EPhysics - Constraint

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the EPhysics Constraint usage - The code apply a constraint between two cubes.

For this example we'll have an EPhysics_World, and two basic EPhysics_Bodys.

The basic concepts like - defining an EPhysics_World, render geometry, physics limiting boundaries, add an EPhysics_Body, associate it to evas objects, change restitution, friction and impulse properties, were already covered in EPhysics - Bouncing Ball

You can use also a slider constraint: EPhysics - Slider

Adding a constraint

Constraint is a specific type of variable in EPhysics.

EPhysics_Constraint *constraint;
struct _EPhysics_Constraint EPhysics_Constraint
Constraint handle, used to limit bodies movements.
Definition: EPhysics.h:4531

Here we're working with a point-to-point constraint, its purpose is to join two bodies limiting their movements based on specified anchors.

After we create our 2 EPhysics_Bodys, now we'll add a constraint between them and setting an anchor to first body's Y using a p2p constraint (point to point).

Here we finish the example. The full source code can be found at test_constraint.c.