Surface Evolver Newsletter no. 19

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                       Surface Evolver Newsletter 19
                            August 20, 2005

                      by Ken Brakke,

  Surface Evolver version 2.26 is now available at
  This is the first full official new version release since
  version 2.24 in October, 2004.

  Announcement of interest to fans of Joseph Plateau:
  In my spare time, I have been doing an amateur translation of
  Plateau's famous 1873 book on soap films and surface tension
  phenomena.  You may find the results at

  New features and changes:

  PDF version of the manual has been improved, with bookmarks and links.

  Runtime help command now finds its keyword information from a new
  separate help text file, rather than extracting it from the HTML
  version of the documentation.

  Added "quietload" toggle to supress echoing of command files being
  read in; also corresponding "-Q" command line option.

  Quoted strings can be concatenated on input, for example,
     printf "This is a " "long format string.\n"

  New "reverse_orientation" command to internally reverse the orientation
  of selected edges and facets.

  Added "eigenvalues" array, so user can access all eigenvalues
  produced by "ritz", e.g. "print eigenvalues[2]".

  Added "binary_printf" command to write binary files for external
  applications needing a binary format.

  Piping of command output with | to external commands now works in
  Windows like it does in unix.

End of Newsletter 19