CSequential | |
►NProtected | |
NRec | |
CAreEqual | |
CAreEqual< X, X > | |
CftrmmLeftLowerNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmLeftLowerNoTransUnit | |
CftrmmLeftLowerTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmLeftLowerTransUnit | |
CftrmmLeftUpperNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmLeftUpperNoTransUnit | |
CftrmmLeftUpperTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmLeftUpperTransUnit | |
CftrmmRightLowerNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmRightLowerNoTransUnit | |
CftrmmRightLowerTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmRightLowerTransUnit | |
CftrmmRightUpperNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmRightUpperNoTransUnit | |
CftrmmRightUpperTransNonUnit | |
CftrmmRightUpperTransUnit | |
CftrsmLeftLowerNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmLeftLowerNoTransUnit | |
CftrsmLeftLowerTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmLeftLowerTransUnit | |
CftrsmLeftUpperNoTransNonUnit | Computes the maximal size for delaying the modular reduction in a triangular system resolution |
CftrsmLeftUpperNoTransUnit | |
CftrsmLeftUpperTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmLeftUpperTransUnit | |
CftrsmRightLowerNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmRightLowerNoTransUnit | |
CftrsmRightLowerTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmRightLowerTransUnit | |
CftrsmRightUpperNoTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmRightUpperNoTransUnit | |
CftrsmRightUpperTransNonUnit | |
CftrsmRightUpperTransUnit | |
►Nsell_details | |
CCoo | |
CInfo | |
Nsparse_details | |
Nsparse_details_impl | |
►NStrategyParameter | |
CFixed | |
CGrain | |
CThreads | |
CThreeD | |
CThreeDAdaptive | |
CThreeDInPlace | |
CTwoD | |
CTwoDAdaptive | |
►NStructureHelper | StructureHelper for ftrsm |
CHybrid | |
CIterative | |
CRecursive | |
►Nvectorised | |
Nunswitch | |
CHelperMod | |
CHelperMod< Field, ElementCategories::MachineIntTag > | |
CHelperMod< Field, FFLAS::ElementCategories::ArbitraryPrecIntTag > | |
CHelperMod< Field, FFLAS::ElementCategories::FixedPrecIntTag > | |
CHelperMod< Field, FFLAS::ElementCategories::MachineFloatTag > | |
CAlgoChooser | |
CAlgoChooser< ModeCategories::ConvertTo< ElementCategories::RNSElementTag >, ParSeq > | |
CassociatedDelayedField | |
CassociatedDelayedField< const FFPACK::RNSIntegerMod< RNS > > | |
CassociatedDelayedField< const Givaro::Modular< T, X > > | |
CassociatedDelayedField< const Givaro::ModularBalanced< T > > | |
CassociatedDelayedField< const Givaro::ZRing< T > > | |
CBlockTransposeSIMD | |
CChecker_Empty | |
CCheckerImplem_fgemm | |
CCheckerImplem_ftrsm | |
CCooMat | |
CCsrMat | |
CElementTraits | ElementTraits |
CElementTraits< double > | |
CElementTraits< FFPACK::rns_double_elt > | |
CElementTraits< float > | |
CElementTraits< Givaro::Integer > | |
CElementTraits< int16_t > | |
CElementTraits< int32_t > | |
CElementTraits< int64_t > | |
CElementTraits< int8_t > | |
CElementTraits< RecInt::rint< K > > | |
CElementTraits< RecInt::rmint< K, MG > > | |
CElementTraits< RecInt::ruint< K > > | |
CElementTraits< uint16_t > | |
CElementTraits< uint32_t > | |
CElementTraits< uint64_t > | |
CElementTraits< uint8_t > | |
CEllMat | |
CFieldTraits | FieldTrait |
CFieldTraits< FFPACK::RNSInteger< T > > | |
CFieldTraits< FFPACK::RNSIntegerMod< T > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::Modular< Element > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ModularBalanced< Element > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< double > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< float > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< Givaro::Integer > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< int16_t > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< int32_t > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< int64_t > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< RecInt::ruint< K > > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< uint16_t > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< uint32_t > > | |
CFieldTraits< Givaro::ZRing< uint64_t > > | |
CForStrategy1D | |
CForStrategy2D | |
Chas_minus_eq_impl | |
Chas_minus_impl | |
Chas_mul_eq_impl | |
Chas_mul_impl | |
Chas_operation | |
Chas_plus_eq_impl | |
Chas_plus_impl | |
CHelperFlag | |
CisSparseMatrix | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::COO > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::COO_ZO > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR_HYB > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR_ZO > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_simd > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_simd_ZO > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_ZO > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::HYB_ZO > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::SELL > > | |
CisSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::SELL_ZO > > | |
CisSparseMatrixMKLFormat | |
CisSparseMatrixSimdFormat | |
CisZOSparseMatrix | |
CisZOSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::COO_ZO > > | |
CisZOSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR_ZO > > | |
CisZOSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_simd_ZO > > | |
CisZOSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_ZO > > | |
CisZOSparseMatrix< Field, Sparse< Field, SparseMatrix_t::SELL_ZO > > | |
CMMHelper | |
CMMHelper< FFPACK::RNSInteger< E >, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::DefaultTag, ParSeqTrait > | |
CMMHelper< FFPACK::RNSIntegerMod< E >, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::DefaultTag, ParSeqTrait > | |
CMMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::ConvertTo< Dest >, ParSeqTrait > | |
CMMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::ConvertTo< ElementCategories::RNSElementTag >, ParSeqTrait > | |
CMMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::DefaultTag, ParSeqTrait > | FGEMM Helper for Default and ConvertTo modes of operation |
CModeTraits | ModeTraits |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< Element, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< Givaro::Integer, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< int16_t, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< int32_t, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< int64_t, uint64_t > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< int8_t, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< RecInt::ruint< K >, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< uint16_t, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< uint32_t, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Modular< uint8_t, Compute > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ModularBalanced< Element > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ModularBalanced< Givaro::Integer > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ModularBalanced< int16_t > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ModularBalanced< int32_t > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ModularBalanced< int8_t > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::Montgomery< T > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ZRing< double > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ZRing< float > > | |
CModeTraits< Givaro::ZRing< Givaro::Integer > > | |
CPacker | |
CPacker< double, 2 > | |
CreadMyMachineType | |
CreadMyMachineType< Field, mpz_t > | |
CSparse | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::COO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::COO_ZO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR_HYB > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::CSR_ZO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_R > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_R_ZO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_simd > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_simd_ZO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_ZO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::HYB_ZO > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::SELL > | |
CSparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::SELL_ZO > | |
CSpMat | |
CStatsMatrix | |
Csupport_fast_mod | |
Csupport_fast_mod< double > | |
Csupport_fast_mod< float > | |
Csupport_fast_mod< int64_t > | |
Csupport_simd | |
Csupport_simd_add | |
Csupport_simd_mod | |
Ctfn_minus | |
Ctfn_minus_eq | |
Ctfn_mul | |
Ctfn_mul_eq | |
Ctfn_plus | |
Ctfn_plus_eq | |
CTRSMHelper | TRSM Helper |
►NFFPACK | Finite Field PACK Set of elimination based routines for dense linear algebra |
NProtected | |
CcallLUdivine_small | |
CcallLUdivine_small< double > | |
CcallLUdivine_small< float > | |
CCharpolyFailed | |
CCheckerImplem_charpoly | |
CCheckerImplem_charpoly< Givaro::ZRing< Givaro::Integer >, Polynomial > | |
CCheckerImplem_Det | |
CCheckerImplem_invert | |
CCheckerImplem_PLUQ | |
CFailure | A precondtion failed |
Crns_double | |
Crns_double_elt | |
Crns_double_elt_cstptr | |
Crns_double_elt_ptr | |
Crns_double_extended | |
►CRNSInteger | |
CRandIter | |
►CRNSIntegerMod | |
CRandIter | |
CrnsRandIter | |
►NGivaro | |
CModularBalanced | |
CMontgomery | |
►NRecInt | |
Crint | |
Cruint | |