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elastix Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  AdaGrad
class  AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent
class  AdaptiveStochasticLBFGS
class  AdaptiveStochasticVarianceReducedGradient
class  AdvancedAffineTransformElastix
class  AdvancedBSplineTransform
class  AdvancedKappaStatisticMetric
class  AdvancedMattesMutualInformationMetric
class  AdvancedMeanSquaresMetric
class  AdvancedNormalizedCorrelationMetric
class  AffineDTITransformElastix
class  AffineLogStackTransform
class  AffineLogTransformElastix
class  BaseComponent
class  BaseComponentSE
class  BSplineInterpolator
class  BSplineInterpolatorFloat
class  BSplineResampleInterpolator
class  BSplineResampleInterpolatorFloat
class  BSplineStackTransform
class  BSplineTransformWithDiffusion
class  CMAEvolutionStrategy
class  ComponentDatabase
class  ComponentLoader
class  Configuration
class  ConjugateGradient
class  ConjugateGradientFRPR
class  CorrespondingPointsEuclideanDistanceMetric
class  DeformationFieldTransform
class  DisplacementMagnitudePenalty
class  DistancePreservingRigidityPenalty
class  ELASTIX
class  ElastixBase
class  ElastixFilter
class  ElastixMain
class  ElastixTemplate
class  EulerStackTransform
class  EulerTransformElastix
class  FiniteDifferenceGradientDescent
class  FixedGenericPyramid
class  FixedImagePyramidBase
class  FixedRecursivePyramid
class  FixedShrinkingPyramid
class  FixedSmoothingPyramid
class  FullSampler
class  FullSearch
class  GradientDifferenceMetric
class  GridSampler
class  ImageSamplerBase
class  InstallFunctions
class  InterpolatorBase
class  KNNGraphAlphaMutualInformationMetric
class  LinearInterpolator
class  LinearResampleInterpolator
class  MetricBase
class  MissingStructurePenalty
class  MovingGenericPyramid
class  MovingImagePyramidBase
class  MovingRecursivePyramid
class  MovingShrinkingPyramid
class  MovingSmoothingPyramid
class  MultiBSplineTransformWithNormal
class  MultiInputRandomCoordinateSampler
class  MultiMetricMultiResolutionRegistration
class  MultiResolutionRegistration
class  MultiResolutionRegistrationWithFeatures
class  MutualInformationHistogramMetric
class  MyStandardResampler
class  NearestNeighborInterpolator
class  NearestNeighborResampleInterpolator
class  NormalizedGradientCorrelationMetric
class  NormalizedMutualInformationMetric
class  OpenCLFixedGenericPyramid
class  OpenCLMovingGenericPyramid
class  OpenCLResampler
class  OptimizerBase
class  ParameterObject
class  PatternIntensityMetric
class  PCAMetric
class  PCAMetric2
struct  PixelType
struct  PixelType< char >
struct  PixelType< double >
struct  PixelType< float >
struct  PixelType< int >
struct  PixelType< long >
struct  PixelType< short >
struct  PixelType< unsigned char >
struct  PixelType< unsigned int >
struct  PixelType< unsigned long >
struct  PixelType< unsigned short >
class  PolydataDummyPenalty
class  Powell
class  PreconditionedGradientDescent
class  PreconditionedStochasticGradientDescent
class  ProgressCommand
class  QuasiNewtonLBFGS
class  RandomCoordinateSampler
class  RandomSampler
class  RandomSamplerSparseMask
class  RayCastInterpolator
class  RayCastResampleInterpolator
class  RecursiveBSplineTransform
class  ReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolator
class  ReducedDimensionBSplineResampleInterpolator
class  RegistrationBase
class  RegularStepGradientDescent
class  ResampleInterpolatorBase
class  ResamplerBase
class  RSGDEachParameterApart
class  SimilarityTransformElastix
class  Simplex
class  SimultaneousPerturbation
class  SplineKernelTransform
class  StandardGradientDescent
class  StatisticalShapePenalty
class  SumOfPairwiseCorrelationCoefficientsMetric
class  SumSquaredTissueVolumeDifferenceMetric
class  TransformBase
class  TransformBendingEnergyPenalty
class  TransformixFilter
class  TransformixMain
class  TransformRigidityPenalty
class  TranslationStackTransform
class  TranslationTransformElastix
class  VarianceOverLastDimensionMetric
class  ViolaWellsMutualInformationMetric
class  WeightedCombinationTransformElastix


 elxPrepareImageTypeSupportMacro ()
 elxSupportedImageTypeMacro (float, 2, float, 2, 1)
 elxSupportedImageTypeMacro (float, 3, float, 3, 3)
 elxSupportedImageTypeMacro (short, 3, short, 3, 2)
 elxSupportedImageTypeMacro (short, 4, short, 4, 4)
int xoutSetup (const char *logfilename, bool setupLogging, bool setupCout)


const unsigned int NrOfSupportedImageTypes = 4

Detailed Description

Include itk transforms needed.

Include structure for the diffusion.

Include itk transforms needed. Include grid schedule computer and upsample filter.

Needed for the macros

Needed for the macros.

Needed for the macros Mask support.

******************* elxBaseComponent.h *************************

This file defines the class elx::BaseComponent, from which all elastix components should inherit. It contains some methods that each component is supposed to have.

The namespace alias elx is defined in this file.

Some header files are included that most components need. Get rid of warnings about too long variable names. All elastix components should be in namespace elastix.

Function Documentation

◆ elxPrepareImageTypeSupportMacro()

elastix::elxPrepareImageTypeSupportMacro ( )

◆ elxSupportedImageTypeMacro() [1/4]

elastix::elxSupportedImageTypeMacro ( float  ,
float  ,

◆ elxSupportedImageTypeMacro() [2/4]

elastix::elxSupportedImageTypeMacro ( float  ,
float  ,

◆ elxSupportedImageTypeMacro() [3/4]

elastix::elxSupportedImageTypeMacro ( short  ,
short  ,

◆ elxSupportedImageTypeMacro() [4/4]

elastix::elxSupportedImageTypeMacro ( short  ,
short  ,

◆ xoutSetup()

int elastix::xoutSetup ( const char *  logfilename,
bool  setupLogging,
bool  setupCout 

********************** Global Functions **********************

NB: not part of the ElastixMain class. function xoutSetup Configure the xl::xout variable, which has to be used for for writing messages. The function adds some default fields, such as "warning", "error", "standard", "logonly" and "coutonly", and it sets the outputs to std::cout and/or a logfile.

The method takes a logfile name as its input argument. It returns 0 if everything went ok. 1 otherwise.

Variable Documentation

◆ NrOfSupportedImageTypes

const unsigned int elastix::NrOfSupportedImageTypes = 4

******************** SupportedImageTypes *********************

Add here the combinations of ImageTypes that elastix should support.


elxSupportedImageTypeMacro( FixedImagePixelType, FixedImageDimension, MovingImagePixelType, MovingImageDimension, Index )

Each combination of image types has as 'ID', the Index. Duplicate indices are not allowed. Index 0 is not allowed. The indices must form a "continuous series": ( index_{i} - index_{i-1} == 1 ).

The NrOfSupportedImageTypes must also be set to the right value.

elastix, and all its components, must be recompiled after adding a line in this file.

Definition at line 62 of file elxSupportedImageTypes.h.

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