Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- r -
- RandIter() : RNSInteger< RNS >::RandIter, RNSIntegerMod< RNS >::RandIter
- random() : RNSIntegerMod< RNS >::RandIter, rnsRandIter< RNS >
- recLevel : MMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeTrait, ParSeqTrait >, MMHelper< FFPACK::RNSInteger< E >, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::DefaultTag, ParSeqTrait >, MMHelper< FFPACK::RNSIntegerMod< E >, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::DefaultTag, ParSeqTrait >, MMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::ConvertTo< Dest >, ParSeqTrait >, MMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::ConvertTo< ElementCategories::RNSElementTag >, ParSeqTrait >, MMHelper< Field, AlgoTrait, ModeCategories::DefaultTag, ParSeqTrait >
- reduce() : rns_double, rns_double_extended, RNSInteger< RNS >, RNSIntegerMod< RNS >
- reduce_modp() : RNSIntegerMod< RNS >
- reduce_modp_rnsmajor() : RNSIntegerMod< RNS >
- Residu : Bench< Elt >, Test< Elt >
- Ring : CheckerImplem_charpoly< Givaro::ZRing< Givaro::Integer >, Polynomial >
- ring() : rnsRandIter< RNS >
- rns() : RNSInteger< RNS >, RNSIntegerMod< RNS >
- rns_double() : rns_double
- rns_double_elt() : rns_double_elt
- rns_double_elt_cstptr() : rns_double_elt_cstptr
- rns_double_elt_ptr() : rns_double_elt_ptr
- rns_double_extended() : rns_double_extended
- RNSInteger() : RNSInteger< RNS >
- RNSIntegerMod() : RNSIntegerMod< RNS >
- rnsRandIter() : rnsRandIter< RNS >
- round() : ScalFunctionsBase< Element, typename enable_if< is_floating_point< Element >::value >::type >, ScalFunctionsBase< Element, typename enable_if< is_integral< Element >::value >::type >, Simd128_impl< true, true, true, 2 >, Simd128_impl< true, true, true, 4 >, Simd128_impl< true, true, true, 8 >, Simd256_impl< true, false, true, 8 >, Simd256_impl< true, true, true, 2 >, Simd256_impl< true, true, true, 4 >, Simd256_impl< true, true, true, 8 >, Simd512_impl< true, false, true, 8 >, Simd512_impl< true, true, true, 8 >
- row : Coo< ValT, IdxT >, Coo< Field >, Coo< ValT, IdxT >, Sparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::COO >, Sparse< _Field, SparseMatrix_t::ELL_R >
- rowblockindex() : ForStrategy2D< blocksize_t, Cut, Param >
- rowBlockSize : ForStrategy2D< blocksize_t, Cut, Param >
- rowdim : StatsMatrix
- rownumblocks() : ForStrategy2D< blocksize_t, Cut, Param >
- run() : Bench< Elt >, Test< Elt >